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Important announcements and general Business Park news will be regularly posted on this page. The very latest information will also be available in various places around the website and on facebook & twitter.
  • 03 July 2014 3:30 PM | Tracie Davey

    Can You Help ... Temporary Parking for a Shipping Container

    A request has been made for temporary parking for 5-7 days for a shipping container to be loaded for on-ward shipment to Cameroon by a local charity.

    If you can help please email

  • 03 July 2014 2:30 PM | Tracie Davey

    Adur Sea of Lights Charity Event

    Do you know of any empty warehouse space on the Business Park that Adur Sea of Lights could use free of charge?

    If you can help please contact: Sasha Bryson - Technical Officer, Parks and Foreshore Section |Adur and Worthing Councils

    Location: Commerce Way, Lancing, BN15 8TA
    01273 263166

  • 03 July 2014 12:03 PM | Tracie Davey

    Do you need accommodation for your Business Associates?

    Brand new Bed and Breakfast Elm Grove Lodge are within walking distance of Lancing Business Park with private onsite parking.

    For more details visit their website
  • 03 July 2014 10:27 AM | Tracie Davey
    Fine Cut: Graphic Imaging, LTD
    July 2014   |   Visit Us Online
    Advanced Service Industry Labels
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     Innovative Service Industry Labels 

    Fine Cut Graphic Imaging are specialists in the manufacture of high quality custom printed labels for the service industry Our products include screen printed labels, thermal and foil printed labels, vinyl labels, industrial labels, product labels, and state of the art digitally printed labels plus many more.

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    Contact Us Now...
    01903 751666

     Labelling Top Tip 

    Strong adhesion to difficult surfaces in challenging environments, including extreme temperatures, is a common factor that must be considered when designing your label or nameplate. Fine Cut have a huge range of material and adhesive combinations, suitable for use in the most extreme environments and perfect for applications where abrasion, moisture, heat, freezing conditions, solvents or chemicals are a factor. Our technical experts are on hand to advise on the best combination for your application. Get in touch now, to speak with an expert.

     QR code usage 'up by 20%' 

    Quick Response (QR) codes are being used more now than ever before, according to the latest research. The technology, which allows consumers to scan a product in a similar way to a barcode using their smartphone, was used 20 per cent more in the first quarter of 2014 compared with the same period in 2013 ...

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    Contact us for a quote today: | | 01903 751666

    The Uk’s Leading Manufacturer of Advanced Label & Marking Solutions

    ISOQAR Quality Assured Firm
  • 03 July 2014 10:19 AM | Tracie Davey

    A27 Action Campaign Survey

    Business Park was represented by several businesses at the event at Worthing College and pledged support.

    At the event, businesses told us they want to see investment to improve the A27.

    Understanding how your business is affected is the key to persuading the Government to invest along the route.

    The A27 Action Group invites your views. We would like you to complete a short survey. It should take ten minutes and is available at the below link

    In order to participate, you may either:



    Click on this link





    Copy-paste the entire following link between quote marks (NOT including the quote marks) in a web browser
    " "





    Click on the following URL and enter the login information provided below:

    The survey will ask brief questions about..

    •   your business
    •   how the A27 affects your ability to compete
    •   your perception of road performance
    •   about the impact on business travel
    •   about the impact on business travel costs

    It is important to remember this survey will focus on the impact of your business during working hours.

    Further work will be done to ensure the impact upon employees will be collected separately.

    Thank you for your participation in advance.


    The Research Team of the A27 Action Group

    This email is sent on behalf of the person/organization whose name appears in the FROM field by SoGoSurvey . If you have any questions about the email, please contact the sender by replying to this email.
    If you prefer not to receive future reminders about this survey, please click here.
    If you prefer not to receive future surveys from the organization behind this survey, please click here.

  • 26 June 2014 10:35 AM | Tracie Davey

    Change in ISA allowances IEP Financials June Newsletter - ISA changes, our work with Rockinghorse and more .

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    Change in ISA allowances

    In the 2014 Budget, announced by George Osborne back in March, The Chancellor revealed a range of initiatives, with the two most significant, and unexpected being changes to pensions and ISA investing.

    • Radical reform of pensions, effectively introducing flexible drawdown for all defined contribution schemes, and a major relaxation to the rules for turning small pension pots into cash lump sums.

    • Reform of ISAs, with a new £15,000 annual contribution limit and full transferability in both directions between stocks and shares and cash.

