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Latest Park News

Important announcements and general Business Park news will be regularly posted on this page. The very latest information will also be available in various places around the website and on facebook & twitter.
  • 10 November 2023 6:00 AM | Anonymous

    One of LBP’s key priorities is to raise the profile of Lancing Business Park and the businesses who are based here. As a result of LBP’s promotional work, we have now developed a relationship with the BBC’s Economic News Crew.

    LBP are very pleased to announce that BBC News has now completed two days of filming on the park, creating a Lancing Business Park news piece. Faisal Islam, BBC Economics Editor and his crew have prepared this piece to report on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) announcement due today.

    It is hoped this piece will feature on today’s 1pm, 6pm and 10pm National BBC News.

    Unfortunately, it’s not guaranteed to air today, as this will depend on whether any global events hit the headlines, overriding the planned reporting schedule. LBP therefore have our fingers crossed that world events are calmer today and LBP businesses are rewarded with National BBC News coverage.

    LBP wishes every business on the park could have been featured, but this only the start of this relationship and we hope to promote more businesses in the future. BBC News specified a business sector brief for LBP to work to and then selected from the list of potential businesses LBP submitted.

    LBP would like to thank all businesses who agreed at short notice to be considered and special thanks to following businesses who were chosen as they wonderfully represented the park.

     Damian Pulford – LBP Chairman and MD of Sussex Transport represented LBP and explained the current economic climate in our area.

    Dominic Boon, Finance Director for Fizz Creations in Commerce Way, explained the financial changes in global shipping and the retail sector.

    Emily Sparrow – Finance Director for Paula Rosa Manhattan described the current economic climate in the manufacturing and construction industries.

    David Barr – Co-Owner of Brighton Sausage Co at Wayside in Commerce Way detailed the impact of food price inflation on food manufacturing and the food retail sector.


    Lucy Iago – Owner of Iagos Café in Marlborough Road, outlined the impact of rising costs on the catering industry and the reduction in customers disposable income.

    With the nature of reporting, we have no idea which of these interviews will make it through editing, but LBP are very proud of all these brave business leaders, who spoke so eloquently on behalf of their business and the park.

    Please keep an eye out, as LBP will be posting all the features aired as today progresses.

    LBP businesses will receive news soon of a Brighton Sausage Co Member Offer for their high quality, high welfare English produce, including Ethical Bronze Turkeys for Christmas.

    (Please click images to enlarge)

  • 03 November 2023 11:14 AM | Anonymous

    It's approaching the time of the year where the LBP Committee consider nominations for the next LBP Charity of the Year.

    If businesses on the park have a charity they would like to nominate for consideration please email the charity's name and reason for nomination to LBP by  clicking here

    The deadline for submission is 1pm on Friday 17th November, so please nominate quickly to enable your chosen charity time to prepare their submission. Thank you

  • 13 October 2023 10:07 AM | Anonymous

    The 2023 Adur & Worthing Business Awards Shortlist has now been announced and LBP are very proud to see so many businesses based on the park featured within this year's shortlist.

    LBP wishes everyone the best of luck for the Awards Ceremony on 10th November at The Pavilion in Worthing:

    (Please click the company logos below to find out more about each company)

    Davies Roberts and the Team at Flare Audio are based in Chartwell Business Centre in Chartwell Road and have been shortlisted for the following awards:

    • Innovation
    • Medium Business 

    Mick Daniels and the Team at Osam Websites are based in Brooklands House in Marlborough Road and have been shortlisted for the following awards:

    • Training & Development 
    • Medium Business

    Les Fuller and the Team at Traid are based in Peter Road and have been shortlisted for the following award:

    • Building & Construction  

    Paul & Zoe Stannard and the Team are based in Crown Buildings in Chartwell Road and have been shortlisted for the following award:

    • Building & Construction 

    Bennett Griffin, LBP Sponsors have been shortlisted for the following award:

    • Large Business  

    To view this year's full shortlist please click here

  • 14 July 2023 12:46 PM | Anonymous

    LBP are very pleased to announce the 2023 LBP BID Ballot was a resounding success!

