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Important announcements and general Business Park news will be regularly posted on this page. The very latest information will also be available in various places around the website and on facebook & twitter.
  • 23 April 2015 10:53 AM | Tracie Davey

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    Did you see our recent blog about our belief in continual investment in technology for ongoing success, when others are seeming to lack the commitment? If you haven’t, read it here now.

    Taking the Lead on Investment

    The latest statistics from the manufacturing sector are a strange mixture of good and puzzling. On the one hand, the rise in the respected Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) from 53.1 in January to 54.1 in February indicates quite clearly that sector sales are on an upward trend which, according to a recent editorial published by Insider Media, reflects an increase in domestic demand for goods.

    Manufacturing activity is reported to be at its highest since last July while factory costs are said to be falling at their fastest rate for six years.

    Against such a buoyant background it seems odd…

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    Tenkay Electronics Ltd
    Unit 2 25 Marlborough Rd
    Lancing Business Park
    West Sussex
    BN15 8TR

    Tel: 01903 855 455
    Fax: 01903 761 942

      Tenkay Electronics Ltd is a company registered in England Registered No. 1925067 Vat No. GB 423 229 771

  • 23 April 2015 10:43 AM | Tracie Davey

    Engineering and technology provision in the areas of:

    Digital Technologies Data Science Engineering Manufacture Product Design Sustainable Business innovation capacity in the supply chains

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  • 19 March 2015 10:08 AM | Tracie Davey

    Business Development Opportunities at StreetVelodrome

    On the 1st and 2nd August 2015, Worthing will host the fifth round of the UK StreetVelodrome series - which will then be aired on various global television networks as a 30 minute Worthing highlights show – and sponsorship opportunities are now available for businesses wanting to significantly raise their profile.

    With several thousand people expected to pack out Beach House grounds in Worthing on the first weekend of August, the StreetVelodrome event would be a good opportunity for any company to connect to more customers. The television highlights show extends this opportunity, with over 600,000 adults seeing the equivalent StreetVelodrome programme in 2014.

    Worthing Borough Council has been keen to keep the cost of sponsorship opportunities affordable, as Executive Member for Regeneration, Councillor Bryan Turner, explains:

    “There’s no point bringing a hugely exciting event like StreetVelodrome to Worthing, only to price local businesses out of the sponsorship opportunities.

    “We’ve already had incredibly strong interest and take up in our Gold, Silver and Bronze packages, with significant local companies investing in some high profile brand building.  However, there are still spaces, so interested businesses should move quickly to secure a sponsorship slot.”

    In addition to the main sponsorship packages, Worthing Borough Council are developing a filmed media package which will be both used as a marketing tool in the run up to the event, and as a celebration of a fantastic weekend of StreetVelodrome cycling afterwards.

    Businesses interested in finding out how to make the most of this opportunity should contact Jo Osborne, Worthing Borough Council’s Events Manager by email

    More information about the exciting StreetVelodrome event, and its inaugural Worthing heat, can be found on their website –

  • 19 March 2015 10:05 AM | Tracie Davey

    Parliamentary Newsletter - February 2015

    Dear Constituent,

    Welcome to my penultimate constituency e-newsletter before the election and I am glad to report that more constituents than ever are now receiving it. A particular welcome to you if this is the first time!

    There have been a number of high profile lobbying campaigns recently on everything from tax avoidance to stunning animals for slaughter and I have posted my responses on my website. I also have a new video podcast and survey on my TellTim website ( and I would welcome your views there. The results from the survey on the regeneration of Southwick Square have already been collated and are available on I am still receiving replies to my EU survey and will keep it open for another few weeks before compiling the results to publish in my newsletter next month. This follows on from a newspaper which I am currently delivering door-to-door across the constituency which also includes a round-up of my activities in 2014. If you have not received one yet then do let me know but it does rely on volunteers who are distributing it at no cost to the taxpayer.

    As always please do let me know what issues you would like me to cover and I look forward to seeing you soon either at one of my street surgeries or unannounced on your doorstep.

    Best wishes,

    Tim Loughton MP

    Click here to read more

  • 19 March 2015 9:31 AM | Tracie Davey
    A27 Feasibility Study Publication

    We welcome the publication, by the Government, of the A27 Corridor Feasibility Study.  It is important that everyone is able to access and understand the work that was completed last year.  We are currently considering the Study and its findings.

    West Sussex County Council, as part of A27 Action, helped inform the Department for Transport’s work through participation in its Reference Group alongside other stakeholders.

    A27 Action received submissions regarding the need to improve the A27 from businesses, residents and local parish councils.  Ministers were receptive to this engagement and the views expressed in a coherent way for the Department to take account of.

    The Government took on board all of the views received.  We thank Ministers for taking the time to visit the County and for listening to the concerns and suggestions for improvements.

    The Feasibility Study has identified improvement options.  The detail in the Feasibility Study sets out the Department for Transport’s conclusions in accordance with its standard transport appraisal techniques.

