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Tim Loughton Newsletter - February 2016

03 March 2016 10:58 AM | Tracie Davey

Tim Loughton Newsletter - February 2016

Dear Constituent

Welcome to the February edition of my constituency e-newsletter and apologies for its length but there is a lot going on and I have been receiving record amounts of email in particular. I am also pleased to announce that my main website has received a makeover and now contains more information than ever and I hope is simple to navigate. Have a look for yourself here: There are a number of archived items still to be migrated across but all the current information you need should be here.

You will notice that I am increasingly using video podcasts on topical local and national issues to get across a quick message about my position and up to date details. I will be collating these all in one place shortly on my Tell Tim website where there will also be more details about the series of ‘Talk to Tim’ meetings I have been holding and where you can respond to the various questions raised and surveys. That site will also be getting a makeover.

I have also enhanced my presence on social media and routinely post a lot of information on my Facebook page here: which is obviously interactive and seems to reach a wider audience and where I can often link to more detailed information on my main website. If you do not follow me already then I also post updates on my Twitter account @TimLoughton.

The main news of the month has of course been the announcement that we are to hold the long anticipated EU referendum on 23 June 2016. I have set out my own position for voting to Leave on my website and Facebook page and look forward to debating this very important constitutional issue with constituents over the coming weeks and months.

An important event taking place this month in Parliament is of course the Chancellor's annual Budget. This year's Budget will be announced by the Chancellor on 16 March 2016. I am sure the statement will be as well publicised and covered as ever and I am sure you will all have many questions to ask, which I am perfectly happy to answer for you.

As usual if there is anything you would like to see included in future issues then please do let me know.
Best wishes

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