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  • 20 February 2014
  • 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Conference Centre, Eschmannn House, Peter Road
  • 18


  • Business Park Members only

Registration is closed

Thursday 20th February 2014
Time: Inter-Park Trade Show - 4.30pm
         AGM - 5.45pm
Experience Centre
            Eschmannn House, Peter Road

Buffet and refreshments will be provided after the meeting

Guest speaker:
Paul Rogers - ex Captain and Business Development Manager of Brighton and Hove Albion Football Club.

Eschmann Customer Experience Centre comprises of a product museum, which showcases the progression of Eschmann products through the ages, a lecture theatre/meeting room and two demonstration zones - one being for operating theatre environment equipment, the other for decontamination products.'

Inter-Park Trading Show - Prior to the meeting and at the same venue, there will be an Inter-park Trading Show from 4.30pm, where you will be able to see a range of unusual businesses based on Lancing Business Park. (LBP)   We will also be displaying an Inter-Park Trading wall. Don't miss this opportunity to showcase your business to other members on LBP. There is a document for you to complete and customise with your logos etc and return asap. Please click here to download.

AGM - The AGM is an open meeting, however only members, that are companies who are based on the business park, are allowed to vote on motions and there is a strict ruling of one vote per member.  The AGM will be run in accordance with the B.I.D best policy, and will elect the Members of the Advisory Committee for the forthcoming year.

The Lancing BID team will comprise of one member of staff (LBP Co-ordinator) who will be responsible for delivering the aims, projects and aspirations of LBP. The co-ordinator reports to the LBP Advisory Committee (up to a maximum of 15 members) the composition of the Advisory Committee will be made up from businesses paying the BID levy:

•    One representative from each of the six streets in LBP
Blenheim Road        
Chartwell Road        
Commerce Way
Marlborough Road        
Peter Road            
Spencer Road
Attendees from Police and County Council

The current members are:

Mike Punter  (Chairman)
Parafix Tapes & Conversions
Euan Cameron
(Company Secretary)
Parafix Tapes & Conversions
Mandy Bridson Rabbit Skips
Maurice Lee 
Downlands Packaging    
Alan Agate   
Shoreham Car Auctions
Peter Tyler  
Les Fuller  
Triad Timber
Shirley Brown
Adur & Worthing Councils 
Damian Pulford Sussex Transport
Eddie Finch  
Peter Raynsford 5 Rings Telecom
Darren Holloway  RR Donnelley
Clive Stoner (attendee)  
Suzy Bastable/Tina Barker (shared post)    
Adur & Worthing Councils
Holly Thompson (attendee) Police Community Support Officer
Cllr. Mike Glennon (attendee)
 West Sussex County Council

All the above named are willing to stand for a further year.

In accordance with the B.I.D. best policy, applications are invited for any person wishing to stand for election as a member.  A notice signed by a member qualified to vote at the general meeting should be sent to Lancing Business Park Ltd.  The notice must state their intention to propose their nomination for appointment and must be accompanied by a notice signed by the nominee of his/her willingness to be appointed.  The closing date for receipt of nominations is Friday 14th February 2014.

Guest Speaker Paul Rogers – ex Captain and Business Development Manager
of Brighton and Hove Albion Football Club. We are delighted that Paul has been able to accept our invitation to speak about the new training ground nearing  completion at Mash Barn, Lancing and to answer a few questions on the Seagulls progress this season ! 

Please register your attendance and we look forward to meeting you on Thursday 20th February 2014.
Mike Punter

Are you registered on LBP website?

To ensure your company and staff are made aware of events and LBP offers and discounts, please register or update your details on the
members page

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