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Latest Park News

Important announcements and general Business Park news will be regularly posted on this page. The very latest information will also be available in various places around the website and on facebook & twitter.
  • 31 May 2012 10:22 AM | Tracie Davey
    Lancing United Football Club are looking for a Sponsor for their 2012/2013 Playing Kit. Read more here
  • 17 May 2012 10:25 AM | Tracie Davey
    Crime and Community Safety Survey
    West Sussex County Council want to know your views on crime and community safety in your local area and in West Sussex. Police, Local authorities, NHS, Fire and Rescue Services as well as local community groups work in partnership to reduce crime and disorder to make residents feel safe. They want to understand your priorities and the areas you think services should be focusing on in the future.

    The survey is available from 30th April to 31st July and will take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Please click HERE to complete the survey 
  • 17 May 2012 10:20 AM | Tracie Davey
    Lancing Business Park - Estates Excellence Pilot Project

    The Lancing Business Park Committee is pleased to announce its partnership with Adur and Worthing Councils, the Health and Safety Executive and the NHS, to reduce the costs associated with accidents and ill health in the workplace.

    We feel strongly that companies on Lancing Business Park could see real benefits from participating in the new national initiative called ‘Estates Excellence’. Our business park has been chosen to pilot this project which aims to reduce red tape, by developing a new collaborative and more sensible approach to managing business risk. The pilot will be designed to directly meet the health and safety needs of businesses, to help lower costs, improve the health of staff and reduce concern regarding legal requirements.

    The pilot will provide free health and safety training and support for all businesses on the park, to help improve performance without unnecessary costs. This is a non-enforcement based approach, where officers will freely give advice and access to the following help, without any obligation:

    •    Free face to face contact with health and safety professionals giving guidance in a non-enforcement context
    •    Free advice and coaching on health improvement
    •    Free training and taster sessions
    •    Increased knowledge and competence
    •    Opportunity for occupational health assessment
    •    Clear guidance on what measures are actually required
    •    Opportunity to collaborate and save e.g. through joint procurement
    Phase 1 of the pilot will begin on the 28th May and run until 15th June 2012, with the Estates Excellence Team calling on all businesses on the park to give them a quick overview of the pilot. Please note that this initial visit should take no longer than 15 minutes. The team will ask for information about your business and your main health or safety concerns to ensure that Phase 2 meets your business needs. Businesses will then be offered an opportunity to participate in Phase 2.

    Phase 2 will begin on 2nd July and run until 3rd August 2012 and will offer a free informal “benchmarking” visit which will take about an hour and aims to identify any gaps in health or safety provision, which your business could benefit from addressing.

    Phase 3 will begin in September 2012 and will offer a full menu of free training and events aimed at addressing the issues identified in Phase 2.
    This is a unique opportunity for our business park to lead the way in raising standards ahead of any future health and safety inspections. It will further improve our reputation as an excellent business park and we hope you will be able to share our enthusiasm for this project and take full advantage of it.

     For further information go to:
    Or contact the Environmental Health Team at Adur and Worthing Councils through  tel.01273 263437 or  tel.07827 926 266
  • 17 May 2012 10:09 AM | Tracie Davey
    The team challenges at Teamsports Go Karting have been a big success and congratulations once again to Alverstone Autos in winning the Team Sport Indoor Karting Challenge held on the 22nd March.

    This fun event is organised for Lancing Business Park members and open to anyone to participate.

