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Important announcements and general Business Park news will be regularly posted on this page. The very latest information will also be available in various places around the website and on facebook & twitter.
  • 19 May 2016 10:56 AM | Tracie Davey

    Newsletter April 2016

    Dear Constituent

    Welcome to my April newsletter 2016 and hopefully to Spring though the weather seems to be showing little sign of that at the moment. Thank you to all those of you who have been to my ‘Talk to Tim’ public meetings so far where there has certainly been a lot of interest about the forthcoming EU Referendum. There are still 55 days to go and I will be holding further meetings to try to engage as many people as possible in this vitally important constitutional issue. I have been approached by a number of local organisations who are looking to arrange hustings with speakers from both sides of the debate and will hold off organising my own further meetings until those dates have been finalised.
    I was delighted also with the response to our biggest ever pensioners’ fair held at the Guildbourne Centre in Worthing last Friday. This has become a regular feature now and I am grateful for all those who put in such a lot of hard work to make it a success. I will continue to update the special sections on my website as news comes in on things such as the local rail service and upgrades to the A27.

    Meanwhile, the proposed closure of ticket offices by Southern has rather hit the buffers at the moment as both the trade unions and Passenger Focus have lodged their objections and it is now being considered by the Minister who I have spoken to. I have posted a letter from GTR from April 14th on my website which answers some of the upstanding issues raised at the public meeting I held in Shoreham too. Adding to passenger woes there was of course a strike earlier this week which caused major disruption. This is over the proposal to bring in driver-only operated trains. For the sake of balance I have published below the letters from both the GTR management and the RMT union with their respective positions on the action.
    As regards the A27 we remain in a ‘limbo period’ until the Highways Agency produce their latest proposals which are still expected in November. I am aware that a number of residents’ groups held a meeting earlier this week and expressed concerns about the likely proposals involving duelling the A27 through Worthing and there was support for a bypass option running north of Worthing. This had already been ruled out in the earlier scoping work as representatives of the residents’ groups know who sit on the A27 Working Party chaired by Councillor Tom Wye, and who are specifically there to feedback to residents and represent their views. I know no more than them about the likely plans at the moment and will post everything I have on my website but again we are unlikely to have much more detail until November after which there will inevitably be an extensive public consultation exercise.
    I hope you have noticed the video podcasts that I have been posting on my website ( and Facebook page ( recently which is proving very effective way of updating constituents with my position on various topical issues. Do let me know what you think.
    Best wishes
    Tim Loughton MP
    Member of Parliament for East Worthing & Shoreham

    Read more here... 

  • 19 May 2016 10:18 AM | Tracie Davey

    Your round-up of the latest manufacturing news

    UK SME confidence slowly increasing

    Confidence among SMEs has stabilized after a shaky period, according to the CBI. The latest Quarterly SME trends survey showed that total domestic orders had slightly increased on the previous period.


    Brexit fears weighing down UK manufacturing? Dream on

    UK manufacturing has suffered its worst month in three years. ... has a ready-made excuse if the economic numbers look a bit grim: blame it on the ...



    Experts discuss the main challenges manufacturing faces today

    With a panel of manufacturers, experts and organisations, the bank discussed the future of UK manufacturing and the challenges faced by businesses.



    Stunted growth: the mystery of the UK's productivity crisis

    A country that had a financial bust, made policy mistakes in the aftermath and then experienced an ageing society. But at least productivity growth ...



    International Festival for Business will showcase UK manufacturing excellence

    The UK's world-renowned manufacturing sector will be showcased to a global business audience at the International Festival for Business 2016 ...



    Northern Ireland's manufacturing sector among best performing in UK

    The north's manufacturing sector is outperforming most other UK regions according to the latest economic survey by the Northern Ireland Chamber of ...


  • 12 May 2016 12:40 PM | Tracie Davey
    The Sir Robert Woodard Academy Business Breakfast

    The Principal, Peter Midwinter, the staff and students at SRWA are delighted to invite you to the next Friends and Business Breakfast on Friday 20th May at 7.30am for a 7.45am start in the Academy’s Alan Strong Theatre. The event is scheduled to finish at 8.45am.

