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Important announcements and general Business Park news will be regularly posted on this page. The very latest information will also be available in various places around the website and on facebook & twitter.
  • 16 December 2016 12:25 PM | Tracie Davey

    Christmas Trading Arrangements 2016/17

    We would like to inform you of our trading arrangements for the forthcoming Christmas and New period

    ·         Final orders for 2016 can be placed on Thursday 22nd December and will be delivered on Friday 23rd December

    ·         Orders placed on Friday 23rd December or over the Christmas period will be delivered on Wednesday 4th January 2017

    ·         Sales and customer service operations will close at 5pm on Friday 23rd December, 
    re-opening on Tuesday 3rd January 2017

    ·         Orders placed online between Friday 23rd December and Tuesday 3rd January will be delivered on Wednesday 4th January 2017

    As is normal during the first few days of January we anticipate a significant increase in the volume of orders received. Whilst every effort will be made to ensure that the volume of orders does not adversely affect delivery times, we would ask for your patience and support during the initial trading days for January.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any queries regarding these arrangements.


    Thank you for your continued support during 2016 and we very much look forward to continuing our partnership into 2017.

  • 16 December 2016 12:21 PM | Tracie Davey


    Finding the right IT partner is crucial in allowing you to maximise your business potential and concentrate on your key goals. Our aim at Logic is to ensure that your IT works for you in exactly the way you want it to, no fuss, no worries, no stress.

    We offer a range of services including cloud systems, superior security packages, consultancy, helpdesk support, disaster recovery, printers, telephone systems and consultancy. Our proactive monitoring systems allow us to find faults before they cause you a problem and our security package will keep your data safe and secure.

    Business Park clients are eligible for special offers, including the first month of IT support free.  No tie ins or onerous contracts allowing you to retain control of your choice of provider.

    Please feel free to contact us on 01273 784900 or email for a friendly chat about your needs. 

  • 01 December 2016 11:34 AM | Tracie Davey
    Celebrate the festive season at The New Sussex Hotel in Lancing 

    Please click here to download the New Sussex Christmas Party Menu 

    Please click here to download the New Sussex Christmas Day Menu

    For more information:

    Fiona & Andrew Kempa

    The New Sussex Hotel

    Tel no: 01903 763344

  • 01 December 2016 11:24 AM | Tracie Davey
    This external link will open in a new window

    Nissan’s Qashqai commitment secures 7,000 Sunderland jobs

    Nissan has confirmed it will build the new Qashqai model - as well as the X-Trail SUV - at its Sunderland plant, securing 7,000 jobs ...


    UK manufacturing picks up in September, ONS figures show

    Manufacturing growth sped up in September, as UK factories continued to pick up from a sharp post-referendum drop, official figures show ...


    UK industrial output falls unexpectedly in September

    Britain’s industrial sector shrank unexpectedly in September as North Sea oil shutdowns dragged output lower, weighing on the broader economy in the third quarter ...


    UK manufacturers putting off investment plans, poll shows

    British manufacturers have fanned fears that the economy is heading for a slowdown in 2017 after a survey showed a rise in factory bosses putting off plans to increase investment ...


    The state of the UK car industry after Brexit

    In this piece, James Ash from looks at what the European Union referendum result means for the car industry in the UK ...


    Britain’s manufacturing sector is changing beyond all recognition

    POLITICIANS of all stripes agree: Britain needs more manufacturing. George Osborne, the previous chancellor of the exchequer, promised that the country would be “carried aloft by the march of the makers” ...


