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Latest Park News

Important announcements and general Business Park news will be regularly posted on this page. The very latest information will also be available in various places around the website and on facebook & twitter.
  • 06 July 2017 11:25 AM | Tracie Davey

    Office space has become available in Marlborough Road, Lancing Business Park.

    Details: Approx. 400sq/ft self contained, carpeted office. Use of kitchen area and 2/3 car parking spaces. No Business rates to pay. Plenty of on site storage available if required (floor, pallets,  racking or containers/rooms) Fork truck and pallet truck on site. 

    £135.00 per week (£585.00/ month) plus VAT. 

    Please contact Linda Stopp for more information 

  • 06 July 2017 9:57 AM | Tracie Davey

    It has been the most extraordinary last couple of months and clearly the result on June 8th was not the one that the Prime Minister had hoped for when she called a snap election at the beginning of May which seems an eternity ago now. The lack of a majority for the Conservative government has obviously made things a lot more difficult going forward not least in the way we approach the crucial Brexit negotiations.

    As I write a deal has just been done whereby the DUP MPs will vote with Conservative MPs on a ‘confidence and supply’ basis to make sure we have a working government and to restore some stability which is crucial. A number of people have written to me expressing concerns about the nature of some of the DUP’s policy and I have a lot of sympathy with that but as I have written here this is not a coalition agreement as we had with the Lib Dems in 2010 and I would certainly not be supporting anything that meant rowing back on any part of our equality agenda for example. The most important thing is that we have a working government that can get on with the important national and international matters in hand.

    As regards the election campaign I have had many conversations with many constituents subsequently and there is no point trying to gloss over the fact that nationally the Conservative campaign was pretty shambolic and probably the worst one I have been involved in since I started electioneering back in the 1970’s. The launch of our manifesto and particularly the measures on social care which came out of the blue were badly handled if well intentioned. Not surprisingly this alarmed many of our older citizens locally on the doorstep. I am pleased that many of these measures have been dropped and we need to have a much more transparent and grown up debate about sustainable funding of good quality adult social care for example, something that is particularly important in Worthing and Adur.

    I have included a run down on the 27 Bills that were included in the delayed Queen’s Speech here and a link to a short contribution I made in the subsequent Queen’s Speech debate here, where I focussed on fair funding for schools which undoubtedly and unsurprisingly was a major issue in the general election. I have given a separate update on the state of the school funding proposals below following on from the extensive work that I have already been involved in over the last years with Parliamentary colleagues and local heads, teachers, governors and parents.

    As regards the result in East Worthing & Shoreham I am delighted to have been re-elected as your local MP and I am grateful for everyone who voted for me. As always however I am here to represent all the residents of East Worthing & Shoreham whoever you voted for, whether you are old enough to vote or not and whether you actually did. Whilst the Conservative vote increased and was the highest ever since the new constituency was formed in 1997 my majority was significantly reduced on account of a strong rise in the Labour vote and a squeeze on the minority parties, all of whom lost their deposits. The full result was as follows:
    Tim Loughton
    25,988 (48.9%)

    Sophie Cook
    20,882 (39.3%)

    Liberal Democrat
    Oli Henman
    2,523 (4.7%)

    Mike Glennon
    1,444 (2.7%)

    Leslie Groves Williams
    1,273 (2.4%)

    National Health Action
    Carl Walker
    575 (1.1%)

    Andy Lutwyche
    432 (0.8%)

    Majority: 5,106
    Turnout: 51,673 (70.7%)    

    I congratulate the Labour candidate on her success and thank all the candidates for the respectful and generally good humoured way the campaign was carried out. Obviously it as a very difficult campaign punctuated by the terrible terrorist attacks in Manchester and London after which campaigning was suspended quite rightly. These terrible events were followed shortly after the election by the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower, I have published my thoughts on what happened here and below.

    Unfortunately, due to the terrorist attacks, several of the hustings planned for candidates were cancelled and we were not able to cover nearly as much ground knocking on doors as I always like to do. In addition there was a certain level of ‘election fatigue’ as locally we had been knocking on doors since March campaigning for the County Council elections where I am pleased to say that the Conservative candidates won all 8 of the seats across the constituency. The details of your new county councillors are as follows:

    East Worthing
    Roger Oakley
    Bryan Turner
    Elizabeth Sparkes
    Sompting & North Lancing
    George Barton
    Ann Bridges
    South Shoreham
    Kevin Boram
    North Shoreham
    Debbie Kennard
    Dave Simmons
    Subsequently we will be organising a series of neighbourhood meetings where constituents can come drop in and see local councillors and me in their locality over coming months. In addition I will be restarting the ‘Talk to Tim’ public meetings which I held around the constituency in the run up to the EU referendum and which were very well supported. With so much going on around Brexit, parliamentary majorities, public services, school funding, the A27 etc this is an opportunity for people to come along and hear my take on national and local issues and ask any questions informally. They are not intended to be political ‘slanging matches’ and I hope that people will come along and engage in them in the positive spirit in which they are intended. These will be in addition to the regular street surgeries and confidential fortnightly constituency surgeries which will continue most weeks as they have for many years now. All details will be on my website, Facebook page and Twitter.

