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Can you help with the Adur Festival?

19 February 2015 11:14 AM | Tracie Davey

Can you help with the Adur Festival?

Could be involved in the 2015 Adur Festival which runs from 30th May to 14th June.

Adur Festival is a not-for-profit, open access event that celebrates Adur’s community and identity. The festival aims to foster innovation and creativity, generate a greater sense of community in Adur, and benefit the reputation, economy and regeneration of the district.

The festival is a real local effort, involving hundreds of local volunteers and receiving funding from Adur District Council, Sompting Big Local and Sussex Community Foundation. This year, with the growing success of the festival we have also been able to secure national Arts Council funding. This helps us to employ a dedicated Marketing Assistant to raise our profile across Sussex and the whole country, meaning that this year is set to be the best attended festival ever.

With all eyes on Adur we want to make sure that everyone in our community can enjoy a fantastic celebration and put on a great show. We are looking for businesses like yours to help us through sponsorship and advertising in our brochure, full details of our advertising opportunities are available here, but in brief;

  • £50 Pays for materials for an arts workshop in a local school.
£120 Places an artist in a local school to help children learn new skills and create work for the festival.
£800 Brings an internationally acclaimed performer to Adur as part of our free street party weekend.
£2000 Helps us commission two local artists to make new artworks especially for the people of Adur.

In return we're offering logo and advertising space in 25,000 programmes which will be printed and distributed in and around the local area.  Large outdoor banners and bus stop posters will be on display for a month and our Marketing Assistant will be spreading the word far and wide. As a local business park we hope that you’ll see the benefits to your business, your tenants and your community of getting involved. It also might interest you to know that businesses can also register special events as part of the festival.

Please do get in touch if you would like to know more, either from myself or Festival Coordinator Mella Faye Punchard, our details are below.

Amelia Bird
Adur Festival Fundraiser
07929 895459

Mella Faye Punchard
Adur Festival Coordinator
07719 425010

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