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  • 18 December 2014 10:23 AM | Lancing Business Park BID

    Your December newsletter from IEP Financial

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    IEP Winter newsletter

    Have you seen our winter newsletter?

    We are pleased to offer you our winter newsletter so you can keep abreast with what’s happening in the financial world. Our newsletter includes information on Auto Enrolment, making the most of your investments and what investment risks looks like, Lasting Power of Attorneys and making the most of your ISA. Finally, pensions estates have become more attractive in estate planning thanks to the recent confirmation from The Chancellor of tax treatment of death benefits.

    To see our winter newsletter please click here.

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    Key changes from the financial year

    Key changes from the financial year

     2014 has been an incredibly busy year within The Financial Services industry and regulatory and budget changes from The Chancellor have certainly kept us all at IEP Financial on our toes.

    Key changes throughout the year have included:

    • Effective from April 2015 major changes to pensions including scrapping the 55% death charge (prior to age 75)

    ·         Much more flexibility in the way pensions can be accessed and passed on

    ·         Significant changes to Stamp Duty which mean 98% of house buyers will be better off

    Find out more

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    Wills and Investments

    Could a Stocks and Shares NISA be better for you?

    Cash ISAs currently offer disappointing returns and many savers are looking to the stock market to boost their savings.

    A NewISA (NISA) invested in Stocks and Shares can be a good option if you are willing to take risk in the hope of better returns. But which is best for you?

    One of the main considerations is your time frame. When will you need access to your savings? If it's within the next five years, you might be better off leaving your money in cash.

    Cash ISAs protect your capital, which means you will not lose any of the money you have put in. The trade-off for this security is that your money is likely to grow at a much slower pace.

    Find out more

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    IEP Financial Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
    Telephone: 01273 208 813. Address: 119 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2AF
    Copyright © 2014 IEP Financial Ltd, All rights reserved.

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    IEP Financial Ltd

    119 Church Road

    Hove, East Sussex BN3 2AF

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  • 18 December 2014 9:42 AM | Lancing Business Park BID

    Further Success at Wickers Gymnastics Club

    Wickers Gymnastics Club has had a brilliant year with the building of the foam landing pit, the Annual Club Championships, Wickers Invitational, 2014 Awards Evening and the success of our Squad gymnasts.

    Wickers has accomplished great success during this year’s competition season. The season kicked off with the Woman’s Artistic Regional Championships held on the 19th and 20th of September2014.  Though very tough competition the girls did fantastically well, and the Wickers gymnasts managed to get a 5th place in their Modified level 3 group as well as their prep 6 girls who are only 7 years old grabbing 3rd place Team winners.

     Chichester Floor and Vault competition held on the 28th of September for General Gymnastics squads was next up on the list. For some gymnasts this was their first competition and they all held their nerve and performed exceptionally well, winning over 30 medals!

    On the 4th of October 2014 both Woman’s Artistic and higher level General Gymnastics squads were entered into the Sussex Championships. Wickers came out victorious with Four Sussex Champions. A massive well done to Lottie Barton who won a trophy for the highest general floor score of the day.

    On the 19th of October it was the General Gymnasts turn to compete in the Regional Championships. Wickers entered 13 gymnasts, all gymnasts received top ten places and 9 received medals for top 3 places in their age groups and competitive level.

    The final competition for the year was the Southbourne Beam and Vault Championships for Woman’s Artistic and General Gymnastics. This was held on the 23rd of November 2014 and as usual everyone had performed brilliantly. Wickers won almost every category they entered and managed to receive a total of 32 medals, 14 Gold, 11 Silver and 7 Bronze.

    Katy Hodgson commented ‘We are extremely proud of all of our gymnasts, those who competed for the very first time, those who keep achieving every year and those who do it for fun and keep improving. We would like to thank the coaches, volunteers and parents who make it all happen and would like everyone at Wickers to keep up the hard work.   We are looking forward to another successful year in 2015, and all that it may bring!’

    Wickers also has an Adult Gymnastics group, who train on Thursday and Sunday mornings and are very excited to be hosting their first in-house competition on the 21st of December. Good luck to everyone competing at this Christmas Competition.

    Wickers is holding some Christmas activities, before the new term re-starts in January, please visit the website to book into our fantastic holiday programme for children of all ages. Children do not have to be members of Wickers to join in the fun. If you are looking for a gymnastics party or information on classes for parent and child, preschool, junior or adult sessions please also visit the website. Please be aware that parties can be booked up very fast and we can take booking up to 6 months in advance.

  • 04 December 2014 11:57 AM | Lancing Business Park BID
    What’s it all FORS ? Sussex Transport Are Awarded the SILVER Accreditation!

    The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is an accreditation scheme that aims to improve fleet activity in London and throughout the UK and beyond.

    As a FORS accredited company, not only are we now recognised as a forward-thinking operator, but accreditation will give us that all important competitive edge. FORS is graduated into three levels enabling companies to demonstrate to customers and other companies, progress through the FORS journey.