    I mentioned that the election campaign against the other candidates was held in good humour. However one very unwelcome feature of this campaign was the unprecedented level of gratuitous abuse on social media both nationally and locally. This went well beyond acceptable political discourse and healthy debate on policy. All those who put themselves up for public office are rightly subject to scrutiny and should be challenged but it is never necessary to use the level of vitriol that many of us were subject to just on account of the fact that we stood as Conservative Party candidates. I may disagree with many of my colleagues in Parliament on policy but I never question their right to express their views or their dedication and hard work to do the best thing by their constituents. Alas a few people think they have a God given right to be offensive to an MP. We would not tolerate such treatment of any other public servant so why should politicians be any different?

    I use Twitter and Facebook platforms largely to put out information on what is going on in Westminster or in the constituency and what positions I have taken. When I have time I respond mostly on Facebook but only to those who are constituents and who genuinely want to engage rather than just post abusive remarks and display their own prejudices, and where it is constructive to get a debate going. I do not use Twitter for policy statements which it would be impossible to fit into 140 characters and would always encourage constituents to email me always including their home addresses as I have my time cut out dealing with 91,000 constituents let alone everyone else’s!

    As always please do let me know if there are things not covered here that you would like me to include in future newsletters or indeed on social media. I was grateful to the many people who commented on my newsletter whilst knocking on doors during the election and I am aware that this is a major source of information for a great many of my constituents now.

  • 06 July 2017 9:53 AM | Tracie Davey

    Well the big day is over and we’re recovering, but the important bit is that we finished it! Not only was the ride itself still a challenge, add the heat of yesterday it made it a mountain to climb to say the least.  Speaking of mountains, a few people added an additional challenge that I had to cycle up Ditchling Beacon to unlock some extra support.  Well as we approached it from the north, I did think what have I got myself into?  Well despite the mammoth amount of walkers (we’ll call them the sensible ones), and the other riders trying to dodge the people in front of them, then add my chain coming off ¾ of the way up, I did manage to fix it, and find a gap in the ‘traffic’ and make it to the top.  I will be honest and say I was a little tearful at the summit!  But I did it!

    Prior to this, I think I had only done about 30 minutes of exercise in the warm weather, so this seemed bonkers!  It probably was!  But the crowd, residents along the way, countless children and the organisers were amazing.   Here are a few snaps and detail along the way:

    We had to leave my friend’s flat at 0615, but here we were at that start line at about 0710 waiting for our allocated start time of 0730.  It was about a 7.4 mile cycle to the start, but amazing to see so many cyclists whizzing around, and so few cars in London.

    Just to prove how warm it was, this was when we stopped at Lindfield Common at around 1130 for a much needed rest, ‘comfort’ stop and a refuelling!  Thanks to the local Scout group for organising the stop, and very reasonably priced refreshments.  No doubt more charity funds raised and a much appreciated service.

    Unfortunately there was a hold up North of Ditchling Beacon as there had been an accident on Coldean Lane in Brighton, so they closed the road to allow for ambulances to make it through and to hold the riders back, so we were stuck for about half an hour in the biggest queue of bikes and cyclists I have ever seen, but everyone is in good spirits and talking to complete strangers. But before long we were allowed to start approaching the real challenge on the ride, or the last real challenge I should say.  Feeling a bit hot and sweaty at this stage was an understatement and there was little shade for any of us now either!

    Amazingly, and I don’t know how I kept going, but I think some of the credit goes to a certain Mr Brown and his additional fundraising promise if I made it, but I did cycle up the beacon!  It is an amazing view from up there!  I probably didn’t appreciate it fully, as I was scoffing jelly babies and guzzling water at this stage, but I did get this snap before I found Ross and Simon.

    I don’t think it is entirely true when they were saying it was all done hill for the final 6 miles, but honestly, after that climb it felt like it.  Here we are at the finish, before we went and found a very welcome couple of pints at Concorde 2 on the beach!


    Lastly, thank you if you have already supported us, everyone’s generosity was overwhelming, but if you were waiting for us or me to prove we could do it, please see below (hint, hint).

    Thank you again, as we couldn’t do it without the support and it means that in the shadow of yesterday, the three of us have achieved something really worthwhile, not only a mammoth physical task and you know who you are, who said it was virtually downhill all the way to Brighton from London, except the Beacon, we’ll be having words later ;-), but it has remained to be a fantastic achievement for a really important charity too, so thank you.

