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Important announcements and general Business Park news will be regularly posted on this page. The very latest information will also be available in various places around the website and on facebook & twitter.
  • 21 September 2018 3:05 PM | Anonymous
    After the very successful Renewal Ballot result, Lancing Business Park BID has now renewed for its 3rd 5year BID Term, which will run until 1st August 2023. Lancing Business Park BID is pleased to open an invitation to tender for their new 5 year Grounds Maintenance Contract. For further details please click here

    Please note that tender proposals need to be submitted by email to by:  

    5pm on 19th October 2018.

  • 28 March 2018 10:54 AM | Anonymous

    Are you are business based on Lancing Business Park?

    If so, please can you complete the 2018 Lancing Business Park BID Survey.

    Lancing Business Park BID Committee feels it is essential to the success of the BID for businesses to please share thoughts with us, so that we can fully consider issues affecting businesses on the park.  

    The information submitted in this online survey will enable the BID Committee to design services to meet current and future business needs. Please rest assured that we will keep any sensitive issues confidential and we will do our very best to cover as many issues as possible for you.        

    We've kept the survey brief and it should only take around 5 minutes to complete. We openly welcome any feedback that you have and ask that you please encourage any surrounding business to also complete the survey asap.  

    Please click the link below to complete the survey:  

          2018 LBP BID SURVEY

    Many thanks

    Suzy Bastable, BID Manager

    Email: Tel: 07584 503729    

  • 15 March 2018 12:43 PM | Tracie Davey

    Lancing Business Park

    Annual General Meeting 8th March 2018        

    Dear Businesses,

    What a busy week we had last week, but it was great to meet so many of you last Wednesday when I handed out the latest LBP BID invoices. At least it was only a partial invoice from April till August, with a second invoice maybe due in September for the rest of the financial year.

    On Thursday, Lancing Business Park Members gathered at the impressive Experience Centre at Eschmann House for the 2018 LBP AGM.        


    Members were treated to a wonderful spread sponsored by Clayton Morris at the Pit Stop (on the Shoreham Vehicle Auction site) and kindly served by Clayton and Emily. 


    Members were then welcomed upstairs to Eschmann's Bramber and Chichester Suites, by Damian Pulford from Sussex Transport, the now appointed Chairman of LBP.

    Damian explained how during his 20 years on Lancing Business Park he has witnessed the transformation that the LBP BID has made to the business park, creating a vibrant and attractive business area to operate from. Damian thanked Mike Punter from Parafix for being instrumental in these changes and developing the LBP BID to the successful partnership that it is today. Damian also thanked Linda Stopp for her contribution to the BID and wished her a happy retirement, along with Darren Holloway from RRD, for his years of service on the BID Committee, as Darren is now part-time, he is unfortunately no longer available on Committee days.

    Damian then introduced Paul Moore, Head of Operations for Bidfood, to give an update on their 65,000sqft development in Chartwell Road. 

    Paul talked members through the development layout, progress to date and operational hours. Explaining that they will commence in September with 50 staff on site and 7 loading bays to service 21 HGVs and 3 vans. Bidfood have developed the site to ensure all their vehicles will be accommodated on site, to minimise impact to the business park, providing 47 HGV parking spaces and 82 car parking spaces to enable future on site expansion. Before you ask, yes we have asked if Bidfood will consider leases spaces, but unfortunately this is not something Bidfood will be able to do.

    I then gave an update on each of the four LBP projects - Access, Clean-up, Connect and Safe. Explaining how 1.5 tonnes of paper and card is collected free each week to be recycled, all the work Linda Stopp undertook before her retirement in December 2017, the Grounds Maintenance contract work undertaken by Mike Nea from CJS Landscapes and the projects I have covered since joining in January this year e.g. the deep clean of Marlborough Road Car Park, ridding the business park of three caravans and removal of numerous abandoned vehicles. I am very pleased to report that finally today, we have a business park free of abandoned vehicles, maximising available parking spaces on the business park. 

