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15 November 2012 9:39 AM | Tracie Davey
The Recycling Trial undertaken by Lancing Business Park for wood collection is due to finish on 28th November 2012.  This has been a popular service with some very encouraging results and is assisting UK Central Government target of generating electrical energy from renewable sources.

Adur & Worthing Council Services will continue to offer the service but charges will be made to the individual business for the amounts of wood collected.  The price for pallet collections are set out below.  For all other requests, prices will be quoted on an individual basis.

For efficient logistics of the collection round, all requests will need to be submitted accurately via email to  If in doubt, please contact the Commercial Waste Team for further advice on 01273 263050.  The price will be agreed prior to collection or a visit will be arranged to give a non obligatory quote.  

For standard sized pallets the following prices apply:

Up to 5 pallets  = £12
5 to 10 pallets   = £25
11 to 30 pallets = £65
30 to 45 pallets = £105 (this equates to a full transit load)

These prices are subject to change, should the tariff for wood disposal vary.

For charges for other items or general enquires please do not hesitate to contact the Commercial Waste Team. 

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