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Latest Park News

Important announcements and general Business Park news will be regularly posted on this page. The very latest information will also be available in various places around the website and on facebook & twitter.
  • 05 December 2019 11:13 AM | Anonymous

    Jonathan Sharrock, Chief Executive of Coast to Capital LEP and Tim Loughton visited business leaders to discuss the issues facing companies on Lancing Business Park. 

    Kindly hosted by Eschmann Technologies Ltd in their Experience Centre, Peter Road, Jonathan gave an interesting presentation regarding Coast to Capital's draft Local Industrial Strategy. This roundtable event was designed to ensure that Lancing Business Park issues are incorporated in the strategy before being submitted to government.

    To view Jonathan's presentation please click here

    The discussion covered a wide range of issues from lack of available and suitable commercial space, to how Lancing could be reshaped to help attract the talent that businesses are seeking. 

    Jonathan also asked what support businesses would like from government, with businesses highlighting A27 improvements, establishing an Innovation Hub on the park and investing in the Lancing area to create a 'green town'.

    To view the full meeting notes please click here

    To view Coast to Capital's social media post for this event please click here

  • 27 November 2019 9:28 AM | Anonymous

    On Sunday 1st December LBP will be undertaking the annual Big Clean of the public highways across Lancing Business Park.

    Please can we ask that all businesses share this news with their staff and ask that all vehicles are cleared from the business park from 7.30am on Sunday, to enable a thorough clean of the public highways.

    Many thanks 

  • 18 July 2019 10:27 AM | Anonymous

    South Link Ltd have asked that we contact businesses on the park to alert them that South Link Ltd are currently a victim of fraud.

    The Police are currently investigating a fraudulent letter that has been issued pretending to be from South Link Ltd and notifying customers that their bank account details have changed to due restructuring.

    South Link Ltd are taking measures to protect their customers from falling for this incident of fraud.

    If anyone receives this letter please disregard it, as South Link Ltd have confirmed their bank account details have not been changed.

    For further information please call 01903 851852

  • 12 July 2019 6:49 AM | Anonymous

    On 5th July 2019 HR Managers and business leaders from across Adur and Worthing met with Tim Loughton MP and the DWP at the Experience Centre, Ecshmann House, to hear all about the benefits provided by Universal Credit, Apprenticeship Support, Mentoring Circles, Access to Work and Disability Confident.

    This free session was organised by Lancing Business Park BID in partnership with the Worthing & Adur Chamber of Commerce and we would like to thank Philip Kennedy, Managing Director of Eschmann Technologies Ltd, for donating their wonderful conferencing facility and hosting this event.

    Emma Wareham, DWP County Partnership Manager and her Team provided an enjoyable and informative session, explaining how Universal Credit is really flexible, enabling employees to work more than 16 hours a week and still claim, as well as adjusting benefits to help the self-employed and those who work less during school holidays.

    Universal Credit also provides 85% of Childcare costs to enable parents to return to work and a benefits calculator so that employees can check first-hand how increasing their working hours, will increase their income as benefits will be adjusted monthly to support their earnings.

    The session also provided information on additional benefits available to support Apprentices on a Care Plan and opportunities for employers to donate 6 hours (over 3 weeks) to help mentor young people back into work.

    Attendees were also very pleased to hear that the Access to Work Scheme provides up to £52,900 per employee per year, to provide support, advice, equipment and adjustments, to aid those with a health condition or disability to access work. 

    Disability Confident is a new government scheme which has been launched to support employers make the most of the skills and talents that people with a disability, or long term health condition can bring to the workplace. This is a simple and achievable accreditation scheme that will help employers promote their positive approach to recruitment.

    This seminar provided useful contacts, support information and lots of food for thought. 

    Please click here to view the presentation slides for further information and contact details.

  • 27 June 2019 9:26 AM | Anonymous

    Calling all LBP businesses that are currently experiencing highways issues on the business park.

    Please click here for details of the issues already recorded, to see if your issue has been captured.

    If your highway issue has not been captured, please email details to by close of play on:

    Sunday 30th June 2019

    Thank you.

  • 27 June 2019 9:22 AM | Anonymous

    LBP have been very proud to support Care for Veterans as the official LBP Charity over the past year, helping to promote their events, support their Centenary Events Committee and raising awareness of this very worth while charity.

