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Small Business Grant (and Apprenticeship Grant) Funding

13 April 2017 1:47 PM | Tracie Davey

Small Business Grant (and Apprenticeship Grant) Funding

Adur & Worthing Councils, in partnership with Adur and Worthing Business Partnership, are pleased to announce a new grant scheme for Small Business grants and Apprenticeship grants for micro and small businesses in the Adur and Worthing area.

Small Business Grants

The Small Business Grant is available to local micro businesses of up to 10 employees and the Councils are offering grants of up to £2,500 which you will need to match fund. For example, if you want to purchase some equipment that costs £1,500 you can apply for £750 from the grant fund and source the additional £750 needed from your own funds.

You must be able to demonstrate how the project will develop or establish your business and what difference it will make.

First - read the grant criteria information:

Then if you meet the criteria:

Apply for a Small Business Grant here

Apprenticeship Grants

The Apprenticeship Grant is available to small businesses of up to 50 employees and the Councils are offering grants of £1,500 to match funding currently available from the Government.

First - read the grant criteria information:

Then if you meet the criteria: 

Apply for an Apprenticeship Grant here

About these grants

The scheme is being delivered by the Adur & Worthing Business Partnership and businesses will be on the Awards Panel, helping to decide which applications are successful.

If you would like to discuss either of the above grants please contact:

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