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Exporting with confidence

28 September 2017 10:59 AM | Tracie Davey

Exporting with confidence - Member benefits

By Stuart Austen, Head of Trade Credit for Sutton Winson, one of the UK’s leading independent Insurance Brokers and Risk Management providers.

A business may face greater risks when exporting overseas than when it sells within the UK, as exporting brings new commercial, political and economic considerations.

The company may have little or no previous experience of dealing with either overseas customers or the political or economic uncertainties in those countries.

Credit insurance offers security and comfort to enable companies to export. It also provides access to an extensive information network, which acts as an effective early warning mechanism for

adverse customer trends. Once credit insurance is taken out, the relationship between the insurer and the business remains fluid until a claim is made, as the credit provider will be there to support the business.

Throughout the lifetime of the policy, the credit insurer will inform the business of any changes that might impact the financial health of their customers, and therefore their ability to pay for goods or delivered services. The business can then establish a plan with their customer to mitigate the risk.

As a provider of credit insurance, Sutton Winson brings experience and expertise to help Lancing Business Park members mitigate the risk of exporting. As we understand the local customs and legal environment, we can help you to export with knowledge and confidence.

T +44 (0)7469 855815

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