    As usual, there will be networking opportunities with our growing business community. There will also be a review of SRWA's successes including the ongoing development of our Business Mentoring programme, presentations on upcoming events, our plans for expanding careers provision and a sneak preview of the Academy radio station.

    Once again there are opportunities for businesses to present and of course breakfast will be served by our
    catering students.

     Click here to register

    Mark Monahan
    Assistant Principal
  • 12 May 2016 12:37 PM | Tracie Davey

    Teamsport Kartchamps

    Each year Teamsport run a competition called kartchamps. A chance to win free karting for a month at any of our locations plus a track day up at Brands hatch in a mini cooper! All you have to do is become a member and submit your best laptimes to compete in one of our track attack nights.
    Fastest drivers will compete at the final in Reading for a chance to be crowned kart champion 2016 and win fantastic prizes. 

    See information below or pop in and see them at  2 Chartwell Road Lancing Business Park 

  • 12 May 2016 11:41 AM | Tracie Davey

    West Sussex Health and Life Sciences Cluster

    Coast to Capital Region Business Growth Grants Programme.

    C2C map


    The Coast to Capital Region Business Growth Grants Programme has launched and we are inviting Expressions of Interest from Small and Medium (SME) sized businesses that are looking to grow and create new jobs.

                              FIND OUT MORE                           

    The Programme can provide up to 40% of a growth project as a grant to businesses within the Coast to Capital Region that can credibly demonstrate how the investment will lead to job creation and meet the eligibility criteria.

    Grants of between £15,000 and £100,000 will be available to eligible businesses.
    Businesses must be able to incur the grant in full by 31 March 2017 and the grant can only be used for capital items i.e. it may only be used to fund the acquisition, enhancement or creation of capital assets which have a useful life of at least 12 months.
    Applications for Expressions of Interest are now open until 12 noon on 30 September or earlier, if the amount of funding available (£2,457,000) is awarded prior to this date.
    For more information on the Coast to Capital Region Business Growth Grants Programme, and to access the Expression of Interest Form:

    Visit the Business West Sussex website

    E-mail the Grants Programme Team



  • 21 April 2016 11:27 AM | Tracie Davey


                                                                                                                   April 2016

    From the people who make IT work for you                                  

    Cyber security

    Does this subject affect you and your business?

    I was quite shocked to listen to the Jeremy Vine show on 1st April 2106 to hear that Dr. Sarah Jarvis had fallen prey to a cyberattack. A sophisticated attacker hacked her Hotmail account. You can listen to the details 1 hour 36 min. into the program http://


    Her e-mails and contacts were taken to run a scam. Her password was reset, too. Dr Jarvis contacted an expert straight away to help resolve the issue and avoided a worst case outcome. If at any time she had included her bank details or other highly private details in an email – the hacker now has all of that information.


    So, what can you do to protect yourself?

    Put an IT support contract with a reliable supplier into place, so you can reduce the cost to help you resolve your problem. A support contract may cost you less per year, than having your problem fixed ad hoc.

    Purchase a good Antivirus software package. Free ones, often are not updated as a priority as incidents occur. Good, paid for ones will update daily, if you have set them to do so, and often pick up more than a free solution does.  There is so much truth in the expression “you pay for what you get”.  Should you have servers, rather than simply individual devices, always ensure the software also protects your server.

    AND – most importantly – BACKUP your data! No access to data – you cannot run your business!

    Discuss with your IT provider the best way to do this for your business.

    So what are the current threats?

    ·       Phishing - sending emails to large numbers of people asking for sensitive information (such as bank details) or encouraging them to visit a fake website.

    ·       Water holing - setting up a fake website or compromising a legitimate one in order to exploit visiting users.

    ·       Ransomware - which could include disseminating disk encrypting extortion malware. 

    ·       Spear-phishing - sending emails to targeted individuals that could contain an attachment with malicious software, or a link that downloads malicious software.

    ·       Deploying a botnet - to deliver a DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack.


    The Financial Times published an article on this subject on March 27 2016, highlighting the dramatic rise of Ransomware, which uses encryption to lock you out of digital files until a monetary ransom is paid. Usually they ask to be paid in bitcoins. Globally these cases increased by 170% with the UK disproportionally hit, according to Intel Security.

