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LBP members share their career experiences with Sir Robert Woodard Academy Students

13 November 2014 12:46 PM | Tracie Davey

Last month four members from Lancing Business Park spoke to Sir Robert Woodard Academy students about their different careers and career journeys.

Sir Robert Woodard Academy (SRWA) recently asked if any member from Lancing Business Park would like to come in to the academy to speak to our students regarding their current career and their career journey.  SRWA feel it is important to ask people from the local community as they have a greater understanding of the realities of employment on offer within the area. 

They were as follows;

Martin Osmond - Mobility, Martin spoke about the importance of planning and
preparation and how this applies at an early age, he was able to give clear
examples of how he had demonstrated this in the past.

Elaine Smith  - Bennett-Griffin Smith, Elaine spoke about her time at school
and the route she had taken which had led her to her current career, which
is a partner in a solicitors practice.  Elaine was very honest about her
journey and dispelled many myths the students had regarding solicitors.

Alan Tucker - Core Cleaning, Alan had a planned career but due to an
accident he had to change his career, he spoke of how he started his own
business.  Alan showed that with hard work and determination you are able to
achieve your desired goal.

Jenny Guy - Sussex Transport,
Jenny works in HR, she was able to stress to
the students the importance of what an employer is looking for, she spoke
about CV's, how to prepare for interviews.  Jenny shared with the students
the different roles she had prior to her current position.

All of the people who came in to speak to the students all had one common
theme and that is, they have all had different careers before working in
their current roles and all of them said they had wished they had worked
harder at school. 

The majority of students plan or speak of one career, they do not realise
that they may have numerous roles before they eventually work in a specific
area.  Students also need to take into consideration that the job they may
eventually end up working in, may not yet be invented. By local employers
coming in and speaking to the students we hope to raise students awareness
and expose the realities of what they may have to encounter once they have
left here.

SRWA would like to thank everyone who came in and spoke to the students, it
was a daunting experience for them, in the respect that the talks took place
first thing in the morning to a group of 30 students whose ages range from
11 - 18.  Saying this, even though the students may not be interested in any
of the careers, it gives them an understanding of what is required of them,
no matter what career path they choose to pursue.

If anyone would like to share their experiences with the students, SRWA would
be most grateful for your time, if you are available from 8:50 - 9:10 on a
Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, please can you contact me

Kind regards
Anne Morley
Careers Mentor

The Sir Robert Woodard Academy
Upper Boundstone Lane
BN15 9QZ

Phone: 01903 767434 Ext 719
Direct: 01903 875543

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