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Latest Park News

Important announcements and general Business Park news will be regularly posted on this page. The very latest information will also be available in various places around the website and on facebook & twitter.
  • 24 March 2016 9:13 AM | Tracie Davey

    Product Photography from Image1 photography based on Lancing Business Park

    Creative Adverts, Eye catching images from Image 1 Photography

  • 17 March 2016 3:59 PM | Tracie Davey

    Adur Festival Advertising Opportunities

    for more information contact:

    Mags Bradley
    Festival Coordinator / Adur Festival


    Like us on Facebook Festival

    Follow us on Twitter @AdurFestival

    Adur Festival is run by The Ropetackle Trust, registered charity number 1109381 and a company limited by guarantee 05124613

  • 03 March 2016 11:40 AM | Tracie Davey

    Manual Handling Course



    Friday 1st April 2016
    £45.00+vat and is a day course starting at 9am

    For more information contact:
    Steve at Lancing Driver Training
    01903 765250

  • 03 March 2016 11:34 AM | Tracie Davey

    Sir Robert Woodard Academy  Dance Showcase
    15th - 17th March 7.00pm

  • 03 March 2016 11:24 AM | Tracie Davey

    The Business Studies Degree Apprenticeship programme has been developed in partnership with a range of employers. It is an exciting and flexible way to develop both your existing and new employees in all aspects of business management, sales, finance and human resources. The student is employed full-time by the business and attends the University (Bognor Regis campus) on a Day Release basis.  


    The cost of the programme is partially met by the Government’s Skills Funding Agency 2/3 and the employer 1/3.  


    To explain more, we will be holding a series of briefings exclusively for employers at colleges around West Sussex as well as the University over the next few weeks.  These events will explain how you can get involved as well as an opportunity to meet students interested in careers in business studies. The dates and venues of these briefings will be confirmed as soon as possible. 


    There will also be an opportunity to meet other local employers as well as the partners involved in delivering this programme. 


    If you are interested in attending and would like to receive more details please contact me on
  • 03 March 2016 11:15 AM | Tracie Davey

    Ground floor warehouse/factory space Ground floor warehouse/factory space available at Garden Pride

    Reception rooms 5126 SqF
    First floor offices 542 SqF
    Total 5668 Sq F
    £32,000 PA

    For more information contact:
    Maxine Vincent
    Garden Pride Marketing Limited

    Chartwell House, Lancing Business Park,
    t: 01903 761222|  f: 01903 761444 

  • 03 March 2016 10:58 AM | Tracie Davey

    Tim Loughton Newsletter - February 2016

    Dear Constituent

    Welcome to the February edition of my constituency e-newsletter and apologies for its length but there is a lot going on and I have been receiving record amounts of email in particular. I am also pleased to announce that my main website has received a makeover and now contains more information than ever and I hope is simple to navigate. Have a look for yourself here: There are a number of archived items still to be migrated across but all the current information you need should be here.

    You will notice that I am increasingly using video podcasts on topical local and national issues to get across a quick message about my position and up to date details. I will be collating these all in one place shortly on my Tell Tim website where there will also be more details about the series of ‘Talk to Tim’ meetings I have been holding and where you can respond to the various questions raised and surveys. That site will also be getting a makeover.

    I have also enhanced my presence on social media and routinely post a lot of information on my Facebook page here: which is obviously interactive and seems to reach a wider audience and where I can often link to more detailed information on my main website. If you do not follow me already then I also post updates on my Twitter account @TimLoughton.

    The main news of the month has of course been the announcement that we are to hold the long anticipated EU referendum on 23 June 2016. I have set out my own position for voting to Leave on my website and Facebook page and look forward to debating this very important constitutional issue with constituents over the coming weeks and months.

    An important event taking place this month in Parliament is of course the Chancellor's annual Budget. This year's Budget will be announced by the Chancellor on 16 March 2016. I am sure the statement will be as well publicised and covered as ever and I am sure you will all have many questions to ask, which I am perfectly happy to answer for you.

