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Latest Park News

Important announcements and general Business Park news will be regularly posted on this page. The very latest information will also be available in various places around the website and on facebook & twitter.
  • 09 April 2020 12:36 PM | Anonymous

    Tenkay Electronics Ltd continue to operate, running a physical 4 day week to reduce movement of staff, with a reduced staff level, and staff working from home where practical, whilst practising social distancing and an enhanced cleaning regime within the workplace.

    There is enhanced awareness of Social Distancing and Personal Hygiene, in part thanks to the generous support of fellow LBP member Finecut, who provided a pack of free Coronavirus posters.

    Tenkay are primarily focused on supporting their customers in the Scientific Research and Medical fields. Product manufactured can ultimately support medical applications, hospital central vacuum systems, freeze drying, distillation, vaccine research and laboratory work, supporting the UK, Europe, US, China and Korea. 

    Tenkay wish everyone well in these difficult times, stay safe.

  • 06 April 2020 2:14 PM | Anonymous

    Bidfood are working hard as key workers to supply Hospitals, Care Homes, delivering care ‘Shielding’ packs for the Government and also care packs for local authorities.

    These are challenging times when we need to come together and stay strong as an industry, Bidfood's wheels are still turning for their customers, delivering the vital supplies they need.

    Bidfood are also offering a home delivery service whilst they can, to help everyone that wants it.  Just head for the Bidfood website by clicking here and click the become a customer button, then follow the instructions online and Bidfood will deliver all that you need to help you through this difficult time.

  • 02 April 2020 1:10 PM | Anonymous

    Fine Cut are continuing to operate but at a reduced staff level, practising social distancing within the workplace and introducing new levels of protection to safeguard their staff. 

    Their main priority is to continue to support the supply chain for the NHS, medical and ventilator industries, and they have seen a promising increase in enquires and orders for the manufacture of labels and overlays as well as parts they never knew had any relationship with the medical sector. 

    Fine Cut are proud to be able to support the NHS in these uncertain times and are continually trying to do what they can to help and support others in our community. They have set up some new ranges of standard labels via their online Labels Direct shop - small batches (10) can be ordered for free, such as, Wash Hands and other PPE and Mandatory messages. These labels can be found by clicking here 

    As well as this Fine Cut are introducing a range of social distancing floor and wall graphics for small shops, butchers, pharmacies etc. These will be available on their Labels Direct shop within a few days. 

    Fine Cut send their best to all their friends within LBP, continue to stay strong, and stay safe.

  • 26 March 2020 6:47 PM | Anonymous

    LBP have been working with Adur District Council to help ease the pressure for LBP businesses during this very worrying time.

    LBP are pleased to announce that the payment due date for current LBP BID Levy invoices, has now been extended to 1st May 2020.

  • 25 March 2020 1:13 PM | Anonymous

    We are very pleased to announce that Rivervale Cars Ltd has confirmed their sponsorship of LBP                                     .

    Please click here to view how Rivervale Cars Ltd can help you with your vehicle leasing needs.

  • 16 March 2020 3:30 PM | Anonymous

    On Wednesday 11th March Pasante Healthcare Ltd kindly opened the doors of their new Head Office in Peter Road, to host an LBP Inter-Park Trading Connect Event.

    Businesses from across the park came together to view the transformation from warehouse to corporate office space and network with businesses based on the park.

    Louise Ball, Marketing Director for Pasante Healthcare Ltd and Julian Ridley, Contracts Manager from Phoenix Systems Ltd who undertook the works, introduced the new building. They explained the benefits of working with another business based on the park and how pleased they are with the final outcome.

    Businesses were encourage to tour the new facilities and see firsthand the standard of building that can be created from just a blank warehouse shell.

    With ever increasing demand for commercial property on the business park, businesses are considering options fully and rethinking their current space, before deciding to leave the park.

    LBP would like to thank everyone for attending this lunch event and of course Pasante Healthcare Ltd for their hospitality and the generous lunch spread they kindly provided. We would also like to thank Martin Bloomfield of Seaside Creative for the event photography.

    LBP are hoping to provide more Inter-Park Trading Connect Events throughout the year, so if you would like to host an event on the park please email  

  • 06 March 2020 1:01 PM | Anonymous

    We are very pleased to announce that Wheatley's Accident Repair Centre have confirmed their sponsorship of LBP                                     .

    Please click here to view how Wheatley's Accident Repair Centre can help you.

  • 13 January 2020 12:40 PM | Anonymous

    We are very pleased to announce that Davis Metal Recycling have confirmed their sponsorship of LBP                                     .

    Please click here to view how Davis Metal Recycling can help you.

  • 18 December 2019 1:40 PM | Anonymous

    West Sussex Highways have confirmed that after careful consideration they determined the LBP Traffic Regulation Order Application (TRO) required more than a TRO could provide and kindly considered the LBP application as a Community Highway Scheme instead.

    We are very pleased to report that the LBP Community HIghway Scheme has been moderated and scored over the minimum threshold score and will be proposed to be included on West Sussex County Council's Annual Delivery Programme, although this is subject to available resources and governance.

    LBP are hoping for a final decision and delivery timescale by April 2020.

    The LBP Community Highways Scheme aims to:

    • Remove access obstructions
    • Improve junction visibility and access
    • Create HGV waiting/ loading bays, restricted to one hour between 6am and 6pm
    • Create additional on-street car parking spaces on the business park

    Further information and detailed maps of the proposed highway changes can be viewed by clicking here 

  • 13 December 2019 7:06 PM | Anonymous

    Each year LBP provides the LBP Big Clean of the public highways across the business park, to help clear any autumn leaves and mess which may have accumulated.

    In preparation LBP liaised with businesses to ensure the roads were left as clear as possible to enable a comprehensive clean and undertook an audit of abandoned vehicles on the business park. LBP are very pleased to report that no abandoned vehicles were found on the public highway and arranged for a van to be removed from Peter Road prior to the 2019 LBP Big Clean. 

    On Sunday 1st December the 2019 LBP Big Clean took place and this year incorporated Peter Road and the access roads for Winston Business Centre and Marlborough Business Centre, to help raise the overall cleanliness of communal area on the business park.

    For more information and to view the photos please click here

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