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03 November 2011 9:37 AM | Tracie Davey
I have been informed by West Sussex County Council that they are hoping to bring forward the road repairs to week commencing 21st November.  This is obviously good news although this still has to be confirmed.

The intention is to carry out the majority of the work overnight in order to minimise disruption however this will have an impact on businesses that operate outside normal working hours.  To facilitate these repairs road closures are inevitable, so could any business that would normally expect to operate between the hours of 19.00 hrs and 06.00 hrs, please contact me by   email so that arrangements with WSCC can be discussed to avoid any unnecessary problems.

Please ensure that your message includes details of who should be contacted within your business and obviously their direct contact information. 

Please keep an eye on the website where general information and updates on the road repairs will be placed.

Ken Green

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