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Travellers on Elm Grove Park Ordered To Leave Adur

15 May 2020 12:45 PM | Anonymous

Yesterday lunchtime travellers established an unauthorised traveller encampment on Elm Grove Park in Lancing, adjacent to Lancing Business Park.

LBP are very grateful to a business on the park who immediately notified LBP as soon as the travellers arrived. LBP have since been working with partners and businesses, as well as utilising LBP's CCTV network of 29 cameras across businesses park, to quickly address the situation and avoid impact to businesses on the park and the surrounding local residents. 

LBP are very pleased to report that Sussex Police have approved a Section 62A Public Order and the notice has been served on the travellers in Elm Grove Park. This notice instructs the travellers to move immediately and prevents them from taking occupation of any other site in Adur. 

LBP are conscious of the difficulties businesses are currently facing as a result of the pandemic and that additional issues are the last thing that businesses need at moment. This action has also helped to maintain social distancing guidance and reduce the risk of spreading the Coronavirus.

LBP would therefore like to thank Tim Loughton MP, Sussex Police, West Sussex County Council Gypsy & Traveller Team and Adur & Worthing Councils, for providing such swift and decisive action to support the businesses and residents in Lancing during this very difficult time.

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