    Peter Raynsford from 5 Rings then gave an update on LBP's CCTV network, explaining that capacity has been increased from the original 7 cameras to 29 cameras, now giving coverage across the whole park. Peter's team have also provided CCTV footage to the Police which led to Police action, helping to further deter future incidents.

    I must also add that Peter has delivered this network upgrade with a 75% efficiency on the original operating costs and expanded the network to enable future cameras to be added if needed.

    Euan Cameron from Parafix, the LBP Company Secretary kindly gave an entertaining rundown of the BID's company finances. I have two apologies to make to Euan, firstly for surprising him with a few more slides than he was expecting and secondly for enjoying his presentation so much, that I forget to get up to take any photos of him. Here is a photo of Euan deep in conversation with Mike at the start of the evening instead.

    We then thanked the 2017 BID Committee, who duly stepped down and members approved the proposed 2018 BID Committee, sadly without Darren Holloway from RRD and Mike Punter, as he has retired from the LBP BID Committee, but can still be found at Parafix, when he is not in Cheshire or at his Eastern Europe operations.

    I then explained that in July this year, the LBP BID will go to ballot to decide if the BID should continue when the current term expires on 31st August 2018. The official ballot day is 12th July 2018 with the results being announced on 13th July 2018. I also explained that I will be launching a LBP Survey in the next few weeks, to help identify what services would help businesses on the park over the next five years. Please can I ask that as many of you as possible please complete the survey, as the information submitted will form the basis of the 2018-2023 LBP BID Business Plan and we want to make sure that all your comments are considered fully.

    The lovely Elizabeth Baxter from Care for Veterans thanked all members on the business park for their assistance, participation and generosity over the past year. With particular mention of Linda Stopp and Lawrence Boon at Fizz for all their support and expertise. Elizabeth explained that they have rebranded from Queen Alexandra Hospital Home to Care for Veterans, as they feel this better portrays what their charity does.

    The BID Committee then proposed that Care for Veterans be retained as LBP Charity for a further year, as it was felt that LBP could  really help during the charity's transitional period.

    I would just like to say a big thank you to Ray Wood and Clive Stoner from Eschmann Equipment for providing such a wonderful venue and to Clayton Morris from The Pit Stop, for providing and serving the lovely food. To Paul Moore from Bidfood for sharing their development news with us, Peter Raynsford for all his hard work on the LBP CCTV and to Euan Cameron for making sure LBP BID's finances are recorded accurately and effectively. 

    If you would like to know more about any of the items I have mentioned above, please click the presentation slide below to view the full AGM presentation. Please note this presentation opens much quicker using Chrome :


  • 18 January 2018 10:35 AM | Tracie Davey

    Proposed Sompting West Development - Public Meeting

    Local residents will have heard rumours about plans by Sompting Estates to develop 520 new houses with Persimmon Homes on the land they own on the west side of Sompting. At the time of writing, no formal proposal had been submitted to Adur Council and the developers are claiming they have already consulted local people, siting an exhibition at the Harriet Johnson Centre on October 10th, although trouble is most local residents knew nothing about it! You can read more about the proposals here:

    The proposals include a community farm and orchard, nature trail, holiday business and playing fields. But the major concern of local residents is, of course, how on earth are we going to deal with all the extra traffic, especially if it goes through the village.

    This is the largest development in Sompting for some time and follows hard on the heels of the controversial New Monks Farm proposals in Lancing, which have yet to go before the Planning Committee.It is vital therefore that local residents are fully engaged with what is being proposed and have their voices heard. If and when the plans are submitted and go live everyone needs to have their say by submitting your views to the Adur Planning Committee.

    From the start we have set out three criteria that would need to be satisfied before the development could be considered and this needs to be see in the context of the lack of building space in Adur outside of the National Park and the shortage of affordable housing.