    Until the next crazy idea, over and out!

  • 06 July 2017 9:39 AM | Tracie Davey

    Rabbit Waste Management Ltd would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused by the temporary storage of materials on the former Graham Wood site following the fire we suffered at our facility on 11th June.

    From Monday 3rd July we are increasing the number of vehicles employed in clearing the material and expect this to take approximately 7 days and apologise for any continued inconvenience caused during this period of time.

  • 29 June 2017 11:08 AM | Tracie Davey

    Head First Acrobats

    Pavilion Theatre | Friday 21 July 8pm

    Your summer just got hotter.
    Head First Acrobats are back in the United Kingdom with their internationally acclaimed circus show, Elixir. They've delighted audiences all over the world and are ready to take Worthing by storm.

    Click here for more info and booking


    Despicable Me 3 (U)

    Connaught Cinema | From Friday 30 June

    Gru and the loveable Minions are back!
    Gru faces off against Balthazar Bratt, a former child star who has grown up to become obsessed with the character he played in the '80s, while also getting into sibling rivalry with his long-lost, more successful twin brother Dru, who wants to team up with Gru to steal a diamond...

    Click here for more info and booking


  • 29 June 2017 11:02 AM | Tracie Davey

    The Queen Alexandra Hospital Home are holding their 2nd Glitter Ball at The Hilton Avisford Park Hotel, Arundel. Guests will be treated to a drinks reception, sumptuous three course meal, dancing to a fabulous live band, plus spot prizes, fundraising games and an auction. We’ll even take you home afterwards on our vintage bus!

    Where: The Hilton Avisford Park Hotel, Arundel
    When: Saturday 18 November 2017
    Tickets: £55 each (includes welcome drink, three course dinner, a half bottle of wine per person and entertainment)

    Tables are for parties of 8 to 12 guests. Parties smaller than 8 will be asked to share a table.

    For more information, or to book tickets, contact Sam on 01903 218444 or email:

  • 29 June 2017 11:01 AM | Tracie Davey

    Lancing Business Park in conjunction with 5Rings their CCTV provider would like to announce their recent success stories on the business park.  One of the companies was the victim of fly tipping and another a robbery with goods stolen.  Through our upgraded CCTV system the Police were provided with footage of the offenders and their vehicle registration numbers, a great success.  A further CCTV upgrade by 30% is taking place by the end of June 2017. So next time you visit the business park smile because you’re on CCTV !

  • 29 June 2017 10:59 AM | Tracie Davey

    The West Sussex Health and Life Sciences Cluster June Update

    Welcome to the latest news update, keeping you informed about the health and life sciences initiatives we are progressing, highlighting relevant sector events and opportunities, and updating you on the exciting things that are happening in the county.

    Workforce Skills and STEM

    webinarListen to the latest Apprenticeship Skills Reform information from your office on August 3rd.

    On August 3rd we will partner with Cogent Skills, the sector skills body for the science industries, to stream a free webinar for Cluster companies. The webinar starts at 2pm and the agenda includes:

    • What the apprenticeship reforms mean 
    • The apprenticeship levy and how the funding works for levy-paying and non-levy-paying employers 
    • The transition from frameworks to standards and the requirement for independent end-point assessment 
    • Using apprenticeships for workforce development, realising the potential of existing employees 

    To book your place and access the webinar, please use

    Please note: this webinar is for employers only

    CoastalCoastal STEMFest: 'Setting the Course for Careers in STEM'.

    Coastal STEMfest ran between February and March for a second consecutive year. The purpose of the festival was to inspire local students to pursue careers in STEM. The festival included college STEM evenings, university taster days, in school activities, site visits and the Big Bang@Butlins. 

    Cluster members including GSKInpress Plastics, and Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd took part in the festival, helping to make it a success. 

    Have you ever wondered what a Big Bang actually is? This short video captures both the excitement of the event and the benefits to students and industry alike.

    If you would like more information on Coastal STEMfest and would like to get involved, please go to the Coastal STEMfest website.

    Crawley STEMfestCrawley STEMfest now in its sixth year

    The highly successful Crawley STEMfest is back for its sixth year. The festival launched with an enjoyable and informative evening at Cluster member Welland Medical's facilities in Crawley.

    Crawley STEMfest aims to enthuse and inspire the next generation of young people. The programme matches schools and businesses to develop the tools and techniques that will drive the economy of the future. Included within the programme of events are in-school interactive activities, workshops, a public town centre event, site visits and the Big Bang Fair South East in Ardingly which over 9,000 students will attend.

    For more information and to get involved, please visit the Crawley STEMfest website.

