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The University of Brighton Skills and Workforce Development Offer

21 April 2016 10:44 AM | Tracie Davey


The University of Brighton Skills and Workforce Development Offer

You have told us skills and workforce development is a key challenge for companies across West Sussex, and we have committed to supporting you with this challenge helping to build workforce capacity and capability through further collaborations between local universities and industry. This second instalment is brought to you by the University of Brighton.

Placements and Internships

Student Placements

Undergraduate Placements drive talent into your business. The Undergraduate Placement Scheme offers solutions to a wide range of organisations looking for a cost effective method of attracting high calibre skilled staff that can bring new ideas, and for organisations wanting to gain a head start in graduate recruitment.

Funding for shorter internships

Santander Universities, in partnership with the University of Brighton is offering £1,500 grants to SMEs to fund a 12 week (full time equivalent) internship which is open to placement students and recent graduates from University of Brighton. 

Please contact our Business Helpdesk: Chantal Batchelor, +44 (0)1273 643 098, email for more information on student placements and shorter internships.

Careers Fair

The University of Brighton, in partnership with University of Sussex hold a careers fair every November. In 2015 the Fair was held in the Amex Stadium and received over 3000 visitors. The 2016 Careers Fair is scheduled for Wednesday 2 November 2016 and could provide an excellent opportunity for you to raise the profile of your organisation amongst undergraduates and recent graduates from across the two universities. To register your interest, please contact: Liz Vassilakes, Events Officer, Tel: (01273) 642269, Email: 

The University of Brighton’s Careers Service offers a range of services to employers, including free vacancy advertising, recruitment events, and support with finding a graduate intern.

If you are interested in any of our services, please contact the Careers Service on Tel: 01273 64 2844; Email:

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