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Latest Park News

Important announcements and general Business Park news will be regularly posted on this page. The very latest information will also be available in various places around the website and on facebook & twitter.
  • 22 April 2022 6:00 PM | Anonymous

    LBP are very pleased to announce that Vinci Response Services has become a new Lancing Business Park BID Sponsor.

    To find out how Vinci Response Services can help your business with specialist cleaning services please click here

  • 25 March 2022 6:00 AM | Anonymous

    LBP are very pleased to announce that Briant Broadband has become a new Lancing Business Park BID Sponsor.

    To find out how Briant Broadband can help by providing affordable, reliable, high speed broadband and  VOIP telephony for your business please click here

  • 08 March 2022 1:08 PM | Anonymous

    LBP are pleased to report that West Sussex Highways contractors have completed the ridge collapse works outside the Test Centre in Chartwell Road, ahead of schedule.

    The contractors conducted the works yesterday during the off-peak period, managing to keep the road open without causing any traffic issues.

    LBP would like to thank businesses for slowing down during these works and helping to keep everyone safe.

  • 04 March 2022 6:00 PM | Anonymous


    LBP are pleased to report that West Sussex Highways have scheduled the repairs for the ridge collapse in Chartwell Road outside The Test Centre for:

    Wednesday 9th March

    This is a provisional date which we hope will be possible, but LBP will let you know if this date changes. 

    A West Sussex Highways Contractor will undertake the works on the driver-side of the carriageway and is expected to completed these works within the same day.

    LBP appreciate how important it is for Chartwell Road to remain open and therefore it is planned to close the HGV loading bay outside The Test Centre during the works, to enable access around the works and ensure the road is kept open.

    We ask that all businesses please be patient and ensure vehicles slow down as much as possible whilst passing the works, to help safeguard the works crew.

    Thank you.

  • 25 February 2022 8:47 AM | Anonymous

    We are very pleased to announce that Bennett Griffin has confirmed their sponsorship of Lancing Business Park BID.                                

    Please click here to view how Bennett Griffin can provide legal advice and support for your business.

  • 17 February 2022 6:00 AM | Anonymous

    LBP are pleased to report that West Sussex Highways have now completed their pavement improvements on the business park.

    These works include:

    Resurfacing the Pavement in Commerce Way between Carlton House and 5 Commerce Way:

    West Sussex Highways replaced all the kerb stones and provided a new safe pavement surface for pedestrians, on the north side of Commerce Way between Carlton House and 5 Commerce Way. 

    LBP liaised with impacted businesses and the contractors to ensure access was maintained for all businesses throughout the works. 

    To view a map of the works area please click here

    New Dropped Curb Crossing Points in Marlborough Road:

    West Sussex Highways have created the following dropped curb crossing points:

    • Both sides of the junction of Chartwell Road and Marlborough Road 
    • Both side of the rear access to Marlborough House
    • Outside Unit 1 Royal Buildings on both sides of the road


    LBP would like to thanks West Sussex Highways for helping to make Lancing Business Park safer for pedestrians walking on the park.

  • 09 February 2022 11:36 AM | Anonymous

    Following on from 'Dry January', could Fitness February be an opportunity to raise fitness levels in preparation for a brighter year ahead?

    Adur Special Needs Project (ASNP) would love businesses and staff to please support their seafront Sponsored Family Walk on Sunday 27th February 2022. This walk has been designed for all levels of fitness with a choice of 2 mile, 5 mile  and 10 mile routes.

    If you would like to take part in this charity event please click here to register

    To download a sponsorship form please click here or to set up a Just Giving Fundraising page please click here

    If you are unable to take part but would like to sponsor this event please click here

    For further information about ASNP please click here

  • 28 January 2022 6:00 AM | Anonymous

    LBP are very pleased to confirm that West Sussex Highways have now completed the LBP Community Highway Scheme.

    This project has provided the following changes:

    • New HGV Loading/ Waiting Bays
    • Additional Double Yellow Lines
    • New Parking Spaces 
    • One-Way Measures
    • Refreshed Junction Markings 
    • Refreshed Existing Double Yellow Lines

    We ask that all business please help to keep access clear and the business park safe, by adhering to the new measures. Please note that all new measures are now enforceable by the Traffic Wardens.

    To view further details and photos of the changes made please click here

  • 14 January 2022 6:00 AM | Anonymous

    This year's LBP Big Clean was delivered on on Sunday 9th January 2022, which was slightly later than normal to coincide with the implementation of the LBP Community Highway Scheme. This measure ensured businesses only needed to clear the business park of vehicles for just one day and helped provide a clean surface for the line painters to work.

    LBP would like to thank businesses for supporting these works by clearing the park of as many vehicles as possible, to enable a deep clean of all the public highways across the business park.

    LBP would also like to thank Mike Nea of CJS Landscapes Ltd for his hard work on the day, along with the Adur & Worthing Council Services Team pictured above, for their hard work and patience whilst we co-ordinated efforts with the LBP Community Highway Scheme works.

    To read more and view photos of the works undertaken please click here 

  • 15 December 2021 2:56 PM | Anonymous

    LBP Community Highway Scheme Update

    LBP are very pleased to announce that WSCC Highways have concluded the public consultation for the LBP Community Highway Scheme, which highlighted concern over visibility as a result of additional parking planned outside Parklands Business Centre. Highways have therefore removed two spaces from the scheme to ensure parked vehicles will not impact visibility whilst exiting the site.

    LBP are very pleased to report that the LBP Community Highway Scheme has now been approved and programmed for implementation on:

    Sunday 9th January 2022

    These improvement works have been designed to:

    • Help address 38 outstanding highway issues
    • Remove access obstructions
    • Improve junction visibility and access
    • Create HGV waiting/ loading bays, restricted to one hour between 6am & 6pm
    • Create additional on-street car parking spaces on the business park

    WSCC Highways also plan to repaint the give way lines across the park and install road markings to help ensure people go the correct way around the one way system.

    LBP Big Clean

    In preparation for the LBP Big Clean, LBP liaises with businesses on the park to ensure the roads are as clear of vehicles as possible on the day of the Big Clean. This enables a thorough clean to take place.

    To minimise the impact to businesses, LBP usually aims to undertake the Big Clean between Christmas and New Year, providing a clean environment for businesses to start the year.

    This year LBP have programmed the LBP Big clean to co-inside with the implementation of the LBP Community Highway Scheme on:

    Sunday 9th January 2022

    This will ensure that vehicles only need to be cleared once from the park and the park is clean ready for the new measures to be implemented.

    Please can all business help by updating their staff that there will be no parking on the business park on Sunday 9th January. Thank you

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