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Adur Sea of Lights 26th November - Can you help?

21 July 2016 9:46 AM | Tracie Davey

Adur Sea of Lights - Starlit Story Parade!

Hello, lovely Sea of lights community.

We have set a date for this year's Parade. It will be on Saturday the 26th of November.
This year's theme is literature and our deeply loved favourite stories. We are calling the lantern parade the Starlit Story Parade because we are parading our most loved stories, through our streets and under the stars.

Here is an explanation of the theme...
All schools and groups are welcome. All you need is a favourite and well-loved story to base your lantern on. If you have any questions please do get in touch.

We are hoping this year to encourage more of our Lancing High St shops to decorate their windows and can exclusively reveal the SUDZ Dry Cleaners have already come up with a fantastic and scrublelicious design for theirs. We won't give their t

heme away but will whisper quietly that it is ... based on a Roald Dhal story. Shhhhhh... I never said anything...

Every year we ask for volunteers and this year is no different. If you have some kind of skill or any time to give us we would be really grateful. just email us at or message us through our Facebook page.

It is always wildly helpful for people to share our posts on facebook and to let everyone know our plans for the coming year.  

We will be updating our Facebook page more regularly from September.

We can't wait to really get going.
See you all soon.

The SOL team.

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