    96.9% of BID Levy Payers who voted were in favour of progressing to our 4th BID Term, with 99.3% of the aggregated Rateable Value also in favour and a 51.9% overall turnout.

    Damian Pulford, Lancing Business Park BID Chairman said:

    "This is excellent news and the BID is grateful for all the support received. Your support has enabled LBP to continue to provide BID services and help develop our clean, safe, accessible and connected working environment. We look forward to working together during our 4th BID Term for all our benefit."

    To further details and to view the Declaration of Ballot Result please click here

    The 4th BID Term will commence on 1st September 2023 and will run until 31st March 2028.

  • 30 June 2023 4:15 PM | Anonymous

    Adur District Council will again back the Lancing Business Improvement District (BID) for a fourth BID term to help give an economic boost to businesses on Lancing Business Park.

    The aim of the not-for-profit BID is to facilitate a safe, accessible, clean and connected business community.

    It also aims to maintain the positive working partnership between Lancing Business Park, the businesses that they serve and the Council ensuring all parties continue to work together to support future economic growth.

    The BID generates more than £400,000 in funding from a levy from all eligible businesses on the business park over a period of four years and seven months, starting from September 1st, 2023.

    Cllr Angus Dunn, Adur's Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, said:

    “We are committed to working with businesses in Lancing to help them thrive and boost the local economy, which benefits everyone.

    “The BID has a proven track record over the years of promoting local businesses and attracting investment, as well as benefiting the environment thanks to innovative shared schemes.

    “The BID helps safeguard businesses, as well as providing future competitiveness and prosperity by helping to decide where the spending priorities lie and helping provide improved services where needed.”

    Damian Pulford, BID Chairman and MD of Sussex Transport said:

    “Thanks to Adur District Council for their continued support of Lancing BID. We are a Business Improvement District; a local business community supporting our members to navigate business issues and encourage growth.

    “A successful BID works collaboratively with good communication and shared understanding. Communities thrive through working together and we appreciate all our members', stakeholders' and partners' support and input. Together we will continue to boost the local economy and help unlock the real potential of Lancing.”

    To read more please click here

  • 16 June 2023 11:16 AM | Anonymous

    If your business has a rateable value of £8,501 or more, your LBP BID Ballot Paper should now have reached you in the post.

    If you have multiple qualifying properties, you should have now received one Ballot Paper per qualifying commercial property.

    Please do not mistake these envelopes as junk mail, as these are essential to the survival of Lancing Business Park BID, which provides services designed by businesses to support businesses based on the park. For further details of the services provided please click here

    If you have not received your Ballot Paper, please let us know and we look into this for you to ensure you can have your say. 

    Please could all BID Levy Voters return their completed Ballot Paper as soon as possible to ensure they reach CIVICA before the deadline - 5pm on Thursday 13th July 2023. It's essential that the Ballot receives a good turnout of Ballot Papers to ensure the end result can be officially ratified.

    Damian Pulford, Chairman of LBP said:

    "A 'Yes' vote in the upcoming BID Ballot is a vote to enable the good work to continue and for the BID to develop and expand the services provided to help our businesses succeed. Please could all BID Levy Payers return their ballot papers, as without your vote the BID could end and all the good work could end along with it."


    Adur District Council has appointed Civica Electoral Reform Services to independently conduct the BID Ballot via postal vote. Please see below the ballot timetable:

    3rd July 2023 -    Latest Date to Appoint Proxy

    7th July 2023 -    Replacement Ballot Papers Issue Deadline

    8th July 2023 -    Latest Date to Cancel Proxy

    13th July 2023 -  Close of Ballot at 5pm

    14th July 2023 -  Issue of Result by 5pm

    If the ballot is successful, the fourth LBP BID Term will commence on 1st September 2023 and end on 31st March 2028.