    According to the FORS website, ‘’Silver and gold FORS accredited companies are high-quality operators that are committed to becoming safer, greener and more efficient. Gold is the highest FORS award, followed by silver and then bronze. To progress an operator must meet all the requirements of lower awards. Progression to silver or gold accreditation is not mandatory but may help complying with more rigorous procurement conditions. Silver requirements are based primarily around putting in place the systems for improvements, and gold requirements primarily involve enacting those improvements. Silver and gold FORS operators shall provide an annual submission of data to their certification body for review. Variations in approach to a requirement are acceptable provided that they meet its general ethos and are agreed with the certification body’’


    We are very proud of our progression from Bronze to Silver today.

    For more information on what we can do to help you – please feel free to email us at or call us on 0800 915 23 23
  • 04 December 2014 10:39 AM | Lancing Business Park BID

    Grants Available - Be the Business programme for 2014-2015

    Following the success of the first round of the Be the Business start and grow grants, West Sussex County Council are pleased to announce that they have invested further in the Be the Business programme for 2014-2015. A pot of £180,000 is available to help businesses to start-up and to grow in West Sussex.

    This programme is for start-ups, early-stage companies (1-2 years) and for established and growing businesses in West Sussex where, if applicable, the business rates are/will be paid. Businesses planning to relocate in West Sussex are also eligible but if successful, the grant will only be paid after relocation has taken place. The programme is open to micro and Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) in West Sussex.

    Applicants will be required to provide at least 50% of the total project costs as match-funding. The business proposal must be linked to the creation or safeguarding of jobs in West Sussex.

    This year, 50% of the funding available will be dedicated to specific sectors we wish to encourage to come forward with their ideas, particularly to submit bids with other businesses in the same sector to address problems they have in common.

    These sectors are:

    • Manufacturing, particularly linked to healthcare, aviation or marine industry
    • Low carbon and renewable technologies
    • Tourism and local food
    • Care
    • Land based businesses

    The remaining 50% of the fund will be open to applications from all sectors. Please note we reserve the right to change these allocations depending on demand.

    The maximum amount of grant that can be requested for any individual project is £25,000. The maximum amount that can be requested for any sector project submitted in consortium is £75,000. Only sector projects can be submitted in consortium.

    The list below gives some examples of the type of activities which could be eligible for grants:

    • Purchase of machinery and equipment
    • Premises refurbishment/expansion
    • Feasibility work relating to business expansion
    • Development and implementation of business strategies to improve sales and commercial performance
    • Knowledge transfer-related activities
    • Product development
    • Efficiency improvements

    For more information please visit

  • 04 December 2014 10:20 AM | Lancing Business Park BID

    Rabbit Waste Management Ltd would like to inform fellow business park members we will be storing wood in part of the former Graham Woods site on a temporary basis  for use over the Christmas period. At the end of this period it will be reinstated to its former condition the week commencing  5th January 2015. All the necessary exemptions have been put in place with the Environment Agency.

    Mandy Bridson 

  • 04 December 2014 9:59 AM | Lancing Business Park BID

    Tim Loughton - Parliamentary Newsletter - November 2014

    Dear Constituent,

    The most important news in this newsletter is that the A27 improvements at Arundel and Worthing/Sompting/Lancing are to be included in the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement. At long last they are back on the radar but there is a lot of work still to come as I detail below.

    We are also awaiting imminently the interim report commissioned by the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Worthing Hospital about the potential impact of the MSK contract proposals. I will post further on this when they are out but we had a useful meeting with the CCG recently too.

    Together with Sir Peter Bottomley I also had a meeting last month with Roffey to discuss their plans for a rather large block of flats on the Aquarena site and I have detailed below my reasons for opposing what I see as an inappropriate over-development.

    Many thanks for the flood of survey responses on both the future of our relationship with the EU and the regeneration of Southwick. Keep them coming and I will then report back on the substantive findings in the New Year when the trickle dries up.

    Finally, I would like to say thank you to Reverend Gail Souppouris who is retiring from Shoreham Beach Church of the Good Shepherd and whose packed farewell service at St Mary’s I attended on Sunday.

    Best wishes,

    Tim Loughton MP

    Read More ....

  • 27 November 2014 10:48 AM | Lancing Business Park BID

    Congratulations to those businesses on Lancing Business Park who were Winners and Highly Commended at the Business Awards

    Small Business
    Highly Commended - Simmons Signs

    Medium Business
    Highly Commended - Sussex Transport    

    Winners - Flare Audio

    Young Achiever
    Winner - Sian Panton - Sussex Transport

  • 27 November 2014 10:25 AM | Lancing Business Park BID

    Can you help Charity for Injured Troops with some Workshop Space?

    KartForce is a charity that introduces injured troops to competitive motorsport, starting with team endurance karting – anything from 2hr to 24hrs.
    Our team mechanic lives in Worthing so we’re looking for an secure unit in this area, and write to ask if Lancing Business Park might be able to assist us.
    We haven’t started looking for units available for rent yet as we were very much hoping that maybe one of your members might be able to assist us.
    We need to find a unit fairly quickly – before Xmas.

