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Volunteers needed for The Worlds Shortest Sponsored Walk

26 January 2012 12:16 PM | Tracie Davey
Wadars are looking for volunteers to take part in “The Worlds Shortest Sponsored Walk” at the Worlds End Pub at Patching on Wednesday 30th May at 9.00pm. This is your opportunity take part in the craziest event ever to raise funds for wadars.

Individuals will be sponsored to walk over 15ft of red hot glowing embers burning at 1200 degrees F. in their bare feet! Crazy or what!

The event, which is organised by a professional fire walking company Survivorbility Ltd., will start at 6.00pm with the registration of the walkers, followed by the lighting of the fire. Walkers will be asked to attend a 1 hour “motivation” session before the walk and be taught how to do the walk safely. Then at 9.00pm in front of a huge crowd the participants will walk barefoot over the burning embers. Each competitor will get a certificate to prove they did the walk.

So, if you think you are brave enough register now with wadars by either ringing 0300 30 30 999 (Fundraising) for a registration form and fundraising pack or email

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