    These options will now be subject to more detailed technical work to ensure they will achieve the Government’s objectives.

    We recognise there is a lot of detail to consider but we are committed to involving residents, businesses, Borough and District Councils and the Local Enterprise Partnership.

    The study sets out that further work is required on the detail of the most feasible options.  Once this has been completed, those options will be published for formal consultation.

    We will ensure that the consultation will invite views in relation to sustainable transport measures to complement investment along the A27.

    West Sussex County Council looks forward to working with all stakeholders, particularly Highways England, in investing in the strategic road network in the County.

    We welcome the Government’s Study as part of the long-term economic plan to boost investment in the strategic road network.

    The Government’s commitment helps to ensure that a strong and diverse economy can grow in West Sussex


    The feasibility study published by the Government is set out in a series of technical reports is currently available here -

    To understand the feasibility study for the A27, please follow these links to find a short overview and leaflet -

  • 19 March 2015 9:29 AM | Tracie Davey

    Fine Cut: Graphic Imaging, LTD

    March 2015   |   Visit Us Online

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    Need Standard Labels?

    Did you know that we manufacture standard labels also? Our huge product range includes prohibition, mandatory, hazard, asset marking, product marking & lots more. All offered with fast delivery, affordable prices & available to order online - Order your standard labels today!


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    Sussex Growth Awards Finalists!

    With continued investment in the latest production technology, Fine Cut quickly established itself as a specialist UK manufacturer facilitating sustained growth since its formation in 1982 and were shortlisted for the Sussex Growth Awards at the end of February.


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    The Uk’s Leading Manufacturer of Advanced Label & Marking Solutions

    ISOQAR Quality Assured Firm

  • 12 March 2015 10:36 AM | Tracie Davey

    Recertification Success!

    We recently undertook our renewal audits for ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 and we are pleased to announce that we have been recertified for both quality standards.

    Why is having a good audit, good?
    Our NQA Auditor conducts a renewal audit every year to confirm our ongoing compliance with the required quality standards.

    Being recertified demonstrates, not only our continuing commitment to the concept of continuous improvement as a requirement of the standards, but our commitment to maintaining these Quality and Environmental standards as evidence to our customers that we will continue to produce and supply products to the highest quality.

  • 19 February 2015 11:45 AM | Tracie Davey
    In February's newsletter we discuss Critical Illness cover, Auto Enrolment and the upcoming Pension changes 

    Critical Illness - Are you financially protected yet?

    Did you know that statutory sick pay is currently £87.55 per week– how long would that last you?

    Critical illness insurance pays a lump sum or a regular monthly income if you are diagnosed as suffering from a specified illness. The plan is dependent on your provider with some covering over 100 different illnesses, including forms of cancers, heart attack and MS.

    Read the full story here

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    Have you prepared for Auto Enrolment?

    Did you know there are approximately 46,000 businesses Auto Enrolling this year, and this number is set to rise to over 500,000 for 2016. Can you afford to leave your planning to the last minute?

    Read the full story here

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    Pensions are about to get more exciting!

    Many of us will hear the word “pensions” and fall asleep, but believe us when we say from 6th April things are getting more exciting and you won’t be feigning boredom when you reach pensionable age.  

    Read the full story here

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    IEP Financial Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
    Telephone: 01273 208 813. Address: 119 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2AF
    Copyright © 2015 IEP Financial Ltd, All rights reserved.

  • 19 February 2015 11:37 AM | Tracie Davey
    Fine Cut: Graphic Imaging, LTD
    February 2015   |   Visit Us Online
    Electrical, Medical
    & Industrial Labels
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     Your Standard Labels Specialist 

    Manufacturing quality labels since 1960, Fine Cut Labels Direct have the skills and heritage to deliver quality labels for an affordable price.

    Well known for our huge product range, fast delivery and competitive price - we are proud to be the number 1 supplier of standard labels.

    Manufacturers of standard Electrical, Medical & Industrial labels, we are proud to offer: No Minimum Order Quantity, Quality Products, Fast Delivery & Affordable Prices.

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    *In comparison to phone and email order prices 

     Join us at Southern Manufacturing 2015 

    Fine Cut Graphic Imaging Ltd will once again be exhibiting at this years Southern Manufacturing show. Showcasing our full range of labels & nameplates, alongside our advanced laser engraving and cutting services. Visit Stand M122 between the 10th & 12th February. Find out more...

     Interview: How Labels Direct Works For You 

    At Fine Cut Labels Direct, we're all about the customer. You'll rarely hear us saying "we can't do that" and we're very much focused on doing all we can to make you happy.

    Whether that's by turning around an order in extremely tight deadlines, offering competitive pricing or simply consistently delivering exactly what you ask for, we recognise that ensuring those who use us have a reason to return is the lifeblood of our business - and by the looks of it, we certainly seem to be getting this aspect of our operation right.

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    Contact us for a quote today: | | 01903 751666

    The Uk’s Leading Manufacturer of Advanced Label & Marking Solutions

    ISOQAR Quality Assured Firm

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