    Read the full story

    Like IEP Financial's June Newsletter - ISA changes, our work with Rockinghorse and more on Facebook    share on Twitter

    Rockinghorse and IEP Financial

    At IEP Financial, we have a longstanding relationship with the team at Rockinghorse Children’s Charity and have nominated them as our company charity for 2014, including providing them with our pensions services free of charge.
    Read more here
    Like IEP Financial's June Newsletter - ISA changes, our work with Rockinghorse and more on Facebook    share on Twitter

    Harry De’Giovanni – IEP Financial Apprentice

    Harry De’Giovanni is our Apprentice for 2014 at IEP Finanical. Harry came straight from BHASVIC college into the apprenticeship scheme at IEP Financial through a recruitment agency after deciding not to go on into further education and wanting to earn money instead!
    Read more here
    Like IEP Financial's June Newsletter - ISA changes, our work with Rockinghorse and more on Facebook    share on Twitter

  • 05 June 2014 11:36 AM | Tracie Davey
    The Eco Technology Show Highlights for 2014
    26-27 June 2014, The Brighton Centre. @EcoTechShow

    The Eco Technology show focuses on the practical business benefits of innovation and low carbon solutions. Entrance is free and includes over 70 talks and 140 exhibitors highlighting how you can save money and reap measurable benefits for your business, cities and communities on-going.

    Some of the highlights for the two-day event will be a keynote speech by Greg Barker MP, Minister of State for Energy and Climate Change, on the economic benefits of shifting to a lower carbon economy.

    There is a new big debate area situated at the heart of the show covering the big topics including: The benefits and opportunities arising from shifting to a lower carbon economy; Brighton & Hove city regions plans to develop a ‘super-fused’ economy using the City Deal, building on the creative, digital & environmental technology sectors, Innovations in building and transport and how they fit with the Circular Economy? Our Energy Future: Fracking, biofuels or renewables, and the future opportunities for community energy.

    This spring saw the launch of the new Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI), the Government financial incentive scheme that provides payments to encourage the installation of renewable heating technologies in homes. To help people understand the benefits of the scheme, The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) is conducting a series of talks at the show to inform people about the potential benefits of renewable heat and the RHI. What’s more, with changes to the non-domestic RHI scheme, make sure you visit the DECC seminar area to access the very latest information about both schemes.
    A number of high profile case studies plus a range of technical talks from our exhibitors & sponsors have been secured including:

    •    Hear ideas and advice on how to develop your high growth business, based on 16 years running the highly successful Sussex Innovation Centre, a technology business incubator based at the University of Sussex. Sussex Innovation Centre

    •    An overview of the various funding schemes and competitions in support of eco technology and future cities Technology Strategy Board

    •    DECC RHI Roadshow - Installer Readiness Find out the opportunities for installers under both the domestic and non-domestic RHI - Microgeneration Certification Scheme

    •    Hear how the Sussex Energy Saving Programme aims to work with Carillion to install through a local supply chain over £60M of renewable energy & energy efficiency measures.

    •    With rising costs and growing environmental awareness, energy efficiency is increasingly high on the agenda for business and organisations. Hear how the ISO 50001 international standard enables organisations to manage their energy use more efficiently, deliver significant savings on costs and comply with the new ESOS scheme.

    •    Learn how Skandia has been working with Sustrans to improve the sustainability of business travel through the ‘Commuter Challenge’ programme, and the benefits they have gained.

    •    Hear the ambitions of Brighton & Hove City Region to develop a ‘super-fused’ economy using the City Deal and building on the creative, digital & environmental technology sectors.

    •    UK Trade & Investment will explain the opportunities and support available for growing your export capability

    •    Hear how the University of Brighton’s Green Growth Platform seeks to collaborate with environmental sector SMEs in Sussex, creating the conditions for growth and propelling a thriving sector of resilient and innovative businesses that can place Sussex at the forefront of the green economy.

    Other highlights include The Communication Hub where you can get a quick answer to your questions from an expert. Plus attend one of the networking sessions held in this area over the two days and meet likeminded individuals around a range of topics including Future Cities, Buildings, transport, Energy, Innovation, Water & Water and Community Energy.

    See an entire floor of the latest electric and low-emission vehicles in the Transport Zone including BMW’s electric i3 and i8 hybrid supercar, Mitsubishi’s Outlander - the world’s first plug-in SUV, the ground-breaking Tesla Model S and Roadster, Vauxhall’s Ampera, plus a range of electric bikes. Fleetdrive Electric will also launch a new Smart EV app for mobile devices, designed for EV drivers to find the nearest charging points along a route.

    “The programme has been designed to give visitors the most relevant, high-quality up to the minute information possible to enable them to make positive changes throughout their own organisation.” said Nicola Gunstone, the Show Director.

    The Eco Technology Show gives the opportunity to interact with buyers, sellers and regulators plus provides the information you need to thrive in a competitive sector.

    Register here for your free entry and avoid the queues on the day. The Eco Technology Show will be open from 9.30am-5pm on Thursday 26 June and 9.30am-4.30pm on Friday 27 June see for the full speaker and exhibitor line up.

  • 24 April 2014 10:37 AM | Tracie Davey
    Kickstart weight loss programme – An 8 week course consisting of nutritional advice and light exercise

  • 17 April 2014 9:12 AM | Tracie Davey

    Further to the event earlier on this year in Shoreham with Michael Fallon MP, Tim Loughton has received the following letter from the Minister of State with responses to various questions that were raised on the evening.

    Tim hopes that this helpful to you and would again like to thank you for the event which the Minister much enjoyed.

    Click here to download letter

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