    ConnectionsGetting Scientific with STEM- Raising the Profile of STEM in the County

    Many of you with West Sussex residential addresses will have recently received the latest edition of West Sussex Connections. Page 3 demonstrates our intentions to raise the profile of STEM further to parents and residents. The article provides a summary of some of the exciting things being delivered across the county as we work together to increase the 'science capital' of students and encourage them to consider careers involving these important subjects.

    Thank you to everyone that has been involved in delivering activities across the County.

    For those who have not received a copy of the Connections, you can access the online version here


    Innovate UKInnovation UK Feasibility Funding

    UK businesses can apply for a share of £8.5 million to fund feasibility studies in infrastructure systems or health and life sciences.


    Full details can be found here.


    The deadline for registration is midday June 28th and applications need to be submitted before July 5th.

    Leader logoLEADER Grants available to rural businesses

    LEADER grants are available to small businesses and community groups based in qualifying rural areas of West Sussex, Lewes district and Hayling Island.

    The LEADER funding programme supports job creation and business growth in rural communities.

    Small businesses based in rural areas can apply for grants towards capital investments including purchase of equipment and machinery plus the development of premises.

    Click here to read the full story.

    For further information, eligibility criteria and details on how to apply, visit the Business West Sussex website.

    Or if you would like to discuss your interest first-hand, call the LEADER team on 03302 228001. 

    Activities in the County

    Fisher ClinicalFisher Clinical becomes a chartered Toastmasters Club

    We’re delighted to congratulate Fisher Clinical, Horsham as their corporate Toastmasters Club has been recognized as an official club (chartered). Toastmasters is an international organization promoting low-cost, high value employee skills development in leadership and communication.


    For more information on clubs across West Sussex click here.


    For information on Horsham Toastmasters click here

    eyeNew ‘centre of excellence’ for eye care opens in Shoreham

    A brand new purpose-built ophthalmology department opening in Shoreham will provide access to some of the best ophthalmic assessment and surgical facilities in the country.

    Western Sussex Eye Care | Southlands is a new service being launched at Southlands Hospital on Tuesday 27 June, following a multimillion pound investment by Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

    The full press release can be found here

    Sector News/ Opportunities

    Innovate 2016Showcase your innovative business for free at Innovate 2017

    Innovate UK is offering the opportunity to some highly innovative businesses to showcase their innovation for free in November at Innovate 2017.

    Hosted by Innovate UK, Innovate 2017 is the UK’s leading innovation conference, exhibition and networking event dedicated to innovative UK businesses and features a packed two-day programme that will stimulate opportunities for innovation, export and investment for the UK’s most innovative companies.

    Visit the site for more details.


    The Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry have launched ABPI LINC (Library of Initiatives for Novel Collaborations) which is a useful tool that allows academic researchers to search for open opportunities for collaboration with the biopharmaceutical industry.

    To access ABPI LINC click here.

  • 29 June 2017 10:57 AM | Tracie Davey

    Final Salary Pension Advice

    In 2015 the Government implemented changes to how those saving for retirement could take their benefits. This new legislation was widely referred to as Pension Freedoms. 

    These changes did not apply to those whose retirement benefits were held in a Defined Benefit (DB) arrangement, commonly called a Final Salary Pension Scheme.

    As a result there has been huge interest from people with DB benefits in transferring these to a Defined Contribution (DC) arrangement that they can then use to take advantage of Pension Freedoms. There are reports that the number of requests for transfers has tripled since the introduction of pension freedoms. Typical examples of DC arrangements are personal pensions and stakeholder pensions.

    We understand this can be a little daunting and so we’ve put together a summary to help you understand the sorts of things you need to consider carefully before deciding if transferring your DB benefits is right for you.

    Anyone who has DB benefits with a transfer value over £30,000 is required by law to take financial advice before they can transfer to a DC arrangement.

     click here to read more

    Lisa savers reject pensions but could have been mis-sold

    A LISA is a life time saving account which was launched on the 6th of April 2017. Being offered by only a few providers, the LISA is a tax free package that lets you save up to £4,000 every year. This can be cash savings or a stocks and shares version. 

    Read more here
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    Key Information About Inheritance Tax

    Here are some important Key Information about Inheritance Tax

    Read more here
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  • 29 June 2017 10:44 AM | Tracie Davey

    Spencer Wells of Fizz Creations is undertaking a sponsored slim for charity

    The money raised will be split 50/50 between the estate charity The Queen Alexandra Hospital Home for ex-servicemen and the Royal Marsden in Sutton who treated my Grandaughter for leukaemia when she was 6 months old and are literally life savers.

    The forfeit should I fail to reach the 3 stone target will be to have all my body hair waxed on Facebook live.

    The event lasts until December at which time I will be re-weighed at the south coast gym who will also monitor my progress.

    Dig deep please for these worthwhile causes.

    You can help spencer wells raise money for this great cause by donating directly to their fundraising page -

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