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Latest Park News

Important announcements and general Business Park news will be regularly posted on this page. The very latest information will also be available in various places around the website and on facebook & twitter.
  • 03 March 2016 10:15 AM | Tracie Davey

    Worthing Churches Homeless Project 24 Peaks Challenge

    Click here to download registration form


  • 03 March 2016 9:46 AM | Tracie Davey

    Enterprise Week is back... and this year it's greener than ever!

    7th - 11th March 2016

    All these events and workshops are FREE for all to attend.

      Click here to book your place


    What have you got to look forward to during

    Enterprise Week 2016? 

    Monday 7th March -

    10:30am - 12:00pm

    Northbrook College Broadwater, Centre For Leadership

    What's it like to be green? Ask the green professionals

    Be welcomed into the start of Green Growth Enterprise Week 2016 with a very green Q&A panel featuring representatives from companies in and around Worthing and Adur.

    Get expert advice and top tips on how to make your business as sustainable as it can be.


    Tuesday 8th March - 9:30am - 2:00pm

    Northbrook College, Broadwater, Room B024

    Expert Workshops

    Are you a new business looking to grow and expand your skills?

    Be trained and developed by the professionals with skill workshops for new businesses in;

    > Social Media Marketing 
    > DIY Tax compliance 
    > Finance Solutions 
    > Simple ways to build a website
    > Shared Service Space at "The Sphere Business Centre" including a tour
    > The Business Navigator Growth Service will also be on hand during the day to share what support is out there for start up and new businesses.


    Wednesday 9th March -10:00am - 1:00pm

    Northbrook College Broadwater,

    Centre For Leadership

    How to save for efficiency and growth

    Go GREEN in your Business!

    Learn how to make your business more sustainable by getting the all important advice on cost savings and how these can be used to support growth and  efficiency

    > How to Recycle & Save Money
    > Optimising your CSR Strategy
    > Energy Efficiency Schemes for Business 
    > Making Compliance work for your Business 


    Thursday 10th March - 10:00am - 4:00pm

    Northbrook College

    Broadwater & Durrington Campuses             

    Northbrook Student Enterprise Day

    BBC School Reports live from Northbrook College Broadwater

    From College to Business: Workshop on how to become self-employed for HE undergraduates and how to be a successful freelancer


    Friday 11th March - 10:00am - 4:00pm

    Northbrook College Broadwater, Centre for Leadership

    Guiding your business through sustainable growth

    Become a leader with these motivating workshops

    on the last day of Green Enterprise Week 2016

    > The Value of Mentoring 
    > Play to Lead 
    > Promoting the Green Vision 
    > Gear up for Success 

  • 03 March 2016 9:36 AM | Tracie Davey

    Worthing Churches Homeless Project
    Elvis Tribute Night

  • 04 February 2016 11:13 AM | Tracie Davey

    Ocean Press Christmas Card promotion raises £270 for local charity

    Ocean Press recently raised £270.00 following a Christmas card promotion ran at the end of last year in aid of The Rockinghorse Appeal. Ocean Press would like to thank all those customers who took part and ordered their Christmas cards with them.

     A special mention goes to Damian Mottram of who, despite having already ordered his companies Christmas cards back in September before the promotion was launched, still decided that as it was such a good cause he would dig deep into his pockets and make a very generous donation anyway.

    If you would like to learn more about the great work The Rockinghorse charity does, please click here.

    It is the intention of Ocean Press to run a couple of similar promotions during 2016 where money will be donated for every business card order or maybe printed leaflets or flyers, so please keep an eye out for more information during the coming months.

    In the meantime, if you require printing for any projects, large or small, please do not hesitate to contact kim via

    Hope you have a great 2016.

    Kind regards

    Kim Hayes

  • 04 February 2016 11:10 AM | Tracie Davey

    Now is the time to start thinking of your 2016 holiday, where are you thinking of going,

    Did you know that as well as doing flights and holidays, Genie Travel can also do theatre breaks, spa hotels in the UK (and abroad as well) cruises, both ocean and river ( I love river cruising) , tailormade holidays and travel to unusual destinations.

    all you need is this telephone number Free fone 0800 031 5224.

    You can also email me or visit my website a You can also find me on Facebook – take a look at my page and ‘like’ it,

    Jean Young
    Genie Travel
    Independent Travel Experts
    0800 031 5224

  • 04 February 2016 11:02 AM | Tracie Davey

    Lancing Football Club needs your help

    Lancing Football Club are currently in 1st Place of The Southern Combination Football League; we are hoping to stay in this position for the rest of the season.

