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Tim Loughton - General Election 2017

04 May 2017 1:29 PM | Tracie Davey

Tim Loughton - General Election 2017

As I am sure you only too aware, the Prime Minister has called a general election to be held on 8th June. Parliament will be dissolved at midnight tonight so today is my last day as a Member of Parliament for the duration of the campaign.

After today I will be putting myself forward as the Conservative Party candidate. I apologise in advance for the avalanche of campaign literature you are likely to receive from me and other candidates.

Whilst I will be spending most of the next five weeks out knocking on doors, my office will still be able to take up urgent constituency cases. My House of Commons office will be closed and I will be operating full time out of the constituency office at: 88a High Street, Shoreham-by-Sea, BN43 5DB.

For the duration of the campaign my email address will be
You can call my constituency office with any concerns or queries you may have on 01273 757182. 
My website will continue on
My Facebook page is unchanged at as is my Twitter account @TimLoughton

As I do not use my newsletter distribution list for political campaigning, I will not be producing another newsletter until after the general election if I am fortunate enough to be re-elected as your MP. You will also not receive any campaigning emails from me as a result of being on this list.

I hope you have enjoyed receiving my monthly newsletter and I hope to see you around the constituency over the next few weeks.

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