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Chartwell Road Ridge Collapse Works Planned - Wednesday 9th March

04 March 2022 6:00 PM | Anonymous


LBP are pleased to report that West Sussex Highways have scheduled the repairs for the ridge collapse in Chartwell Road outside The Test Centre for:

Wednesday 9th March

This is a provisional date which we hope will be possible, but LBP will let you know if this date changes. 

A West Sussex Highways Contractor will undertake the works on the driver-side of the carriageway and is expected to completed these works within the same day.

LBP appreciate how important it is for Chartwell Road to remain open and therefore it is planned to close the HGV loading bay outside The Test Centre during the works, to enable access around the works and ensure the road is kept open.

We ask that all businesses please be patient and ensure vehicles slow down as much as possible whilst passing the works, to help safeguard the works crew.

Thank you.

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