    Every year LBP welcomes charity nominations for consideration and then announces the new official LBP Charity at the AGM. With the AGM approaching it is time to consider which charity should be selected from August 2019.

    If you have a charity that you would like considered for the next official LBP Charity, please can you email details by the 1st July 2019, giving a brief summary of the charity and why you feel this charity should become the next LBP Charity.

    Please click here to email.

  • 25 June 2019 9:34 AM | Anonymous

    Lancing Business Park Business Improvement District (BID) gives notice of the Annual General Meeting

    Date: Wednesday 17th July 2019

    Time: 1:30pm until 2:30pm with food on arrival and drinks/networking after 2.30pm on the lawns (weather permitting) 

    Venue: Tuk Tuk, Marlborough Road, Lancing Business Park

    Businesses based on Lancing Business Park and Partner Organisations are invited to attend the 2019 LBP AGM, with food provided on arrival and drinks/networking on the lawns after the formal proceedings have concluded at 2.30pm (weather permitting). Please register to attend so that you can meet the LBP Team and find out more about LBP's projects and progress.

    The AGM is an open meeting, however only members (companies based on the business park) are allowed to vote on motions and there is a strict ruling of one vote per member.  The AGM will be run in accordance with BID best policy, and will elect the Members of the Advisory Committee for the forthcoming year.

    For further information and to register for this event please click here

  • 13 June 2019 10:08 AM | Anonymous

    Tim Loughton MP has been working with Department of Work and Pensions (DWP),  Lancing Business Park BID and Worthing & Adur Chamber of Commerce to bring you this free Interactive Benefits Seminar.

    This interactive seminar is aimed at HR Managers based in Adur and Worthing and will provide DWP's in-depth knowledge of the Earnings Regulations for Universal Credit, detailing the benefits available to lower earning employees; along with discussing Disability Confident and Mentor Circles.

    Tim Loughton MP would like local businesses to please help disseminate this information to their staff, raising awareness of the breadth of support currently available.

    Date:  Friday 5th July 2019 - 9am to 10.30am

    For further details and to register please click here


  • 28 March 2019 1:22 PM | Anonymous

    We are very pleased to announce that Rabbit Group have confirmed their sponsorship of LBP                                     .

    Please click here to view how Rabbit Group can help you.

  • 28 March 2019 11:57 AM | Anonymous

    Please click the blue icon above to read this article

    Last week LBP & AWBP hosted the free Gigabit Breakfast for businesses to hear about the potential of the new 1GB Broadband technology, which is currently being installed in the Council depot in Commerce Way. 

    LBP would like to thank Lawrence Boon and Spencer Wells at Fizz Creations for providing their wonderful facility free of charge, for making us feel so welcome and for kindly providing all the refreshments.  LBP are very grateful for this support and attendees were fascinated to view Fizz's product range whilst enjoying the catering, funded by AWBP and supplied by The Pit Stop Cafe at Shoreham Vehicle Auction.

    Peter Raynsford and Steve Maton from 5Rings Group explained how Lancing Business Park will be the first to benefit from the new end to end  fibre technology,  with each new connection capable of supporting 250 users and providing upload and download speeds of 1,000 Megabits per second. 

    Adur and Worthing Council's partnership with City Fibre will see this new technology built-out from the business park and a site in Durrington, to provide services for businesses and residents across the Adur and Worthing area.

    Delivery on Lancing Business Park is currently planned for Q3 2019, with significant pavement works across the park to enable this roll-out. Dave Harper from City Fibre attended the breakfast and explained how essential these works are to building infrastructure that will meet current and future business needs, with the new network expected to be 50% to 70% cheaper than the current BT Gigabit network.

    Peter also reported that the government have launched their Gigabit Connection Voucher Scheme which provides up to £2,500 towards the costs of installing this new technology. To qualify for this funding businesses need to fit the following criteria:

    • Small or Medium Business with less than 250 staff
    • Annual turnover below 50mil
    • Not received more than 200,00 in grants over last 3 years
    • 1 Voucher per business

    Businesses are encouraged to act quickly if they would like to secure a voucher, as already half of the fund has been allocated and once it's gone it's gone. Businesses can apply for a voucher and then they have 12 months to use the voucher. 

    To find out more about how 5Rings Group can help your business please  click here  or to view other suppliers on the business park please click here

    Photos supplied by Martin Bloomfield, Seaside Creatives based in Brooklands House.

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