    They also are currently still in 2 Cup competitions (Quarter Final of one and Semi-Final of other) Due to our amazing season so far, we have as a club applied to join the Ryman League, which for our club would be a first in its history.

    With this success we need your help to be able to sustain ourselves in our current division and the Ryman League, in return we would like to offer you an advertising package of your business through our popular football programme aswell as through our well followed Twitter and Facebook. 

    We currently on average have over 100 spectator attend each home game as well as near to 4,000 followers on our main club twitter site and over 1,000 friends on Facebook.


    We have 2 Advertising & 2 Other Packages Available:

    Full Social Media Advertising Package - Season

    4 x League Match Tickets to a home game. (Worth £24)

    Tannoy Announcement at the attended Game

    Company Logo and Telephone Number in Programme Business Page

    Company Logo and Telephone Number Link on Website

    2 x Mentions per month on Twitter

    2 x Mentions per month on Facebook


    Part Social Media Advertising Package - Season

    2 x League Match Tickets to a home game. (Worth £12)

    Company Logo and Telephone Number Link on Website

    1 x Mention per month on Twitter

    1 x Mention per month on Facebook


    Match-Ball Sponsorship

    4 x League Match Tickets to a home game. (Worth £24)

    Company Logo and Telephone Number in Programme Match Ball Sponsorship Page

    Company Logo and Telephone Number on Link Website (Season)

    Half Time Hospitality

    Tannoy Announcement

    MOM Selection & Wine Presentation Picture


    Friend of Lancing FC Donation - Season

    1 x League Match Ticket to a home game. (Worth £6)

    1 x Name/Company Name on Website 


    The above packages range from £15-60. 

    There are Sponsorship packages available on request.


    Once again many thanks for taking your time to read this and If you would like to discuss this more then I would be more than happy to arrange a meeting with you.


    Kind Regards

    Ash Bailey
    1st Team Manager
    Lancing FC

  • 04 February 2016 10:56 AM | Tracie Davey

    50 days to go until pension tax perks could be lost


    The Spring budget is only 50 days away and it is has been reported that it is highly likely that George Osborne will severely reduce, or scrap all together, the tax relief gained on pension contributions.

    Even if he doesn’t scrap them all together, he is likely to reduce the relief available to top earners, who are already about to see the amount they can pay into their pensions contributions reduce significantly from April, resulting in a double blow for these high earners.

    But even those who are classed as ‘middle’ earners are also likely to be targeted – 4.5 million people who pay 40% tax on the top part of their income, may see a reduction in tax relief from the current level of 40%.

    This will be a huge bonus to the Chancellor adding a possible £35 billion to the Chancellor’s coffers.

    If you think you could be affected by these new rules, what should you be doing before the Spring Budget?

    • ·         Discuss the possibility of adding to your contributions now. His plans could be implemented with immediate effect and you don’t want to be left high and dry on March 16th.
    • ·         Are you a higher rate earner still with money to add in before the allowance is vastly reduced from April? Get in touch to see what you can still contribute in this financial year as the likelihood is you’re able to add more than you thought before the new rules come into practice. More information on the new rules can be found here.

    The pensions rules are becoming ever more complicated and we believe it is imperative to seek advice on the best way to manage your pension.

    For more information or to arrange a meeting with one of our experts, please call 01273 208813 or email

    IEP Financial is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

  • 04 February 2016 10:36 AM | Tracie Davey

    Rampion Offshore Windfarm update

    Construction team battle the elements to begin installation of first foundations at Rampion Offshore Wind Farm Rampion Offshore Wind Limited has announced that the project remains on schedule with the installation of the first turbine foundation due to start this week, despite adverse weather conditions disrupting enabling works to prepare the seabed.

    Click here to read more

  • 04 February 2016 10:30 AM | Tracie Davey

    Newsletter - January 2016

    Dear Constituent

    As this is my first newsletter of 2016, may I wish you a belated Happy New Year?

    This year has already got off to a busy start and I was particularly pleased with the excellent response to the first of my 'Talk to Tim' public meetings with a packed Sompting Village hall despite the atrocious weather. I will now be repeating these meetings around the constituency, especially to help the debate about the upcoming EU referendum, which is dominating our news at the moment, but, as I point out below, I am happy to take up any local or national issues people want to discuss.

    I have also increasingly been using video podcasts to get across short messages on topical issues affecting my Parliamentary work, which I receive a lot of emails about. I am pleased that this seem to be getting a wide viewing so I will step up my output!

    As usual, if there are any issues that you would like covered then please let me know.
    Tim Loughton
    Member of Parliament for East Worthing and Shoreham

  • 04 February 2016 10:25 AM | Tracie Davey
    Can you help Electric Storm Youth

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