    Initially focussing on individual consumers they are now targeting businesses and government organisations – and the ransom demands are higher.

    Earlier this year Lincolnshire County Council’s IT systems had to be shut down for almost a week, when they refused to pay a ransom demand.


    Small and medium sized businesses, which likely have weaker security and less regular data backup systems, are particularly under threat by the attacks.


    If you would like a FREE no obligation quote for a support agreement that will be your safety net when you need it, feel free to drop us a line.

    Northstar Technology Ltd., No. 6 Winston Business Centre, Chartwell Road, Lancing, West Sussex BN15 8TU

    T 01903 259923 | W

    Twitter: @NorthstarIT     @SMEitHELP     Facebook:  Northstar IT
  • 21 April 2016 11:17 AM | Tracie Davey
    Fantastic Staff Offer for Shadowlands
    View this email in your browser
    On Sale Now | Connaught Theatre | 19-23 April

    Quote ASLAN when booking
  • 21 April 2016 11:11 AM | Tracie Davey


    The West Sussex Health and Life Sciences Cluster April Update

    Welcome to the latest news update, keeping you informed about the health and life sciences initiatives we are progressing, highlighting relevant sector events and opportunities, and updating you on the exciting things that are happening in the county.



    Coastal STEMfest goes with a BIG BANG!!!!

    Coastal STEMfest culminated with a highly successful Big Bang at Butlins on March 3rd. Over 700 young people from 20 schools attended a day of noisy and colourful interactive displays, shows and hands-on activities provided by local businesses and other organisations aimed at bringing science and engineering to life. Many thanks to GSK and Rayner for participating and inspiring the next generation of health and life sciences talent.

    Are you STEM company in Mid Sussex?  Can you help out with Mid Sussex Science Week?

    Two schools in Mid Sussex are seeking partners for Mid Sussex Science Week (June 13th-17th). The week will consist of a project based activity to be determined between the company and the school with a fair at the end of the week in which participating schools and companies will present their projects and the winners will receive a prize.

    If you are interested in helping out please contact Pete Bradbury   

    Mid Sussex

    NuffieldNuffield Placements- could you change a local student’s life this summer?

    The Nuffield Foundation provides over 1,000 bright students (age 16/17 ) each year the opportunity to work alongside scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians over a 4-6 week period in their summer holidays.

    Local companies in Sussex interested in hosting one or more students for a research/development based project are needed. By offering a placement to a local student you will support your staff’s mentoring/management skills, demonstrate your commitment to public engagement and corporate social responsibility, and help develop and inspire the future Science workforce.

    For more information please view or email

    Collaboration with Higher Education

    MRCIndustrial CASE Studentships

    The Medical Research Council (MRC) has announced an opportunity to fund a collaborative studentship for doctoral students with a non-academic partner, the deadline for the bid submission is 14 July 2016.

    Companies need to provide an industrial supervisor and a 3 month placement. If a company has less than 250 employees, MRC will cover the £1,400 to the university and £2,500 top up to the student stipend (this will be provided no matter the size of company).

    Please contact the named individuals below if you wish to collaborate with the following universities:

    - Sussex: Eduardo Hernandez

    - Brighton: Jennifer Wells 

    - Surrey: Yvonne Dunstone 

    The University of Sussex


    Uni of SThe University of Sussex Skills and Workforce Offer

    The UoS Skills and Workforce Offer can now be found on our website. The University of Sussex has circa 1800 undergraduates studying degree related disciplines. The Offer has been specifically designed for the West Sussex Health and Life Sciences Cluster and features the numerous ways you can access talented students and collaborate with the University.  

    The West Sussex Health and Life Sciences Event at the University of Sussex

    On March 10th the University of Sussex hosted an event for the West Sussex Health and Life Sciences Cluster. Professor John Atack started the evening by providing a very interesting tour around the Sussex Drug Discovery Centre. Attendees were then treated to presentations on topics such as Bio markers, health entrepreneurships and 3D printing in healthcare delivery. There were also ample opportunities for cluster members to engage with representatives from the various Schools at the University.

