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A27 Feasibility Study Publication

19 March 2015 9:31 AM | Tracie Davey
A27 Feasibility Study Publication

We welcome the publication, by the Government, of the A27 Corridor Feasibility Study.  It is important that everyone is able to access and understand the work that was completed last year.  We are currently considering the Study and its findings.

West Sussex County Council, as part of A27 Action, helped inform the Department for Transport’s work through participation in its Reference Group alongside other stakeholders.

A27 Action received submissions regarding the need to improve the A27 from businesses, residents and local parish councils.  Ministers were receptive to this engagement and the views expressed in a coherent way for the Department to take account of.

The Government took on board all of the views received.  We thank Ministers for taking the time to visit the County and for listening to the concerns and suggestions for improvements.

The Feasibility Study has identified improvement options.  The detail in the Feasibility Study sets out the Department for Transport’s conclusions in accordance with its standard transport appraisal techniques.

These options will now be subject to more detailed technical work to ensure they will achieve the Government’s objectives.

We recognise there is a lot of detail to consider but we are committed to involving residents, businesses, Borough and District Councils and the Local Enterprise Partnership.

The study sets out that further work is required on the detail of the most feasible options.  Once this has been completed, those options will be published for formal consultation.

We will ensure that the consultation will invite views in relation to sustainable transport measures to complement investment along the A27.

West Sussex County Council looks forward to working with all stakeholders, particularly Highways England, in investing in the strategic road network in the County.

We welcome the Government’s Study as part of the long-term economic plan to boost investment in the strategic road network.

The Government’s commitment helps to ensure that a strong and diverse economy can grow in West Sussex


The feasibility study published by the Government is set out in a series of technical reports is currently available here -

To understand the feasibility study for the A27, please follow these links to find a short overview and leaflet -

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