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Lancing Business Park Warden's Blog - February 2017

09 March 2017 11:01 AM | Tracie Davey

Lancing Business Park Warden's Blog - February 2017

After a good couple of days walking around the park, popping into business's all over the park I have to say the overriding feeling is one of positivity. My first port of call was Shoreham Vehicle Auctions and they seem to be going from strength to strength. Had a nice chat with them and an insight into their ongoing success and the changes they're making to improve the day to day running of the company.

Walking down Spencer Road Lancing Commercials are as busy as ever and DMH Motors are just as busy too, the yard next door to them which is owned by Edburtons is full up and has a long waiting list for space as well.

Progress is also going well down at Winston Business Centre, now that the road has been done all of the units are occupied and I'm liaising with the managing agents to put funding in place for a new set of gates and security fencing to the entrance while the Lancing Business Park Committee have agreed to install cameras to monitor the site 24/7 and to say this has gone down well would be an understatement.

A business that has been a recent addition to the park is Healthy Supplies Ltd, they haven't been here to long but they've already outgrown the unit they're in so I've put them in contact with another company on the park that installs mezzanine floors so hopefully that will work out for all concerned and they are one of the friendliest business's to pop in to see, lovely bunch down there.

All in all I have to say the park is extremely busy and the feedback I get is nothing but positive, the parking situation has improved dramatically, although not perfect it's a lot better than it was and thanks to Mark Quarterly and his team the park is litter picked and road swept weekly sometimes daily if they can.

I would like to say thank you to everyone I see for all the tea's and coffee's, it is very nice to see so many friendly faces.

Mike – Lancing Business Park Warden

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