    As usual if there is anything you would like to see included in future issues then please do let me know.
    Best wishes

    Click here to read full newsletter

  • 03 March 2016 10:49 AM | Tracie Davey
    Sponsorship Opportunities for the Worthing Street Velodrome

    Following the success of the 2015 event, the Worthing Street Velodrome is back for 2016

    Sponsoring the Worthing Street Velodrome provides local companies the opportunity to connect with their communities, promote team building amongst staff, reach new and varied audiences, raise brand awareness and create positive PR.

    Click image below to download the sponsorship pack

  • 03 March 2016 10:42 AM | Tracie Davey

    Gorilla Circus Sponsorship Opportunties

  • 03 March 2016 10:31 AM | Tracie Davey

    Health and Life Sciences Banner

    The University of Sussex Skills and Workforce Development Offer

    You have told us skills and workforce development is a key challenge for companies across West Sussex, and we have committed to supporting you with this challenge helping to build workforce capacity and capability through further collaborations between local universities and industry. The first instalment in this work-plan is to focus on the opportunities at the University of Sussex.

    The University of Sussex, is internationally recognised for its world-class research across many subjects. University staff work regularly with a range of businesses from multinationals to SMEs on ground breaking research and its practical uses. This cluster offer will focus on the opportunities for collaboration with the Sussex Innovation Centre and five excellent Schools with the potential to produce the Health and Life Sciences Sector talent of the future.  This offer focuses on the School of Business, Management and Economics, and the School of Engineering and Informatics. We also highlight opportunities to collaborate with the School of Life Science, the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, and the School of Psychology.

    The menu of options will collectively contribute to ensure that:

    1. talented undergraduates and graduates are exposed to the possibility of a career in the Health and Sciences Sector
    2. graduates are provided with the preparation to be work-ready and have the right skills and experience to make the transition into the Health and Life Sciences world of work

    On March 10th 2016 the University of Sussex will hold a cross-disciplinary university event in the evening which will provide an opportunity to engage with a cross section of top academics at the university and allow you to find out about the many ways that you can collaborate with the University. Further details on this event can be found here.

    Professional and Industrial Placements

    Placements provide benefits for students, industry and the University. Take a look at the diagram showing some of the benefits for your company. All Undergraduate students have the option to undertake a Professional Placement, and science students have the option to take a subject-specific Industrial Placement.

    All placements must last a minimum of 40 weeks, although some organisations offer placements for 13 months to allow the incoming undergraduate to be trained by the outgoing student. All opportunities should be paid at the Living Wage or higher. Placements are integrated into the curriculum and are fully supported by the BMEC Placements Team (for students of business, management and economics) or the Placements Team in the Careers and Employability Centre (for the rest of the university), and a School of study Placement Tutor.  The Careers and Employability Centre’s Placements Preparation Programme was runner-up in the Association of Graduate Recruiters ‘Best Preparation for Work’ Award 2015, highlighting its exceptional content, peer learning and one-to-one support.

    As a host organisation you would be expected to provide a working environment in which the student can meet their learning outcomes. Some key information for employers is shown in this placement year outline from the School of Business, Management and Economics, this outline is replicated throughout the university.

    Placement Examples

    The School of Engineering and Informatics is experienced assisting students in securing placements in health and life sciences companies- this case study from Eschmann gives a flavour.

    The University has worked with Pfizer on a number of placements for students from a range of disciplines, including Biochemistry, Business and Management, and Medical Neuroscience.

    The University has also worked with GlaxoSmithKline- this example features a Psychology student placement.


    Funding for shorter internships

    The University of Sussex participates in the Santander Universities programme which provides SMEs funding for 50% of a 12-week internship, match funded by the employer. It also provides full funding for 4-week projects. You can register your interest here.

    The University also provides full funding for some groups of students and graduates to undertake a 10-week internship, at organisations of any size. If you would like to be added to our mailing list so that we can contact you when funding is available, please register here

    Project support for SMEs

    The SME Catalyst Programme, developed by the Sussex Innovation Centre, bridges the gap between growing companies needing an additional staffing resource and the pool of students and graduates at the University of Sussex seeking meaningful work. The team members are employed – and intensively trained - by the Innovation Centre and contracted out on short term projects which can be full- or part-time. If are considering employing a graduate or placement student, but do not have a full year’s work or funding, then you might consider this programme.  

