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Latest Park News

Important announcements and general Business Park news will be regularly posted on this page. The very latest information will also be available in various places around the website and on facebook & twitter.
  • 18 July 2024 10:02 AM | Anonymous


    Please be aware that West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service are working with Paula Rosa Manhattan to plan a major emergency fire exercise on site in Marlborough Road. 

    The exercise will take place from 8pm on Monday 22nd July with 3 Fire Trucks attending Paula Rosa Manhattan, considerable generated smoke and rescue activity.

    Please can you spread the word so that people are aware this is a simulated exercise and not an actual fire.

    Many thanks

  • 18 July 2024 9:30 AM | Anonymous

    LBP would like to thank everyone who has asked after the driver injured in the crash on 29th July 2024, outside Paula Rosa Manhattan in Marlborough Road.

    LBP are very pleased to report that after being worked on by Paula Rosa Manhattan staff with their defibrillator and then the Emergency Services, the driver is recovery well in hospital. 

    The driver is now talking and walking following the serious head injury. In fact this week the driver recovered sufficiently to undergo successful heart surgery, to help address the underlying course of the crash. 

    It is expected that the driver will need to remain in hospital for the foreseeable future, whilst his neurology and cardiology issues are monitored. It is however hoped that rehab treatment will commence shortly.

    LBP would like to send the driver and their family our best wishes for a continued good recovery.

  • 12 July 2024 5:45 AM | Anonymous

    LBP would like to apologise for the period of quiet since the LBP Road Resurfacing Works announcement in May 2024, this has been necessary whilst we worked with West Sussex Highways to determine the best course of action for the park.

    LBP are now in a position to give you a full update and share West Sussex Highways' new plan for improving the public roads across the park.

    Please note the planned full park closure on 25th August 2024 has now been cancelled.

    To view the update please click here.

  • 12 June 2024 4:14 PM | Anonymous

    Nick Tompkin, Partner and Head of Corporate & Commercial Department at Bennett Griffin, has kindly offered to provide a free Legal Clinic for businesses based on Lancing Business Park and LBP Sponsors.

    This is a unique opportunity for businesses on the park to confidentially discuss any legal issue they are facing in their business and gain free legal advice.

    There will be 30 minute slots available from 10am on Tuesday 2nd July.

    LBP would like to thank Pasante Healthcare Ltd for kindly hosting this event in there private conference facility, adjacent to their beautiful reception (below) in Peter Road. 

    For further details and to book a slot please click here

  • 07 June 2024 5:30 AM | Anonymous

    Last week LBP provided an update on the traffic incident that occurred at 6:30am on Wednesday 29th May, outside Paula Rosa Manhattan.

    We are now be in a position to update you on the condition of the driver, who crashed in Paula Rosa Manhattan's fence, after a health issue at the wheel.

    As explained last week, luck was on the driver's side, as the point of impact meant that help was immediately on hand from an L&S Waste Management HGV driver, a learner driver with their tutor, Mike Nea of CJS Landscapes and multiple employees from Paula Rosa Manhattan, who came running with their defibrillator in hand.

    The CPR and defibrillator work administered firstly by Chris Chapman and Ryan Greenland, First Aiders at Paula Rosa Manhattan and then the extensive support provided by the South East Coast Ambulance Service crews, ensured the driver was breathing when he left the scene.

    It has been an incredibly difficult week for the driver and their family, at times looking very bleak. LBP are however so pleased to report that the driver has now turned a corner and is conscious. The driver is still in ICU but is now breathing independently and responding well. 

    This wonderful news would not have been possible without the amazing support of those at the scene. LBP would like to thank all of them for their immediate action, which helped to change this story completely and enabled the driver's to be here for their birthday last week.

    LBP would like to wish the driver, their family and colleagues all the best and we hope that the road to recovery is as smooth and speedy as possible.

    LBP has a network of 17 defibrillators across the park for exactly these situations and are so grateful to support of LBP businesses, in sharing their resources for public access.

    To view the Defibrillator Map please click here

    The British Heart Foundation offers the following free and clear online training:

    • Learn how to do CPR in 15 minutes - please click here

    • Understanding defibrillators - what they are and how to use them - please click here

  • 31 May 2024 5:30 AM | Anonymous

    At 6:30am on Wednesday 29th May, an employee from Lancing Business Park suffered a health issue, whilst driving their car along Chartwell Road into Marlborough Road.