    The unit needs to be large enough to park our van - extra-long wheel-based van with high roof and trailer.

    The unit will be used mostly for storage of the van, trailer, karts, engines, tools, spares, etc but will also be used to service our race karts and get them ready before each race.

    We don’t need an office or any other facilities – a toilet would be good though.

    Is this something Lancing Business Park can assist us with?

    I hope to hear from you soon.

    Dave Player
    Tel 01635 770601
    Mob 0782 462 8029


    “You don’t need all your limbs to race – just British Bulldog Balls!”

  • 27 November 2014 10:15 AM | Lancing Business Park BID


    MA in Leadership and Management from the University of Chichester

    This programme offers students the opportunity to study for a Postgraduate award in leadership and management.

    You will gain a greater understanding of advanced thinking in management, your own capability and in turn your overall performance through a critical reflection on your own management practice and ideas.

    How does it work?

    The MA programme has been designed to achieve a close connection between the learning environment and the workplace.  Emphasis is placed on face to face delivery of the programme with student participation and experience being central to the facilitation of learning and teaching. The use of professional specialists to provide input where required is also a key feature of the learning approach.

    The programme examines the practice of leadership and management informed by an analysis of wider management theory, in a changing organisational context. 

    You will attend our Bognor Regis campus for 1 day per month for 10 months in the first 2 years. The final year is more flexible and focuses on producing a dissertation topic supported by your tutors. We predominantly use small group learning and Action Learning Sets to deliver the content of the programme. Assessment is via assignment/presentations and report completion.

    What will I be studying?

    You will create a detailed, transformational Personal Development Plan in your first year alongside a study into ‘Managing a Department’.  In the second year you will study Strategic Leadership and High Performance Team Management.  In the final year you will attend research methods workshops, decide on a specific area to investigate and report on what is relevant to you, your career or your employer.

    What are the distinctive features of this programme?
    •    We emphasise the examination of leadership and management practice, using case examples from within the students own organisation
    •    We create greater critical understanding of leadership and management in a range of sectors and the opportunities and constraints present in organisations at a time of great change
    •    We enable the study of leadership to enhance capability and in turn the overall performance of organisations through structured reflection on practice
    •    the development of individual effectiveness as a leader in professional workplaces and particularly when working in unpredictable and changing contexts
    •    flexibility of ‘stepping off’ points at Certificate, (year 1) Diploma (year 2) and MA (year 3), to suit individual and organisational demands and needs
    •    the use of action learning sets to develop a supportive learning environment for postgraduate students

    What qualifications do I need to do the programme?

    You will normally need a degree, or equivalent to do the programme.  In exceptional circumstances we can consider non-standard applications from non-graduates with significant, relevant work experience who can prove that they would benefit from and be able to cope with the programme.

    How much does it cost?

    Provisional course fees are £3,500 per academic year for the first two years and £2,800 for the third and final year (these are provisional and subject to change)

    How do I get more information?

    Contact Andrew Adams, Business Development Manager, School of Enterprise, Management and Leadership, University of Chichester –  - Tel: 07796 655247

    Dr Rob Warwick, Programme Director, School of Enterprise, Management and Leadership, University of Chichester, Upper Bognor Road, Bognor Regis, West Sussex, PO211HR

  • 27 November 2014 10:03 AM | Lancing Business Park BID

    How employers can work together to upskill their employees

    Three leading members of Bognor Regis Ltd, URT, JCC Lighting and Heirlooms-Linens, have come together with the University of Chichester’s School of Enterprise Management and Leadership (SEMAL) to identify particular areas of their businesses where skills development is required. 

    All three companies are keen to invest in their employees to ensure they have the skills to maintain their long-term competitive position, enhance their ability to react to changing market conditions and continually improve their performance at home and abroad.

    URT, JCC and Heirlooms worked with the University of Chichester to identify their main skills priorities and highlighted Operations Management as one key area for development.  The University is working to develop a programme to upskill selected URT and Heirlooms employees in this important area. This programme is planned to be delivered in February 2015. Is this an area of development for your company?

    JCC have identified a range of leadership and management areas as key to their development and, again, the University will be identifying ways to address these important priorities.

    URT, Heirlooms, JCC and the University are keen to invite other BRL members to consider their skills and development needs and work together with the University as a collective group to address them.

    There may well be other areas such as Coaching, Strategic Management, Marketing, Supply Chain/Purchasing, and Performance Management on which other BRL members may like to work together.

    Companies from different sectors working together can stimulate new ideas, different approaches and ways of working which can boost performance and maintain competitiveness.

    If you feel your business could benefit from this exciting approach please contact Andrew Adams on 07796 655247 – at the University of Chichester for an informal discussion.

    Ruth Douglas  Heirlooms Linens   -
    Kevin Emmitt   URT                     -
    Nikki Keane     JCC Lighting          -

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