    Thank you to Eduardo Hernadez for organising the evening and to everyone that participated in making the evening a success. We have received some very positive feedback from the event and it looks like there are some encouraging collaborations emerging.  

    Uos Event

    SamKnowledge Exchange Event-The Future of Pharmaceutical Supply Chains

    On March 3rd a one-day knowledge exchange event arranged by Samuel Roscoe, brought together industry and academic experts to map the future challenges facing the pharmaceutical supply chain.  Particular attention was paid to how redistributed manufacturing techniques (i.e. 3D printing) could enhance the resilience and responsiveness of the pharmaceutical supply chain. A summary from the knowledge exchange can be seen here.

    Samuel Roscoe, Lecturer in Operations Management at the University of Sussex is currently working on an feasibility study investigating whether new manufacturing technologies, such as additive manufacturing (3D Printing), will reconfigure pharmaceutical supply chains and move them towards local manufacturing for local markets. Sam would like to speak to several of our pharmaceutical companies in the near future to discuss his work.

    Creative TechInvitation to the Creative Technology Research Group Launch April 26th

    You are invited levitation you can program... read a graphic with your fingers... learn how smell can impact your creativity... meet a robot that jokes... and play with the mist bubbles that may be the future of interfaces.

    The new research group works at the point where societal and technological challenges meet, creating new knowledge, opportunities and relations. We will be showing our latest projects and collaborations, demonstrating the breadth and versatility of researchers in the areas of novel interfaces, interaction design, knowledge visualization, cognitive modelling, media technology, games, multi-sensory experiences, participatory design, product design and human-centred digital technology - and the overarching vision of our research.

    If you would like further details and to register please on the eventbrite link. 


    LinkedIn Group

    For those of you who have not joined, the West Sussex Health and Life Sciences Cluster has a closed LinkedIn Group and you can access it here.

    Future Updates

    If you have a story, event or invitation that you would like featured, please contact Rachael Merriman.    

  • 21 April 2016 10:56 AM | Tracie Davey

    The Big Debate 
    In or Out of the EU? 

    Friday 20th May
    Time: 7.30am - Extended Breakfast Event

    Venue: Worthing Golf Club

    Are you In....

    Are you Out.....
    or are
    you Undecided?

    Join Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce for what is sure to be a lively debate with Tim Loughton MP supporting the 'exit camp' and Sir Peter Bottomley supporting the 'in camp'null

  • 21 April 2016 10:44 AM | Tracie Davey

    WSHLSC Banner

    The University of Brighton Skills and Workforce Development Offer

    You have told us skills and workforce development is a key challenge for companies across West Sussex, and we have committed to supporting you with this challenge helping to build workforce capacity and capability through further collaborations between local universities and industry. This second instalment is brought to you by the University of Brighton.

    Placements and Internships

    Student Placements

    Undergraduate Placements drive talent into your business. The Undergraduate Placement Scheme offers solutions to a wide range of organisations looking for a cost effective method of attracting high calibre skilled staff that can bring new ideas, and for organisations wanting to gain a head start in graduate recruitment.

    Funding for shorter internships

    Santander Universities, in partnership with the University of Brighton is offering £1,500 grants to SMEs to fund a 12 week (full time equivalent) internship which is open to placement students and recent graduates from University of Brighton. 

    Please contact our Business Helpdesk: Chantal Batchelor, +44 (0)1273 643 098, email for more information on student placements and shorter internships.

    Careers Fair

    The University of Brighton, in partnership with University of Sussex hold a careers fair every November. In 2015 the Fair was held in the Amex Stadium and received over 3000 visitors. The 2016 Careers Fair is scheduled for Wednesday 2 November 2016 and could provide an excellent opportunity for you to raise the profile of your organisation amongst undergraduates and recent graduates from across the two universities. To register your interest, please contact: Liz Vassilakes, Events Officer, Tel: (01273) 642269, Email: 

    The University of Brighton’s Careers Service offers a range of services to employers, including free vacancy advertising, recruitment events, and support with finding a graduate intern.

    If you are interested in any of our services, please contact the Careers Service on Tel: 01273 64 2844; Email:

    Click here to read more

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