    LBP is very sorry to report that the driver then crashed into a fence at Paula Rosa Manhattan. However, luck was on driver's side, as the point of impact meant that help was immediately on hand at this early stage of the morning. 

    Opposite in the loading bay was an L&S Waste Management HGV and a learner driver with their tutor, and seconds after the crash Mike Nea of CJS Landscapes arrived on the scene. All parties immediately jumped into action, with the L&S Driver alerting the Emergency Services, whilst Mike called for help from Paula Rosa Manhattan. 

    Six employees from Paula Rosa Manhattan came running with their defibrillator in hand. Everyone worked together to pull the driver from the car so he could be laid on the ground, to enable Chris Chapman and Ryan Greenland, First Aiders at Paula Rosa Manhattan, to administer the defibrillator and CPR.

    Due to the early hour, there was no traffic to delay the Emergency Services,  who arrived in numbers within minutes to take over the scene. 

    The driver was later rushed to hospital, but due to the action of all these wonderful people, the driver was thankfully breathing. 

    The driver is currently still in critical condition and our best wishes go to driver, their family and colleagues. We so hope that the driver's luck continues and we hear good news very soon.

    LBP would like to thank everyone who supported the driver to give them best chance possible. Without your action this would be a very different report!

    LBP understands that a second Police incidents was underway elsewhere in Sussex and LBP are therefore very grateful to the Police for their continued presence on the business park, until the one-way system was reopened at lunchtime. 

    Thank you to everyone who adjusted their travel plans on Wednesday and those who waited patiently whilst we redirected traffic.

    Amazingly, this is not the first emergency incident that Chris Chapman has supported. A few months back, Chris was called to a colleague who had a heart attack at work.

    LBP has a network of 17 defibrillators across the park for exactly these situations and are so grateful to support of LBP businesses, in sharing their resources for public access.

    To view the Defibrillator Map please click here

    We can't finish without sharing the following training just in case it helps support someone else in need. The British Heart Foundation offers the following free and clear online training:

    • Learn how to do CPR in 15 minutes - please click here

    • Understanding defibrillators - what they are and how to use them - please click here

    LBP will update you further as more news is available.

  • 27 May 2024 8:00 AM | Anonymous

    The past year has seen more venues on the park serving food and drink to businesses and the general public. This has also provided various LBP Member Offers for those working on the park.

    LBP has therefore designed a dedicated webpage on the LBP website to keep you up to date on what is available, where and when.

    For opening times, menus, discounts, contact details and produce for sale please click here

  • 10 May 2024 6:05 AM | Anonymous

    For those who have headed down Peter Road recently you may have noticed we have a new addition to the LBP Community!

    Please meet the very pretty Shuna the Sheep.

    Shuna was a charity donation to cancer through Martlets, from the estate of Una Walker who sadly passed away in August 2023, organised by her son Kenny Walker.

    Kenny works for Tri-Fab who are based in Marlborough Road, Commerce Way and Peter Road. 

     Shuna has been a long while in waiting, whilst a steel frame was embedded into concrete underground to secure her in place and now she is watched closely by both Tri-Fab's and LBP's CCTV.

    Kenny and his family derived Shuna's name from a merging Shaun the Sheep and their Mum's name Una. 

    This lovely memorial has been specifically positioned using grid points, so that her eyes are pointing exactly towards Una's hometown of Glasgow and where Kenny grew up.

    LBP would like to thank the Kenny and his family for sharing Shuna with us and to encourage anyone that needs a moment, to please feel free to join Shuna on the bench just next to her.

    Please could everyone help to keep Shuna safe and let LBP know if you see anything of concern.

    Many thanks.


  • 08 May 2024 9:38 AM | Anonymous

    West Sussex Highways has been in touch to confirm that the following Sunday road closures planned for May have now been cancelled, whilst the extent of the levelling works are fully determined:

    • 12th May – Chartwell Road & Spencer Road
    • 19th May – Commerce Way

    West Sussex Highways and contractors are visiting the park next week to review the works required and are hoping to reschedule the levelling works for evening closures instead.

    LBP will update you as soon as we hear more.

  • 07 May 2024 1:16 PM | Anonymous

    Chartwell Road and Spencer Road will be closed to all traffic on:

     Sunday 12th May from 8am to 6pm

    whilst West Sussex Highways undertake the required levelling works to enable the resurfacing works of all public roads across the park, due to take place on Sunday 25th August.

    For further details please call Suzy Bastable on 07584 503729.

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