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Grants Available - Be the Business programme for 2014-2015

04 December 2014 10:39 AM | Tracie Davey

Grants Available - Be the Business programme for 2014-2015

Following the success of the first round of the Be the Business start and grow grants, West Sussex County Council are pleased to announce that they have invested further in the Be the Business programme for 2014-2015. A pot of £180,000 is available to help businesses to start-up and to grow in West Sussex.

This programme is for start-ups, early-stage companies (1-2 years) and for established and growing businesses in West Sussex where, if applicable, the business rates are/will be paid. Businesses planning to relocate in West Sussex are also eligible but if successful, the grant will only be paid after relocation has taken place. The programme is open to micro and Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) in West Sussex.

Applicants will be required to provide at least 50% of the total project costs as match-funding. The business proposal must be linked to the creation or safeguarding of jobs in West Sussex.

This year, 50% of the funding available will be dedicated to specific sectors we wish to encourage to come forward with their ideas, particularly to submit bids with other businesses in the same sector to address problems they have in common.

These sectors are:

  • Manufacturing, particularly linked to healthcare, aviation or marine industry
  • Low carbon and renewable technologies
  • Tourism and local food
  • Care
  • Land based businesses

The remaining 50% of the fund will be open to applications from all sectors. Please note we reserve the right to change these allocations depending on demand.

The maximum amount of grant that can be requested for any individual project is £25,000. The maximum amount that can be requested for any sector project submitted in consortium is £75,000. Only sector projects can be submitted in consortium.

The list below gives some examples of the type of activities which could be eligible for grants:

  • Purchase of machinery and equipment
  • Premises refurbishment/expansion
  • Feasibility work relating to business expansion
  • Development and implementation of business strategies to improve sales and commercial performance
  • Knowledge transfer-related activities
  • Product development
  • Efficiency improvements

For more information please visit

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