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This year's LBP Big Clean was delivered on Sunday 8th January 2023, as Christmas Day and New Year's Day both fell on Sundays this year.

Unfortunately the weather was unkind to start the day with heavy rain and strong winds, but the Team just worked through. Luckily the weather cleared by 8am, with minimal rain for the rest of the day and spookily the torrential rain returned minutes after the Team had finished.  

LBP would like to thank businesses for their wonderful support in clearing the park of so many vehicles this year. Only two LBP related vehicles were left on the park and three vehicles unrelated to businesses on the park with valid tax and mot. LBP are now monitoring these three vehicles and aim to clear them as soon as possible to free up parking for businesses on the park. Having the park so clear enabled the Team to provide a comprehensive deep clean of all the public highways across the business park.

LBP would also like to thank Mike Nea of CJS Landscapes Ltd for his hard work on the day, along with the Adur & Worthing Council Services Team pictured below. 

Pictured below are Wayne Gary and Chris from AWCS

Please click the links below to view the slideshow photos from this year's LBP Big Clean:

·         2022 LBP Big Clean - Blenheim Road

·         2022 LBP Big Clean - Chartwell Road

·         2022 LBP Big Clean - Commerce Way

·         2022 LBP Big Clean - Marlborough Road

·         2022 LBP Big Clean - Peter Road

·         2022 LBP Big Clean - Spencer Road

·         2022 LBP Big Clean - Winston Business Centre


On Thursday 13th October, 15 business teams took part in the 2022 LBP Charity Golf Day at Worthing Golf Club.

LBP's objectives for the day were to provide a healthy, enjoyable and informal day to help connect businesses together, support teambuilding and encourage inter-park trading, whilst raising invaluable funds for LBP’s Charity of the Year.

COVID and now the cost-of-living crisis have resulted in charities facing extremely difficult times and therefore this year the LBP Connect Project was combined with this event to support Adur Special Needs Project and raise awareness of this local charity.

Pouring rain was forecast throughout the day, but luckily held off to enable all the teams to make the most of the Vardon Course. It was great to see the mix of abilities in the teams and how light heartedly the teams played. Each team received a course visit from LBP and ASNP with top-up refreshments, whilst ensuring disruption was equally distributed across all the teams. One team pretty much all ended up in the bunker during their team visit, which made the day even more amusing for everyone involved.

After enjoying the round of golf and being so grateful to remain pretty much dry, the teams reluctantly handed in their score cards, but only after making the most of the mulligans purchased to write off bad scores. Worthing Golf Club then served an exceptional three course meal for all to enjoy.

Then on to the informalities which commenced with Lawrence Boon, LBP Director and MD of Fizz Creations warming up the crowd with a very amusing session of Heads and Tails. Followed by a humorous speech from Damian Pulford, LBP Chairman and MD of Sussex Transport and the prize-giving, which ensured all abilities were well rewarded for their efforts. To help boost fund raising, players kindly paid to entered competitions such Nearest to the Pin and The Champagne Putt. with LBP also proudly awarding two players for amassing the highest number of 8 shots during their round. 

Once all the prizes were announced, Matt Bolton, Worthing Golf Club's Operations Manager skilfully MC'd the LBP Charity Auction. LBP must thank all the businesses who generously donated amazing auction lots, from the opportunity of a lifetime to play at Wentworth, to England Rugby tickets and 4 balls for Worthing GC, Goodwood GC and even Footgolf at Benfield. There was a Corporate Sponsorship Package at Worthing FC, Brighton Hove Albion 1901 tickets, Worthing Raiders Match Day League Lunch tickets and even Tim Loughton MP donated Tea For Two with Tim at the Houses of Parliament.

Matt ensured businesses dug dip deep to secure these auction lots and we are so pleased to confirm by the end of the day Adur Special Needs Project was £4,867 better off.

Heidi and Jon Rush from Adur Special Needs Project co-hosted the event and would like to say:

'On behalf of the Trustees, team, families and children of our Charity, Adur Special Needs Project (ASNP), I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who attended last week’s LBP Charity Golf Day at Worthing Golf Club. You helped to raise a whopping £4,867 for the Charity. These funds will enable us to run the four play sessions for 20 children at a time. Your generosity and enthusiasm on the day was truly heart-warming.

As I mentioned on the day, we are a truly local Charity. All the children, employees and Trustees are based in and around Adur and Worthing.  Our children are aged between 5 – 15 all of whom suffer from a range of learning, educational and physical disabilities. As a charity our aim and objective is to:

1. Provide a safe environment where the children can play safely on a 1:2:1 supervised basis;

2. Provide respite time for the families; and

3. Provide training and employment for all ages of people who wish to work in the care sector.

On Thursday 13th October 2022, you have helped us achieve these aims.

On a final note, and never one to miss an opportunity to ask a favour, we are always looking for volunteers, business sponsors and fundraisers. If you would like to see what the Charity does for yourselves, you would be welcome to come to a play session and see how we operate. Or if you would like to know more about the Charity, you can find details on our website by clicking here, or join our Facebook group by clicking here  or simply contact me by clicking here 

Once again, a big thank you and we look forward to seeing you in the near future.

