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A27 Action Campaign Survey

03 July 2014 10:19 AM | Tracie Davey

A27 Action Campaign Survey

Business Park was represented by several businesses at the event at Worthing College and pledged support.

At the event, businesses told us they want to see investment to improve the A27.

Understanding how your business is affected is the key to persuading the Government to invest along the route.

The A27 Action Group invites your views. We would like you to complete a short survey. It should take ten minutes and is available at the below link

In order to participate, you may either:



Click on this link





Copy-paste the entire following link between quote marks (NOT including the quote marks) in a web browser
" "





Click on the following URL and enter the login information provided below:

The survey will ask brief questions about..

  •   your business
  •   how the A27 affects your ability to compete
  •   your perception of road performance
  •   about the impact on business travel
  •   about the impact on business travel costs

It is important to remember this survey will focus on the impact of your business during working hours.

Further work will be done to ensure the impact upon employees will be collected separately.

Thank you for your participation in advance.


The Research Team of the A27 Action Group

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If you prefer not to receive future reminders about this survey, please click here.
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