    • The development should be able to show why it would benefit the existing residents – jobs, environmental impact, additional amenities etc.
    • How many of the proposed new homes will be genuinely affordable and how can local people and their families be given preferential allocation?
    • Can the current infrastructure and especially the transport infrastructure cope with the significant increase in traffic or will the village simply grind to a halt?
    There is a public meeting on Thursday 25th January 2018 at Sir Robert Woodard Academy from 18:30 until 21:00to give local residents the opportunity to discuss the issue and ask questions. James Appleton, Head of Planning at the council, will be present and I am hopeful the developers will send a representative too.

  • 10 January 2018 1:26 PM | Tracie Davey

    Thousands of properties protected from flooding thanks to Greater Brighton 

    Thousands of homes, hundreds of businesses and essential transport routes will become protected from flooding thanks to the works of Greater Brighton.

    the Environment Agency is midway through the multi-million pound Adur Tidal Walls scheme which will reduce the risk of flooding in Shoreham 

    As well as preserving existing buildings, a business case backed by the government shows the work will also protect key rail and road routes while unlocking othersites for futher development.

    And it has all been made possible thanks to £6 million of funding drawn in through Greater Brighton Economic Board (GBEB) via Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).

    During a visit to see some of the 7.2 km stretch where work is taking place, Greater Brighton leaders said they were delighted to see progress.

    Councillor Andy Smith, GBEB chairman and leader of Lewes District Council, said: "Im extremely impressed at the work to make on of the Greater Brighton's key towns virtually 'flood-proof'. This is a prime example of how taxpayers money spent wisely and strategically can have a massive impact on the wider community.

    "As well as protecting the existing communities, this work has the potential to protect important transport corridors which tens of thousand of people rely on, as well as making the area more attractive and viable for the development of much-needed housing and commercial premises."

    "It is exactly the sort of project that everyone representing Greater Brighton - from politicians to business leaders to academics - wants to see happening as the wider benefit is enormous."

    During the visit, Greater Brighton leaders were given an overview of the project from the team's base on Shoreham Beach.

    It was explained that all government-funded flood protection works now need some form of match funding from other sources - which is where the GBEB and the LEP grant came in.

    In total more than 2,328 properties and 169 commercial premises will e protected thanks to the work in Shoreham.

    The delegation also heard how the work would safeguard key infrastructure routes, such as the coastal A259, the main coast rail link from Brighton to Southampton and Shoreham Airport.

    Then, contractors from Team Van Oord gave a guided tour of a range of the flood protection works that have already been completed since they started in October 2016.

    It was explained that a range of methods are being used, including reinforced concrete walls. embankments, the creation of new habitats, and sheet pile walls.

    The work will mean that the area is now protected from all but the most extreme case (1 in 300 years) of flooding.

    Dave Robinson, of the Environment Agency, said "When complete, the Shoreham scheme will reduce the tidal flood risk to thousands of homes and a significant number of commercial properties in the areas, as well as protecting important local infrastructure such as road network, railway line and Shoreham Airport"

    "This is one part of the Environment Agency's national effort to reduce the risk of flooding for at least 300,000 homes by 2020/21."

  • 20 December 2017 11:19 AM | Tracie Davey


    Statement of Adoption

    Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 as amended

    Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

    Notice is given that in accordance with Regulation 26 and 35 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended)  and the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act, this Adoption Statement hereby gives notice that on 14th December 2017 Adur District Council adopted the Adur Local Plan as a Development Plan Document.

    The Adur Local Plan 2017 replaces the ‘saved’ policies of the Adur Local Plan 1996.

    The Adur Local Plan 2017 has been subject to examination by an independent Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State. In the report published on 29th September 2017 the Inspector confirmed subject to a number of Main Modifications the Plan was sound and recommended its adoption. The adopted Plan incorporates the Main Modifications recommended by the Inspector as set out in the Appendix to the Report on the Examination of the Adur Local Plan 2016.

