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Active Sussex Workplace Challenge - Shake it Up September

04 August 2016 12:26 PM | Tracie Davey

Shake Up September 2016

As many of you will be aware, Shake Up September is just around the corner and it's going to be a good one!

We already have an array of fantastic prizes being offered by a range of different organisations committed to getting workplaces active, with more on the way...

Thanks to Go PaintballFitbotEastbourne Leisure TrustSpin CityBoxercise BootcampInergise and Kicks for all of the great prizes.

How Do I Get Involved?   More details

If you're receiving this email then you're already signed up, which is a great start!

Next, you need to encourage the rest of your workplace to sign up and get active throughout September. The more the merrier!

Our interactive leaderboard means that you will be able to compete against yourself and others from across Sussex! Log your activity and start collecting points from September 1st.

Contact to get a leaderboard set up for your workplace!

Why Sign Up?

Studies show that active workplaces experience higher rates of productivity, less absenteeism and are generally happier!

Use September as the catalyst to getting your employees or colleagues out of their seats more often.

Active Sussex can help you to do this. Contact Leon Carter to find out

~ Active Sussex Workplace Challenge

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