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Tim Loughton's Parliamentary Newsletter

21 May 2015 10:53 AM | Tracie Davey
Tim Loughton's Parliamentary Newsletter
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Parliamentary Newsletter - May 2015

Dear Residents,

I am delighted to have been re-elected as the MP for East Worthing & Shoreham at the General Election on May 7th. The full results are given below and I am particularly honoured to have received the highest share of the vote since the constituency was formed in 1997. Thank you to everyone for your support.
As always it is my intention to repay that trust by continuing to focus on the issues that matter to people most in our constituency and by providing a strong voice for Sussex people in Parliament. Top of the list of local issues will of course be seeing through the improvements to the A27 and this was a hot topic during the election campaign with the suggestion that an alternative government might delay the scheme. I will also continue to fight to make sure that our popular Worthing Hospital remains one of the best and safest in the country able to look after the growing demands of our growing population. Another priority will be to continue to fight against inappropriate and excessive development on some of our sensitive remaining areas of open space and on Worthing seafront, and for long overdue regeneration in Southwick and Lancing centres in particular.
In Parliament one of the most important pledges of the new Government was to deliver an In/Out referendum on our future membership of the EU and I look forward to delivering on that pledge and provoking a lively debate on the merits of the options facing us.
Above all I want to remain an MP deeply engaged in the community accessible to local people. The day after the election result I resumed my latest street surgery in a very wet Shoreham Farmer's Market and I will post details of our regular round of street surgeries on my website and in this monthly email as usual. Please remember that I am here for all my constituents however you voted or whether you are too young to vote. If you think I can help then it is easy to contact me and I will be delighted to hear from you.

The new Government will lay out what it wants to do in the coming Parliamentary year at the Queen's Speech on Wednesday 27th May and I will include a report in next month's newsletter.

Kind regards,


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