    Any person aggrieved by the adoption of the Adur Local Plan 2017 may make an application to the High Court under Section 113 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

    Any challenge pursuant to Section 113 must be made on the grounds that

    (a) the document is not within the appropriate power and/or

    (b) a procedural requirement has not been complied with.

    Any such application should be made promptly and, in any event, no later than the end of the six week period starting from the date on which the Plan was adopted (that is, by 25th January 2018.

    Location of Documents for Inspection

    In accordance with the Regulations the following documents have been made available to view:

    (i) the Adur Local Plan 2017;

    (ii) this Adoption Statement and

    (iii) the Sustainability Appraisal Report document.

    They are available to view

    They are also available to view at the following locations:

    Shoreham Centre, 2 Pond Road, Shoreham-by-Sea BN43 5WU 

    Shoreham Library, St Mary’s Road, Shoreham-by-Sea BN43 5ZA 

    Lancing Library, Penstone Park, Lancing BN15 9DL (

    Southwick Library, Southdown Road, Southwick, BN42 4FT 

    In addition to providing copies of the said documents in accordance with Regulation 35, reference copies have been placed at Sompting Parish Council (Harriet Johnson Centre, Old School House, Loose Lane, Lancing, BN15 0BG) and Lancing Parish Council (Parish Hall, South Street, Lancing, BN15 8AJ).

     Email address for queries:

    or telephone: 01273-263000 and ask for the Adur Planning Policy Team.

  • 20 December 2017 9:59 AM | Tracie Davey
    £1 Million fund available for SME's

    Utilise Plus supporting energy efficiency improvements for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The programme offers:
     - Grant funding
    •  - energy audits and healthchecks
    •  - events and workshops

    • Funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); supported by the Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership; delivered by the sustainable Business Partnership CIC.


    •  - Energy efficency
    •  - Your cash flow
    •  - Workplace productivity and competitiveness 

     - Energy bills
     - Greenhouse gas emissions
     - Exposure to future energy price rises

    Find out more:
     - Call 01273 964239

  • 30 November 2017 3:39 PM | Tracie Davey

    Stress in the workplace


    Recently, I have visited a number of organisations to discuss their Healthcare insurances and when I raise the topic of Mental Health, the response is often along the lines of “we’re all mad here!” It always draws a little smile but there is a serious side to the stresses of work and home life and it is a subject that many employers choose to ignore or don’t fully understand.

    Encouragingly, evidence suggests that there has been a decline in work absence from stress over the last decade. However, statistics still demonstrate that this is the largest single factor for sick days, accounting for 37% of work related ill health and 45% of days lost in 2015/16 in the UK. Put into perspective, this represented 11.7m days in 2015/16.

    Stiff upper lip

    Close to a third of UK workers say they are not able to talk openly with their line manager about their stress and only 45% of those that have been diagnosed had told their employer.

    After being diagnosed, 40% of individuals admitted that they wouldn’t speak about it to their colleagues because they don’t want to be treated differently. The stigma surrounding mental health means that employers have typically neglected to address it and still struggle to see mental health in the same way they see physical health.

    Developing a workplace culture, which changes attitudes and prioritises the mental wellbeing of staff, may seem burdensome to employers who need to get the day job done and remain efficient. However, in the rapidly fluctuating and competitive global economy, healthy and productive employees are crucial to an organisation’s success.

    Addressing the issue

    It’s vital that open lines of communication are created, developing a greater understanding of the symptoms, causes and treatments of mental illness.

    Following the recent pledge by Prime Minister Theresa May to transform support for mental health in the workplace with extensive new review, there is a nationwide drive to encourage employers to lead the way and promote and facilitate healthier lifestyles.

    4 easy steps to follow

    · Consider whether any mental health stigma exists within your workplace and question why.

    · Train Line Managers and Senior Management so they are comfortable to talk openly about the subject.

    · Improve the awareness of the issues; conduct staff surveys, launch awareness campaigns and champion non-judgemental attitudes.