    To view further details about the BID Ballot, including the Ballot Notice and Baseline Agreements from West Sussex County Council and Adur District Council please click here

    To view a double sided, one page BID Summary foldings into an A5 leaflet please click here

    If you have any questions please call LBP on 07584 503729 or email us by clicking here and we will happily answer your questions. 

  • 09 June 2023 9:59 AM | Anonymous

    If your business has a rateable value of £8,501 or more, a Ballot Paper will be sent via post to you on Tuesday 13th June. If you have multiple qualifying properties, you will received multiple Ballot Papers. 

    With the recent Royal Mail issues, please could all BID Levy Voters return their completed Ballot Paper as soon as possible to ensure they reach CIVICA before the deadline - 5pm on Thursday 13th July 2023.

    Damian Pulford, Chairman of LBP said:

    "A 'Yes' vote in the upcoming BID Ballot is a vote to enable the good work to continue and for the BID to develop and expand the services provided to help our businesses succeed. Please could all BID Levy Payers return their ballot papers, as without your vote the BID could end and all the good work could end along with it."


    Adur District Council has appointed Civica Electoral Reform Services to independently conduct the BID Ballot via postal vote. Please see below the ballot timetable:

     13th June 2023 - Despatch of Ballot Paper

     14th June 2023 - First Day of Ballot

     3rd July 2023 -    Latest Date to Appoint Proxy

     7th July 2023 -    Replacement Ballot Papers Issue Deadline

     8th July 2023 -    Latest Date to Cancel Proxy

     13th July 2023 -  Close of Ballot at 5pm

     14th July 2023 -  Issue of Result by 5pm

    If the ballot is successful, the fourth LBP BID Term will commence on 1st September 2023 and end on 31st March 2028.

    To view further details about the BID Ballot, including the Ballot Notice and Baseline Agreements from West Sussex County Council and Adur District Council please click here

    To view a double sided, one page BID Summary foldings into an A5 leaflet please click here

    If you have any questions or you do not receive your Ballot Paper(s) then please call LBP on 07584 503729 or email us by clicking here and we will happily answer your questions.

  • 02 June 2023 9:44 AM | Anonymous

    With the current BID Term due to expire on 31st August 2023, we are pleased to announce that Adur District Council has reviewed LBP's full BID Proposal and approved our progression to BID Ballot on 13th July 2023.

    All businesses who qualify for the BID Levy, where the rateable value of their premises is £8,501 or more, should now have received their Ballot Notice through the post. If you fall within this criteria but are yet to receive your Ballot Notice, please call LBP on 07584 503729. 

    We are also pleased to share our 2023 - 2028 LBP Business Plan with you, which will give you a flavour of the work LBP has been undertaking, where we are now and what is planned for our fourth BID Term.

    To view the 2023 - 2028 LBP Business Plan please click here

    Alternatively to view a double sided, one page summary which folds into an A5 leaflet please click here

  • 05 May 2023 9:34 AM | Anonymous

    LBP would like to thank the 90 respondents who kindly completed the LBP BID Survey. The feedback provided is very much appreciated as this will help form the basis of the 2023 -2028 LBP Business Plan. 

    LBP will review this information fully to help understand the issues facing businesses on the park and to determine the support needed during the next BID Term.

    It will take some time to review all the responses fully, but we couldn't resist sharing this initial data with you:

  • 24 April 2023 11:09 AM | Anonymous

    LBP would thank the 80 businesses who have already completed the LBP BID Survey. This will help provide essential business feedback on current BID Services and Projects, along with future business needs.

    The current BID Term is due to end on 31st August 2023 and therefore LBP ask that businesses based on the park please share their thoughts with us, to help inform the 2023- 2028 BID Business Plan before the BID Survey closes on Sunday 30th April 2023.

    For further information and to view an outline of the work undertaken in the current BID Term please click here

    To go straight to the 2022/2023 LBP BID Survey please click here

    Please can as many businesses as possible spare the time to complete this quick survey and help steer the BID in the right direction. Thank you.

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