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Tim Loughton Parliamentary Newsletter - October 2015

05 November 2015 10:54 AM | Tracie Davey

Tim Loughton Parliamentary Newsletter - October 2015

Welcome to the October 2015 edition of my constituency e-newsletter. As I predicted, the last few weeks, since Parliament returned, have been full of lively debates, none more so than the debate over reforms to tax credits. Not surprisingly, I have been extensively lobbied on the subject and you can find 
my response on my website. We also had a rather frank debate on the so-called ‘tampon tax’ where a lot of people seem to have been in possession of only half the story so I have recorded a video podcast to explain what actually happened.

In the same vein, I have started a new series of regular podcasts on very topical issues given an instant viewpoint in just 2 minutes. You can find my ‘2 Minute Tim’ broadcasts, here:

Looking ahead, I have been chairing a working group that has been putting a lot of work into organising the formal Shoreham Air Crash Memorial Service at Lancing College Chapel. Given most of the places will be taken by families of the victims and members of the emergency services and first respondents, so it will not be possible to offer places to the public at large.

However BBC Radio Sussex will be broadcasting the service live, so people will be able to listen to the proceedings, and perhaps churches and other local groups will want to arrange events around the time of the service.

As always, I value your feedback on what you would like to see included in future issues.

Best wishes

Tim Loughton MP
Member of Parliament for East Worthing & Shoreham

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