    · Utilise existing or introduce a Private Medical Policy, Health Cash Plan and/ or Employee Assistance Programmes to offer a number of wellbeing benefits to your staff. This includes counselling, debt management, legal advice and information on eldercare or emotional and work-life issues.

    To discuss how Sutton Winson can help your employees contact Chris at or call 07813 673 546.

  • 30 November 2017 3:32 PM | Tracie Davey

    Newsletter November 2017

    Dear Constituent

    Welcome to the November edition of my constituency e-newsletter. As always there has been lots going on and there is much more to political life than Brexit negotiations and sex scandals at Westminster despite what the media would have us believe. I have been endeavouring to keep my head down from both and get on with my job.

    I am including a brief rundown of the major features in todays' Budget which had some particularly good news for first time house buyers. Below I have given an update on where we are on the New Monks Farm development and likely way forward for another controversial major development in West Sompting. On the latter, I will come back with details soon of a public meeting I plan to hold with local councillors, following on from the popularity of a similar exercise we held over New Monks Farm in Lancing back in September.

    I have also been busy over local school issues and I give details of a project I am undertaking with local parents, councillors and heads to make sure that we have  sufficient supply of secondary school places in Adur, especially given the problems we had over the over-subscription at the popular Shoreham Academy this year.

    I have been increasing my output of short topical podcasts and you will find these on my Facebook page and I am trying to link them to as many local community Facebook pages as possible, so if you are an administrator on an appropriate site please do let me know.

    Finally, please be aware that we are now holding our street surgeries in Worthing at different locations as our switch to supermarket venues has proved particularly popular and we had a busy time at Sainsbury’s Lyons Farm again this Saturday, so do check location details on my website.
    Best wishes
    Tim Loughton MP
    Member of Parliament for East Worthing & Shoreham

  • 30 November 2017 10:19 AM | Tracie Davey

    Building A&W goes live: new magazine shows Adur & Worthing is growing places

    Adur and Worthing’s reputation as a place on the move towards a better future is to be underlined in a new publication.

    Building AW is a bright, informal 26-page online publication which will keep residents and businesses across both areas up-to-date with all the latest development in their communities. 

    With updates coming every few months, the aim is for Adur & Worthing Councils to keep the public fully informed of the change that is taking place at pace.

    Within this first edition is an interview with Ben Cheal, of Roffey Homes, the company behind the redevelopment of the former Aquarena site.

    Features on the Adur Tidal Walls scheme in Shoreham, the £3.5 million redevelopment of Worthing Museum and Adur District Council’s successful planning application to create a new office block on the former Civic Centre car park are also enclosed.

    The online publication will also include regular updates on some of the major projects across Adur and Worthing which are moving forward at speed.

     Councillors heralded the publication as a vital way to communicate with local residents the ongoing work that the Councils is driving forward.

    Councillor Brian Boggis, Adur District Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said: “It is clear that the towns and villages across the district are about to begin an exciting new chapter.

    “Major redevelopment schemes such as the Tidal Walls scheme in Shoreham are very much in the public eye at the moment and have the potential to bring increasing investment and prosperity to the district.

    “We are also keen to maximise the use of our own council assets to drive regeneration forward, as you will see from the projects currently underway on the old Civic Centre site in Shoreham.

    “However, we remain conscious of our obligations to retain the individual character and traditions of the various parts of our district.”

    Councillor Kevin Jenkins, Worthing Borough Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said:“Worthing is emerging as one of the most exciting destinations on the south coast. With a growing reputation as a place to live and work, a new generation of investors, start-up businesses and young families are discovering what makes Worthing great.

    “Worthing Borough Council has been developing a new vision for how the town will continue to be transformed in the future.

    “Creating a sense of place in the heart of the town, improving the public realm and infrastructure, developing the retail and hospitality experience and growing the tourism offer is vital to this vision.”

    To see the publication, visit this link.

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