    Obviously the guys from Alverstone are professionals so perhaps they should be awarded a handicap for the next event

    The next race is planned for the 5th June
    . Please contact Jon direct at  if you are interested in taking part.
  • 11 May 2012 11:22 AM | Tracie Davey
    Insurance Surgery - Wednesday 27th June 2012 - 10am to 4pm

    Our recommended insurance broker and risk manager, Sutton Winson, are running a free insurance surgery for all Lancing Business Park Members on the above date at Phoenix Systems premises, Unit 4, Elm Business Units, Chartwell Road.
    Noel Preston will be there waiting to help you with any insurance queries, issues, concerns or just a general update on what the insurance market is doing at the moment for your particular industry.
    Noel will also be happy to carry out a free review of your current insurance arrangements.
    By all means contact Noel to book a time during the day or if you just want to pop in for a tea/coffee while your passing then feel free!
    Noel's contact details are:
    Tel: 01444 251 161
    Mobile: 07831 604 610

  • 26 April 2012 10:56 AM | Tracie Davey
    Click here to read the latest LBP Newsletter
  • 29 March 2012 9:35 AM | Tracie Davey
    You may be aware that Adur District and Lancing Parish Councils have jointly appointed BDP to produce a regeneration vision to identify aspirations for the future of Lancing village and seafront. We started work in January 2012 and many of you talked to them in February to share your thoughts and hopes for Lancing. Since then they have been working hard to develop the vision proposals based on the issues,
    opportunities and aspirations you raised and a detailed technical analysis of the village.

    The draft vision proposals are now ready for you to view and comment on. The vision sees Lancing becoming a vibrant 21st century village, a lively seaside destination and a network of places for the community. The vision will provide a strategy for regenerating the village centre, identifying land use zones and measures to stimulate economic growth, as well as transport, visual and street improvements. It will also include an action plan for putting the proposals in place.

    You are invited to take a look at the draft vision ideas at a drop-in exhibition on Friday 13th April from 3pm through to 8pm and Saturday 14th April from 12pm to 6pm at Lancing Parish Hall, South Street. The project team will be there to answer any queries and we would be delighted to hear your thoughts on the initial proposals. The exhibition will remain in the Parish Hall foyer for the following week for you to view
    at your leisure. Please do pass this invitation to anyone else that may be interested and please download the poster and display wherever you can.

    Following the exhibition the vision report will be produced and is due to be finalised by the end of May 2012. There will be a vision launch event on 24th May 2012. If you would like more information or wish to share your views privately, please do contact or on 0207 8128980. The exhibition boards will also be available to view online on the Parish Council website at Alternatively, keep up to date with progress or join the debate through the Adur and Worthing Regeneration Facebook page at
  • 01 March 2012 11:48 AM | Tracie Davey
    The first Lancing Business Park team challenge at Teamsports Karting was a huge success and the next challenge is planned for 22nd March. If you wish to take part please contact Jon direct at

    Firstly I would like to thank everyone that turned up and raced at Teamsports Go Karting last week as part of the Lancing Business Park Challenge, It was a great night ...with everyone enjoying themselves and have had great feed back. A big well done to Alverstone Autos who came away with the 1st place Trophy. With this one being a great Success we will be holding the next one on the 22nd March. We have spaces for 12 Teams, prices will be again £100 Per team. You will need to book your places early so please do get in contact, A leaflet and more details will be heading your way soon so keep your eyes open. Again a very big thank you from everyone at Teamsport Brighton.
  • 02 February 2012 1:40 PM | Tracie Davey
    Does anyone know of any car valeting companies situated on Lancing Business Park? If so please can you email
  • 26 January 2012 12:16 PM | Tracie Davey
    Wadars are looking for volunteers to take part in “The Worlds Shortest Sponsored Walk” at the Worlds End Pub at Patching on Wednesday 30th May at 9.00pm. This is your opportunity take part in the craziest event ever to raise funds for wadars.

    Individuals will be sponsored to walk over 15ft of red hot glowing embers burning at 1200 degrees F. in their bare feet! Crazy or what!

    The event, which is organised by a professional fire walking company Survivorbility Ltd., will start at 6.00pm with the registration of the walkers, followed by the lighting of the fire. Walkers will be asked to attend a 1 hour “motivation” session before the walk and be taught how to do the walk safely. Then at 9.00pm in front of a huge crowd the participants will walk barefoot over the burning embers. Each competitor will get a certificate to prove they did the walk.

    So, if you think you are brave enough register now with wadars by either ringing 0300 30 30 999 (Fundraising) for a registration form and fundraising pack or email

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