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Tim Loughton Newsletter - March 2016

07 April 2016 10:36 AM | Tracie Davey

Tim Loughton Newsletter - March 2016

Dear Constituent

Welcome to the Easter edition of my constituency e-newsletter and I hope you are gearing up for a relaxing break. It has been a very busy time politically with a not very well handled Budget and the subsequent resignation of the DWP Secretary Iain Duncan Smith. I posted a response to the many emails I received about welfare reform on my website along with other circulars. I have also included a brief run-down on the Budget highlights in this newsletter too.

On the international front the recent terrorist outrage in Brussels underlines the importance for us all to be vigilant and the vital and professional work that our police and intelligence services do to keep us safe and reduce the threat of similar attacks happening in the UK. When visiting Europol in Amsterdam with the Home Affairs Select Committee last month I saw the valuable working going on with intelligence sharing including our partners from across the Atlantic and beyond too. Just today I spent the morning at the Counter Intelligence Unit at Scotland Yard to see the incredibly challenging job they are doing there to deal with Daesh alone. 

The main theme of recent street surgeries has been the forthcoming EU referendum and I have been handing out Vote Leave literature having come out firmly for that side of the debate. (Other opinions are available from other colleagues!) I have now arranged 2 further ‘Talk to Tim’ meetings in Findon Valley and Southwick in April where I will focus on the Referendum but I have also been asked to participate in a  number of other hustings with representatives from both sides and I will post details of them on my website when they have been confirmed. Certainly I do not think there will be any lack of opportunities to talk about the EU over coming months. Also don’t forget my Pensioners Fair on April 22
nd in Worthing.

Click here to read more..

Best wishes
Tim Loughton MP
Member of Parliament for East Worthing & Shoreham

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