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Fizz Creations Ltd's Support For Lancing & Sompting Churches Food Bank

08 February 2021 10:53 AM | Anonymous

The staff at Fizz Creations Ltd in Commerce Way have established a monthly donation scheme, to provide much needed support for the Lancing & Sompting Churches Food Bank.

During January the staff have donated the food pictured above which the Food Bank will distribute to local families in need. 

Before Christmas, Lawrence Boon who is a Director at Fizz, arranged a quiz to provide much needed funds for the Food Bank over the festive period, raising a very impressive £680 for this worthy cause.

If you or your staff would like to help support LBP's Charity of the Year, the Food Bank would very much welcome the following support:

Cash Donations are welcome via bank transfer to the Lancing and Sompting Churches Foodbank:

Sort Code: 20-79-31 Account: 73929213

Food Donations are welcome:

  • Tuesdays - 9:30 to 10:30am at the car park of the Harriet Johnson Centre, Loose Lane, Sompting
  • Thursdays - 10:30 to 11:30am at the Lancing Children's Centre, 42 North Road Lancing 
  • Please check the Foodbank's Facebook page to ensure donations are being accepted on your chosen day by clicking here

If  You or Your Staff Can Provide:

  • Laptop - do you have a laptop you can spare?
  • IT Training - Spare some free time to help provide IT training for the Foodbank Volunteers?
  • Manpower - Spare anytime to help the volunteers to collect or distribute the donated food?
  • Food Storage Space -Does your business have spare refrigeration/freezer storage space to help preserve the lifetime of donated food? 

Please email your support offer by clicking here 

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