    Research placements

    Research Projects

    There are numerous company benefits for placing real projects into universities. A few of the benefits are displayed in this diagram.

    Postgraduates from many disciplines have the opportunity to use research from external organisations as part of their dissertation, which can benefit all parties.

    Some examples of research projects are:

    Real life projects in the School of Engineering and Informatics

    Final year undergraduates can be involved in individual or group projects. These projects are allocated a certain credit score and have to be completed over a period of time usually 6-9 months. These projects need to come in the middle of spring for them to commence in September. Post graduates have projects, these projects come in early in the calendar year and are ready for the graduates to start in the summer. For additional details on real life projects please view this document.

    Research projects in the School of Business, Management and Economics

    Undergraduates study a Research Project module, this module provides the opportunity for students to undertake a significant and independent research project. This may be a dissertation in the form of a literature-based analysis of a research problem, or a dissertation in which some primary empirical data is collected and synthesised by the student. If you are interested in submitting a research project please email Shova Thapa Karki via

    Events at Sussex

    The Careers and Employability Centre offers employers the opportunity to raise their profile on campus by delivering events and workshops in our Seminar Rooms in the Library, in the heart of campus.

    You could use this platform to spread your workplace knowledge and experience, and inspire the next generation to pursue a career in Health and Life Sciences. Or you could run a skills workshop to enthuse students, raise the visibility of your own company and our ground breaking sector, and allow you to spot potential future talent.

    Careers Fair

    The University of Sussex in partnership with Brighton University hold a careers fair every November. In 2015 the Fair was held in the Amex Stadium and received over 3000 visitors. The 2016 Careers Fair is scheduled for Wednesday 2 November 2016 and could provide an excellent opportunity for you to raise the profile of your organisation amongst undergraduates and recent graduates from across the two universities. To register your interest please contact

    The Careers and Employability Centre offers a range of services to employers, including free vacancy advertising, recruitment and skills events, and facilitating work experience. You can find further information here.

    If you are interested in any of our services, please email
    Claire Colburn, Senior Placements and Work Experience Officer at the Careers and Employability Centre, or call direct on 01273 877528.

    Research and Knowledge Exchange


    The University of Sussex is well known as a highly successful, research-intensive university. There are numerous opportunities for the West Sussex Health and Life Science Cluster to access its unique research portfolio, and to discover a range of specialist knowledge resources and services. Collaborative project developments with the university are very flexible; they can be intensive R&D projects and partnerships lasting several years or medium to short-term contract work.

    Each of the following Schools has a distinct area of research excellence. Please click on the hyperlinks to access more information for each School.

    • School of Business and Management (BMEc)

             -          Department of Economics

             -          Department of  Business and Management

             -          SPRU - Science and Technology Policy Research

    • School of Engineering and Informatics

             -          Department of Engineering

             -          Department of Informatics

    • School of Life Sciences

             -         School of Life Sciences research

    • School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

             -          Department of Mathematics

             -          Department of Physics and Astronomy

    • School of Psychology

             -          School of Psychology research

    Access sources of funding

    Various funding schemes are available through UK Research Councils, Innovate UK and many other funding organisations, the University of Sussex can help you to access those most appropriate for your project. For further details email

    Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

    Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) enable organisations to improve their competitiveness, productivity and performance. KTPs help organisations to access knowledge, technology or skills from the UK's knowledge base, which includes universities, further education colleges and research and technology organisations. The University of Sussex possesses a wealth of KTP experience, and has a proven track record in aiding business development through the input of academic expertise.

    Entering into a KTP with Sussex can provide the following benefits for organisations:

    • Strategic development of products, services and organisational development
    • Financial support through grant funding
    • Having a knowledgeable graduate to carry out the project work
    • Access to university consultancy and facilities
    • Outcomes which increase commercial success of a business

    If you have a potential strategic developmental project of commercial significance which you wish to explore with the University of Sussex, please contact one of their KTP Managers on 01273 877554 or email

    Information in this offer can also be found online on the West Sussex Health and Life Sciences Cluster website.







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