  • 01 December 2016 11:22 AM | Tracie Davey

    US Election – BREXIT plus plus 
    Commentary from Ian Poysden, MD, IEP Financial on Presidential Election Result

    This is not the first politically-inspired rapid response note that I have written this year and it might well not be the last, given the Italian Referendum still to come in December. That potential “game-changer” will have to wait as today the big news is obviously over the successful campaign of Donald Trump that takes him to the White House and the Republican “clean sweep” of the House of Representatives and Congress. This was not the outcome that most commentators and financial markets were expecting, but there was certainly a view that Trump’s campaign and broad appeal was being underestimated.
    We will follow up with more detailed commentary in the next few days, as there will be political and market responses that need greater evaluation
    Looking forward further than this week, it appears to us that this is not the major negative for markets and the global economy that many will try and say that it is. It is abundantly clear that change is necessary and that is what the electorates of the UK and US have voted for. We now watch the aforementioned Italian Referendum and elections in France and Germany next year with keener interest. Of course, we will have to see the finer details of Trump’s plans and work out how acceptable they will be to the wider Republican Party, but this could well end up being a better medium term outcome than the “more of the same” option that Clinton had put forward.

    IEP Financial is authorised and regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

  • 01 December 2016 11:07 AM | Tracie Davey


    Since 2012, more than 5.4 million workers have been automatically enrolled into a workplace pension by almost 61,000 employers. By the time the process is complete in 2018, it is estimated that around 9 million workers will either be newly saving or saving more into a workplace pension thanks to the policy. 

    The latest round of advertising from The Pensions Regulator (TPR) focusses on ‘micro’ employers, such as families who hire a nanny or a Ltd company with one employee other than a Director. The same rules apply to these employees as to those from bigger businesses. If you don’t enrol them into a suitable pension scheme – you will be liable for a fine from TPR. So far 26,000 notices have been handed out for late compliance but only 5% of these have escalated to tribunal stage. Reasons given for non-compliance include a member of staff being ill, relying on someone else to do the work, not receiving any information and companies making a mistake. For clarity, none of these are valid reasons and will not count in your favour at a tribunal!

    The only way to avoid a fine is to ensure you are ready to enrol your employees in time for your staging date. We advise a minimum of 6 months preparatory time to look into your options and discuss with your employees the process and your plans. Below is a reminder on the enrolment criteria:

    • Be aged between 22 and state pension age
    • Earn at least £10,000 a year
    • Work in the UK

    For more information on Auto Enrolment or to have one of our advisers present to you and your employees the process, please contact us on or call 01273 208813.

    Our Auto Enrolment key fact guide can be found here.

  • 01 December 2016 10:14 AM | Tracie Davey

    Airport Expansion News
    It was disappointing news when Government announced that it still favours expansion at Heathrow over Gatwick.

    A strong argument has been put forward by many, including the CWS Partnership that a second runway at Gatwick is the right and truly deliverable option and that case will continue to be made.
    Find out what others have to say... 
    Despite the announcement, Gatwick continues to grow through increased passenger numbers, new airline route development and its ongoing capital investment programme 


    Find out more

    Work continues at a pace to deliver the Coastal STEMfest, a two month celebration of science that will culminate at the lively BigBang@Butlin's on the 14th March 2017.  This interactive festival aims to enthuse the next generation of scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians.

    Delivered by STEMSussex, this is the 2nd Coastal STEMfest that is being supported by all the Coastal Local Authorities and other partners to be delivered in the area.


    Get involved

    Understanding Tourism
    Coastal West Sussex has commissioned a series of reports from Tourism South East which aims to understand the current tourism landscape and future opportunities for the whole of the area. 

    This includes accommodation, visitor attractions and recommendations for a cohesive marketing approach. 

    The final reports will be published at the end of 2016 and will be available on the CWS website 



    Find out more

  • 01 December 2016 9:58 AM | Tracie Davey

    Sir Robert Woodard Academy are pleased to announce two large shows at the Academy in December and January.

    The Academy drama production of A Christmas Carol on 6th, 7th and 8th December. If interested, you can book your tickets via the Academy website.

    The Musical Spectacular of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, starring six local primary schools, on 25th and 26th January 2017.

    The SRWA Junior Band have a Christmas Concert and Craft Fayre at the Academy on Saturday 10th December.

    Please contact Lynn Brown on 01903 875507 or by email if you have any questions, or would like to purchase tickets for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.


  • 01 December 2016 9:39 AM | Tracie Davey

    Public property valued at over £2billion is set to be unlocked in the next five  years throughout the Greater Brighton City Region, creating the potential for over 1,300 new jobs and over 1,200 new homes in the Region over the next 10 years. 

