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Prime Minister Announces Roadmap Out Of Lockdown In England

22 February 2021 5:49 PM | Anonymous

This afternoon the Prime Minister announced the government's roadmap to lifting restrictions in England.

Four stages were announced with at least five weeks between each stage, this is to allow four weeks for the impact of a change to show in the data, plus the government wants to give at least one week's notice of a each change coming into force.

Each stage of the roadmap is subject to four conditions being met, with Stage 1 due to come into force on 8th and 29th March.

For a summary of the conditions and stages please see below:

To enlarge the roadmap summary please click here

To view the full roadmap please click here


Please note that four government reviews are being undertaken:

  • How long we need to maintain social distancing and face masks- This will inform guidance on working from home – which should continue wherever possible until this review is complete
  • Consider the resumption of international travel - The outcome of this review is expected on 12th April
  • Potential role of Covid-status certification in helping venues to open safely
  • Safe return of major events - To help determine how and when these can resume.

To view the Prime Minister's full speech please click here

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