Heidi Rush, Chair'

To view a list of the attendees for the day please click here

LBP would like to thank everyone who kindly supported this event including LBP Businesses, Sponsors and Partners, along with ASNP Supporters. LBP appreciate that everyone's good humour and generosity helped to make this such a successful day and were so pleased to receive so many thank you messages including the following:

'Quick note to say thank you for a great day yesterday. Enjoyed the company, the golf, the food and particularly the speeches! Had fun and made some new contacts, so congratulations on achieving your objectives. Thanks again'


Thankfully Sunday 9th January 2022 was a dry day and enabled WSCC Highways contractors to commence implementation of the LBP Community Highway Scheme, alongside the LBP Big Clean whilst the park was clear of as many vehicles as possible. 


The main aim for Sunday 9th January was to install the 3 new areas of HGV waiting/ loading bays, providing 5 artic sized spaces for HGVs to park whilst waiting to load/unload for businesses across the park. This essential new measure has been designed to remove the need to HGVs to park on pavements whilst waiting to access sites, thus removing access, pedestrian and junction obstructions across the park. All 3 loading bay area have been restricted to HGV one hour waiting, between 6am and 6pm to ensure they are available throughout the day.  Already we are seeing huge improvements as HGV get used to this new provision.

Please see below photos from the day to show how the bays were created and where they are located.

We are pleased to confirm that the loading bay signage was installed on Friday 21st January 2022, ensuring the bays are now fully operational and subject to enforcement action by the Traffic Wardens. We ask that businesses please share these bays by sticking to the one hour restriction, to keep the business park flowing throughout the day and to avoid the need for HGVs to wait on pavements.

To view a map of the new loading bay locations please click here


51 highway issues have been highlighted across the park since the 2019 LBP Highway Consultation was launched, many regarding blocked accesses and junction visibility. A key aim of the LBP Community Highway Scheme was to consolidate many of the issues, to identify areas which would benefit from additional double yellow lines to remove the issues raised. LBP worked in partnership with WSCC Highways to review each of the issues and determine where best to implement new double yellow lines, whilst balancing the need to retain parking spaces across the park. 

WSCC Highways then invested considerable officer time and budget to gain court approval, to amend the Traffic Regulation Orders on the business park for the revised scheme.  As a result, on Sunday 9th January 2022 new double yellow lines were painted in Commerce Way, Chartwell Road and Marlborough Road to remove access and junction obstructions. LBP can confirm that these new double yellow lines are now enforceable by the Traffic Wardens and we ask businesses to please not park over these lines. 


On Sunday 9th January 2022, the contractors also removed various areas of double yellow lines in Chartwell Road, Marlborough Road and Blenheim Road to create new parking spaces to help counteract the new double yellow lines being implemented. The business park has a history of suffering from a lack of parking spaces which LBP has been working hard to address, by ensuring abandoned vehicles are quickly removed from the park and identifying vehicles parked long-term, especially those which are unrelated to LBP businesses. It was therefore key for LBP to work with WSCC Highways to identify areas which could be bought back into use under the LBP Community Highway Scheme, to provide replacement car parking across the park.

The LBP Community Highway Scheme has also provided a one hour non-HGV waiting bay for 3 cars/vans in Chartwell Road just prior to the Spencer Road junction. LBP asks that businesses please retain this bay for non-HGV use to enable cars and vans to wait when needed.



Another key issue highlighted in the 2019 LBP Highway Consultation was the danger and issues caused by vehicles driving the wrong way around the Chartwell Road one-way system, often coming face to face with HGVs causing crashes and blocking the road. Chartwell Road has a constant flow of vehicles and was designated a one-way system to ensure safe and flowing traffic, to service the numerous businesses who use this access. Visitors and deliveries to the park are frequently found to be travelling the wrong way, as they miss the one-way highway signs.

WSCC Highways kindly extended the LBP Community Highway Scheme to include white painted directional arrows in the middle of Chartwell Road at each access point, to clearly warn vehicles of the mandatory direction of travel. With confusion now removed and clear guidance visible, LBP are now able to use their network of 30 CCTV cameras to record vehicles travelling the wrong way and pass this information for action to be taken. We ask that all motorist please help to keep the business park safe and accessible by adhering to the Chartwell Road one-way system and avoid the need for action to be taken.


LBP are very grateful that WSCC Highways extended the LBP Community Scheme to include repainting all the junctions across the park to assist with the one-way issues and safety concerns, especially considering that Learner Drivers start and end their driving tests on the park. WSCC Highways contractors undertook these works in the week following the 9th January 2022 and also repainted the disabled bay in Commerce Way.


To help ensure safety on the business park, WSCC Highways also included a full refresh of the existing double yellow lines on public highways across the park. These works have been phased over the last few months in preparation for the LBP Community Highway Scheme and were completed on 20th January 2022.

The Community Highway Scheme is now complete and represents three years of partnership working and support from partners and WSCC Highways.

LBP would like to thank:

  • LBP businesses for sharing their highway issues and helping to identify solutions.
  • Cllr. Ann Bridges for finding the time to tour the business park, appreciate business highway issues and support LBP in raising awareness of the need for change.
  • WSCC Highways for:
    • Understanding the impact these issues had on LBP businesses and safety on the business park
    • Working with LBP to identify long-term solutions
    • Supporting business operations and growth by funding and resourcing the LBP Community Highway Scheme
    • Extending the LBP Community Highway Scheme to provide a comprehensive improvement to safety on the business park
    • Their continued support.
  • WSCC Highways Contractors - 
    • Landbuild Ltd for wonderfully managing the project implementation 
    • Central Line Marketing for their understanding and hard work.

If you would like to view the LBP Community Highway Scheme Consultation details please click here

If you would like to discuss anything contained within this project please call Suzy Bastable, LBP BID Manager on 07584 503729

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