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Tim Loughton MP November Newsletter

30 November 2017 3:32 PM | Tracie Davey

Newsletter November 2017

Dear Constituent

Welcome to the November edition of my constituency e-newsletter. As always there has been lots going on and there is much more to political life than Brexit negotiations and sex scandals at Westminster despite what the media would have us believe. I have been endeavouring to keep my head down from both and get on with my job.

I am including a brief rundown of the major features in todays' Budget which had some particularly good news for first time house buyers. Below I have given an update on where we are on the New Monks Farm development and likely way forward for another controversial major development in West Sompting. On the latter, I will come back with details soon of a public meeting I plan to hold with local councillors, following on from the popularity of a similar exercise we held over New Monks Farm in Lancing back in September.

I have also been busy over local school issues and I give details of a project I am undertaking with local parents, councillors and heads to make sure that we have  sufficient supply of secondary school places in Adur, especially given the problems we had over the over-subscription at the popular Shoreham Academy this year.

I have been increasing my output of short topical podcasts and you will find these on my Facebook page and I am trying to link them to as many local community Facebook pages as possible, so if you are an administrator on an appropriate site please do let me know.

Finally, please be aware that we are now holding our street surgeries in Worthing at different locations as our switch to supermarket venues has proved particularly popular and we had a busy time at Sainsbury’s Lyons Farm again this Saturday, so do check location details on my website.
Best wishes
Tim Loughton MP
Member of Parliament for East Worthing & Shoreham

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