    The investment laying the groundwork to make this a reality comes from the Government’s One Public Estate programme - an innovation in encouraging collaboration with a place-based focus between land owning public sector bodies. Investment of £280,500 will be made into the Region in the 2016/17 financial year, with a further £316,500 due to be invested in 2017/18.

    Eight key sites will now be driven forward:

    Springman House, Lewes: bringing together the key blue-light services into a single location, thereby unlocking the regeneration of the North Street Quarter to deliver new homes, employment floorspace, subsidised workspace for the creative industries, a new healthcare centre, an underground car park, completion of the flood defences for Lewes and a range of public realm improvements

    Worthing Civic Centre: a mixed use development incorporating a new, integrated multi-disciplinary primary and community care hub in the heart of Worthing, transforming the delivery of non-acute health care in the town

    Brighton General Hospital: redevelopment of the site to include a new health and care campus, new housing and a range of community uses

    Dyke Road Barracks, Brighton: potential redevelopment of the site to deliver a smaller territorial army barracks alongside mixed use development (pending MoD approval at the time of writing)

    Moulsecoomb Neighbourhood Hub, Brighton: the consolidation of siloed services into a new community hub, releasing some sites for affordable housing and student accommodation.

    Madeira Terrace, Brighton: reconstruction of the Terrace, including the introduction of innovative commercial and leisure uses

    Preston Barracks, Brighton: development of a primary and community healthcare hub, allowing for the release and disposal of existing assets

    Preston Circus Fire Station: optimising the layout to meet its operational uses and identifying alternative uses for the remaining areas

    In the One Public Estate programme, land owning public bodies - such as local authorities, healthcare and emergency services - are being encouraged to use their property as a catalyst for economic growth and transforming public service delivery.

    The intention is that they will achieve this through identifying surplus assets which could be made available for housing and local regeneration, co-locating their services to make better use of space and drive service improvements, and actively seeking out opportunities for joint working to improve customer experience.

    In the process, each agency and authority will generate capital receipts from the sale of their identified land and property assets, creating income streams to invest directly into their communities.

    Daniel Humphreys, Chairman of the Greater Brighton Economic Board and Leader of Worthing Borough Council, comments:

    “I am very pleased to see our case for investment has been backed by the Government. In thinking innovatively about land and property, and by working in true partnership, we are looking at building new homes, new workspaces and community facilities, stimulating our City Region economy and supporting our growing population.

    “Now that we have had the green light, the Economic Board has established a Strategic Property Board which is determined to ensure that we demonstrate our absolute commitment to following this programme through and transforming our Region.

    “As Leader of Worthing Borough Council, I am delighted to see the vote of confidence in our plan to create a Civic Healthcare Hub in the heart of the town, a move which will provide new opportunities for accommodation, positively and permanently transforming the health, wellbeing and housing opportunities in the heart of Worthing.”

    Councillor Warren Morgan, Leader of Brighton and Hove City Council, adds:

    “This announcement is good news for Brighton and Hove, and for the wider City Region. We are demonstrating that we can think creatively and innovatively about the future of our places and public services, and how we drive economic growth that benefits everyone.

    “The six sites identified in the City offer us a chance to overcome some of the obstacles we face and think differently about our plans to boost housing, employment and public services in the city.”

    Councillor Andy Smith, Leader of Lewes District Council, adds:

    “The investment into the Springman House site will help us to deliver our regeneration ambitions for the District, alongside our emergency service partners who are also keen to make the most of this opportunity.

    “The regeneration of the North Street Quarter is key not only to delivering homes and employment space, but also to completing flood defences for the town and creating a wide range of public space improvements.”

    The One Public Estate investment will fund a range of activities including programme and project management across the eight identified sites, feasibility studies and public consultations.

    By 31st December, maps of all publicly owned land, together with an estimate of the value of each piece, will be published online. Further information, including details for where to find this land value information, will be made available in the next few weeks.

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